Episode 18

September 11, 2023


EP. 18 I Know a Guy

Hosted by

Jordy Hake Michael Petete Samuel Sarver Abby Fincher Michael Jenkins Sven Nerness
EP. 18 I Know a Guy
The Written and The Lost
EP. 18 I Know a Guy

Sep 11 2023 | 01:11:12


Show Notes

Tensions mounting for both groups, the party seeks expert help to get to the bottom of things.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:05] Speaker A: You are listening to an Atomic Broadcasting production. [00:00:08] Speaker B: So sit back, relax, and enjoy the feature presentation. [00:00:13] Speaker C: And remember, do your part, such as, like, comment rate. [00:00:17] Speaker A: And don't forget to tell a friend to tune in for an atomic time. [00:00:30] Speaker D: Now, where did we leave? Ah, yes. Zapir met with UVair and Neros to discuss the rumor of a coming threat to Joel's safety at the library. Alward tried his psychic powers on Hamir's chalice, only to see Hamir at his father's murder. Alward snapped, and Hamir found himself trapped in Alwood's psychic mindscape for a duel. [00:01:05] Speaker E: Every conversation eventually leads back to cannibalism. [00:01:07] Speaker F: I really hope you clicked play right when you said, I love cannibalism. [00:01:10] Speaker B: If I had to pick an Ism, I'd probably go down the cannibalism out. [00:01:14] Speaker A: What other isms are there? I mean, there's organisms. [00:01:20] Speaker B: The Ism song. Racism. [00:01:23] Speaker A: Racism. [00:01:24] Speaker E: Let's not go down that path. [00:01:26] Speaker A: A giant song starts with racism, feminism, racism, feminism. [00:01:32] Speaker B: Totalitarianism, totalitarianism feudalism capitalism. Australianism mortalism animism, nihilism animation, nihilism sadism immaterialism. [00:01:46] Speaker G: The doctrine that there is no material substance and it's all just a projection of your mind. [00:01:50] Speaker E: Like pathfinder. [00:01:52] Speaker A: Whoa. [00:01:53] Speaker G: Or like a psychic duel. [00:01:55] Speaker B: Let's just get into it. [00:01:57] Speaker E: Today the game. [00:01:58] Speaker B: I got this. I got this, guys. Ladies and gentlemen, add echo Effect. Welcome to the show. We've gathered here together to watch two awkward friends who might hate each other. One man who has the father of another inside of him, inside his head. One man. One man haunted by the father of the other. The other confused by visions he was given by a chalice, by a cup. A cup, if you will. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, live from the mindscape, a psychic tool. [00:02:54] Speaker F: All right, Jordy. Now it's your job to cut to the tavern. [00:02:56] Speaker B: It's over to you, Jordy. [00:02:59] Speaker D: Thanks, Mumbra. [00:03:03] Speaker F: Oh, please, never bring the mumbra voice on here. [00:03:06] Speaker B: I didn't mean to get into that. We just cut the two of them. [00:03:09] Speaker A: In the library, just staring at each other. [00:03:11] Speaker F: We're outside of the library. [00:03:13] Speaker A: Outside of the library, staring at each other. [00:03:16] Speaker G: A passerby might just see two figures just frozen, staring straight ahead on the steps of the library. However, inside their minds, there seems to be a great deal more activity going on, as we saw the world falling away, the steps disappearing, just replaced with this blank white expanse. As Alward turns to face Hamir, his face filled with anger. And as we ended last session, alward demanded a roll for initiative. This is a psychic duel. [00:03:50] Speaker B: Okay, so I need to pick my skill right now. [00:03:53] Speaker F: Yeah. So while we're rolling, why don't you explain a bit? [00:03:56] Speaker D: So. [00:04:00] Speaker G: In a duel situation, things shake up a little bit, since it's going to be just two participants instead of a party and a monster, or several monsters. And each participant will actually roll initiative each round. So there is the potential that someone could go back to back as they went last this previous round and then first on the second round, participants can change which skill they're rolling for initiative to gain additional bonuses. [00:04:27] Speaker D: All that being said, this is going. [00:04:29] Speaker G: To be a psychic duel and everything is going to actually be happening within the mindscape of these two participants. Everything that will be occurring will be manifestations of their imagination or their willpower as they try to impose their own force of mind on the other. Gentlemen, what are your initiative roles? [00:04:52] Speaker F: 824 big oofs. [00:04:57] Speaker G: It appears that Hamir will be going first. [00:05:00] Speaker B: What are we doing here? Outward? Is this really what you want to do? [00:05:06] Speaker F: It's not my turn. I can't. [00:05:07] Speaker B: You can talk to me. [00:05:08] Speaker C: It's okay. [00:05:09] Speaker B: We're in our minds. It happens at this thought. [00:05:12] Speaker F: That is true. You killed my father. [00:05:20] Speaker B: I didn't want to. [00:05:21] Speaker C: But you did. [00:05:23] Speaker B: I know. And it haunts me every day. [00:05:29] Speaker F: I have nothing more to say. I'm angry. You killed my father. [00:05:33] Speaker B: I imagine you look like you're going to fight, so I will act faster. I just didn't want to get her standing there. And I'm like, oh, we're out of your head. [00:05:41] Speaker A: I'm going to beat you. [00:05:42] Speaker F: Let me just beat you to a pole. [00:05:45] Speaker B: All right, if this is what you want. I'm going to open with exploit vulnerability to give you a weakness to me. So make an Esoteric lore against your standard DC. You're a level three creature. So level three creature, standard DC. [00:06:02] Speaker F: It would actually be, I think, against my will DC. [00:06:05] Speaker G: In this context, it's a standard DC of your level because of Esoteric 29 thing critical success. [00:06:12] Speaker B: Does he have any weakness? If I was unity or anything like. [00:06:16] Speaker F: That, I was level 20. This would be a bad choice for me to do. [00:06:19] Speaker B: I assume you don't have Eddie. [00:06:22] Speaker F: No. [00:06:22] Speaker B: So I will use personal antithesis, though I'm getting my chains starting to flail. They look so much longer than they've ever been as they're like, going off and they flail around your father, picking up some of his essence, and then I'm going to hit you with it. [00:06:45] Speaker F: You told me you expect descriptive stuff. [00:06:48] Speaker B: I just did. Okay, that was descriptive. You because you're a psychic. Okay, me, I'm still using what I know. [00:06:58] Speaker C: I'm still just a guy. [00:07:00] Speaker B: I'm just a guy. I'm just a man talking to another man in his head. In his head, trying to beat him to death. [00:07:12] Speaker G: T shirt. [00:07:13] Speaker B: I guess I'll just open with an attack. Do I need to do anything in regards to what I rolled for initiative? [00:07:21] Speaker F: So you'll use do I need to. [00:07:22] Speaker B: Say what I did? [00:07:23] Speaker G: So your initiative. [00:07:25] Speaker B: Okay, so I can play this in a fun way. I use my rational labyrinth and call up a foe's memory of being lost. Block access to your mind with mathematical equations. Levy your requirement for legalistic precision. So I'm going to draw upon the memory of you as a child when you knew your dad wasn't coming back and you felt lost as a person. [00:07:51] Speaker F: Yeah. Just make me more angry. [00:07:53] Speaker B: I'm not fine. I'm playing this where I'm not as intentional about this. [00:07:57] Speaker F: You're fine. [00:07:58] Speaker B: It's okay. Because I used occultism, I used my Esoteric lore to create a rational labyrinth that my chains are flowing down the different paths in the labyrinths coming at you. [00:08:11] Speaker G: So the rational labyrinth is actually a defensive maneuver. [00:08:15] Speaker B: I know. [00:08:16] Speaker D: Okay. [00:08:16] Speaker B: But it makes it cool to do it as part of the attack. [00:08:18] Speaker D: Okay. [00:08:19] Speaker G: Just making sure you knew that you weren't using your reaction here, right? [00:08:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:22] Speaker F: Okay. [00:08:23] Speaker B: Pull up my weapon. [00:08:24] Speaker A: Here. [00:08:26] Speaker B: 28 to hit. [00:08:30] Speaker G: That'll be against your will. DC. Since this is a psychic duel that probably hit. [00:08:34] Speaker F: Let's see if it was a crit. It was not a crit, but it did hit. [00:08:39] Speaker B: Okay, you have a better than eight. Yeah, that makes all of mine are eight. Right now you have nine. I was one off. Okay. Ten damage. [00:08:51] Speaker F: Oof, that hurt. I'm going to go ahead and use my reaction. [00:08:57] Speaker A: Wait. [00:08:58] Speaker G: I would like to make something clear because I literally just noticed this and only says it once so that it's easy to miss. [00:09:03] Speaker F: Okay. [00:09:04] Speaker G: If you use your reaction, you lose your psychic center and you have to recenter to be able to do another reaction later. [00:09:09] Speaker F: Okay, that's fine. [00:09:11] Speaker D: Okay. [00:09:12] Speaker F: Making sure this is probably the best time for me to use it. [00:09:17] Speaker G: All right, resume caster. [00:09:19] Speaker B: Resume. [00:09:20] Speaker F: Yes. I'm going to use my reaction. I'm going to use my reaction. And with how you described it, he's going to take two damage. [00:09:31] Speaker A: Yes. [00:09:31] Speaker G: Okay. [00:09:32] Speaker B: Oh, what's that called? [00:09:34] Speaker F: It's called ire's spear. But how I'm imagining it is as your chains come and hit me, they sort of phase through me. And wherever I got hit, you would feel that on your back in the same location. [00:09:47] Speaker B: Don't make this so hard. Just stop this now. [00:09:50] Speaker C: You killed my father. [00:09:52] Speaker B: We can talk about it. [00:09:54] Speaker C: I don't think the time to talk was a long I tried to talk. [00:09:58] Speaker F: To you now told me sooner been like, hey, maybe I was the instrumental. [00:10:03] Speaker B: Who was you did not. I tried. You think this is easy for me? [00:10:13] Speaker F: Seven that critically fails. [00:10:16] Speaker B: That's the end of my turn. [00:10:19] Speaker F: I am then going to cast something at you. Okay. What's your will save duc 18. Does he need to know what I rolled beforehand or does he have to use my reaction? [00:10:36] Speaker G: I don't believe he would know the results of your role first. [00:10:39] Speaker F: Okay. [00:10:39] Speaker B: Oh, really? [00:10:40] Speaker G: Trigger your opponent uses a psychic manifestation against you. [00:10:44] Speaker B: Okay, cool. [00:10:45] Speaker F: So do you want to use it now or no? [00:10:46] Speaker C: No. [00:10:47] Speaker F: Okay. I rolled an 18. So meets it beats it. [00:10:50] Speaker B: Okay. [00:10:51] Speaker F: As a tiny little pebble from the sky starts to slowly fall and it gets faster and faster. As it gets faster, it expands rapidly. [00:11:00] Speaker B: Cool. [00:11:00] Speaker F: Crushing you for. [00:11:08] Speaker B: This. Is this a cantrip? [00:11:10] Speaker D: Yes. [00:11:13] Speaker B: Why does it do so much damage? [00:11:15] Speaker F: Because it's amped. [00:11:17] Speaker B: Oh, you're amping it. [00:11:18] Speaker F: 21 damage. Okay, I'm bloody, and then I'm going to refocus. [00:11:26] Speaker G: Refocus. [00:11:27] Speaker F: Recenter. [00:11:29] Speaker C: Sorry. [00:11:29] Speaker F: Recenter, recenter, recenter. My bad. I forgot focus meant something. [00:11:33] Speaker G: I was like, okay, so Alward starts disassociating for ten minutes. [00:11:38] Speaker B: So do we just roll out this I have to use the same initiative roll or the same ability? [00:11:44] Speaker G: Yes, you have to use the same ability. Since you're not recentering. [00:11:46] Speaker F: I can. [00:11:47] Speaker G: But you're going to do a new role for this new round. [00:11:50] Speaker B: 25. [00:11:52] Speaker F: 22. [00:11:56] Speaker G: So it'll be back to Hamier for this round. [00:11:59] Speaker A: Back to Hamier. [00:12:00] Speaker F: I think I'm also bloodied, if that helps you. [00:12:02] Speaker B: Oh, really? [00:12:03] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:12:03] Speaker B: Ten damage. [00:12:05] Speaker F: I am two off of being bloodied. [00:12:08] Speaker B: Okay, my chains are coming at you again. Natural 20. Okay, we're going to do your reaction. [00:12:17] Speaker F: Yeah, it's a little late. [00:12:18] Speaker B: That's okay. [00:12:18] Speaker F: Okay, what was it? It doesn't matter now. [00:12:21] Speaker B: Are you sure? [00:12:22] Speaker F: It's not going to stop in that 20. [00:12:24] Speaker B: Okay, 14 damage plus three weakness. OOH. [00:12:29] Speaker F: That immediately drops me 17 at 14. All right, I am passed out. [00:12:37] Speaker G: Sam, would you describe what that attack looks like? [00:12:41] Speaker B: Yeah. So after that, pebble hit me, and I'm kind of barely being up more. [00:12:48] Speaker F: Of a boulder once it hit you? [00:12:51] Speaker B: Well, yeah. As it grew and slammed on me, I looked up at your father, and he kind of looked at me and looks at you and kind of looks away. And then, coming out of my arms, my hands turn into the chains and just wrap around you until everything goes dark. And then we break out of the Minescape. It fractures in chains and rips apart. [00:13:21] Speaker C: Nice. [00:13:22] Speaker G: And as the white space around you falls away like so many shatters of broken glass, we just find the two of you again, standing on the steps to the library. But now you're holding you Hami. You're holding Alward's shoulder as he's beginning to slump to the ground, unconscious. [00:13:38] Speaker B: I'll pick him up. [00:13:40] Speaker F: As a side note, I'm shocked you didn't talk about how all of your ghosts were. There more? Yeah, I expected this. [00:13:49] Speaker B: They were all around. I was waiting for a cool moment to draw attention to it, and this went a lot faster than I was expecting. [00:13:58] Speaker A: They don't last long. [00:14:00] Speaker B: Well, so we see. [00:14:02] Speaker A: Me. [00:14:02] Speaker B: I'm holding you as you're unconscious, and I'm surrounded still by the 13, and your father walks up and places his hand on your head in a loving manner. [00:14:17] Speaker F: I'm unconscious. [00:14:19] Speaker B: I know. And then take you back to your home. [00:14:27] Speaker F: Don't know where I live. [00:14:29] Speaker B: I was there last night. [00:14:31] Speaker F: How did you find it? Was he there? [00:14:35] Speaker G: How long did you search? [00:14:37] Speaker B: Yes. [00:14:40] Speaker F: So wait, shouldn't he have been suffering? Okay, hold on. That would have changed if that really. [00:14:48] Speaker G: Would have but I slept until he knew. [00:14:52] Speaker A: Oh, that is true. [00:14:53] Speaker F: He didn't sleep until noon. Never. [00:14:54] Speaker B: I slept so late. I'd only just woken up when I was playing my hour of my music. [00:15:00] Speaker F: So you woke up at eleven ish? [00:15:02] Speaker B: Ish, yes. [00:15:05] Speaker G: He had plenty of time to comb the entire city. [00:15:08] Speaker F: Yeah, the entire city. [00:15:11] Speaker B: I imagine I had at least kind of followed where you had gone at one point. [00:15:15] Speaker C: Very creepy. [00:15:16] Speaker B: Because I've been interested in that. Because your father was interested in that. [00:15:19] Speaker F: Alward offers anyone an invitation. Hamir, I'll find my own. [00:15:25] Speaker B: I didn't want to take it, but your father wanted me to find your house. [00:15:29] Speaker G: So as Hamir is carrying unconscious Alward back towards his house, we return back to the inn. [00:15:37] Speaker F: Just taking a little nap. [00:15:42] Speaker B: Does anyone else have a headache? Cricket. Cricket. [00:15:49] Speaker C: Cricket. Cricket. [00:15:51] Speaker A: Sir, do you believe that we should wait or let them in on this? [00:15:58] Speaker C: They went to the library? [00:16:00] Speaker A: Yes, I believe so. Yes. I mean, I was gone for most of the time that they were debating on whether they should leave, and then they left shortly after I got there. Here. [00:16:15] Speaker H: Uber just kind of gives this big sigh and takes a wistful look around the tavern and goes, then I. [00:16:26] Speaker C: Suppose that we should probably go fight him and speak with him about this. Would you say that we should do that, Neros? [00:16:39] Speaker E: I mean, probably if they want to. [00:16:42] Speaker A: Be involved, you know, the whole town is at stake. I mean, I believe I'm not saying. [00:16:47] Speaker E: That we shouldn't help them. [00:16:48] Speaker A: We could just kick them out of the group and we could do this on our own. [00:16:51] Speaker E: No, they're too important to the story. [00:16:58] Speaker A: They're part of the narrative. You can't get rid of them now. [00:17:03] Speaker B: We're just left the party. [00:17:07] Speaker A: What if they fight each other and they kill each other? [00:17:10] Speaker E: I mean, I hope that doesn't happen. [00:17:12] Speaker A: Yeah, it would be terrible. They were out there fighting each other. [00:17:15] Speaker E: I know. [00:17:16] Speaker H: Uber just kind of looking very like because he knows. [00:17:25] Speaker C: I do not think that they would at some moment. Billionaire sings that rash. [00:17:33] Speaker E: I mean, I hope not. [00:17:35] Speaker A: Boy, they may end up coming back here, I have to say. So I don't know if we'd actually have to go out and I mean. [00:17:43] Speaker E: We could wait a few moments, hours, days, if we want to. A month, even. [00:17:50] Speaker A: Well, you're not here. Go away. [00:17:55] Speaker D: All right. [00:17:55] Speaker A: Like he says to Hamier, do not interfere with the story discovered for that bubble shot. I think that we could better allot our time if we'd like to go out on the town and see if we can find any leads. I don't really know how to find these. Usually people approach me with jobs. [00:18:20] Speaker C: I don't think that we need to necessarily find what we do. We need to find more information. But right now, I think it'd be more important to find the rest of the party. Yeah, I'm with him, so let's just if we're going to do something, then let us just go. [00:18:37] Speaker A: Well, let me ask I don't want. [00:18:38] Speaker C: To sit around if we're going to do something. [00:18:40] Speaker A: Do you believe with your heart? With your heart, among other things that may be inside of there? I don't know, Dwarvism. [00:18:50] Speaker F: Maybe there might be anatomy. [00:18:52] Speaker A: Maybe you have two hearts, I don't know. You could believe one with one another. [00:18:59] Speaker E: He's a Time Lord. [00:19:00] Speaker C: That's a different type of elf, I think. A type of elf. [00:19:03] Speaker A: Do you believe that it could be the cultists? [00:19:07] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:19:09] Speaker C: I would not rule out that this. [00:19:10] Speaker H: Is a possibility from what I have researched and quote unquote and remember from researching the Mad King, or at least from my notes as well from the books. Would that be a conjecture of I can see that, actually. No, I don't think I even need to ask you this because I think he could very well attribute what he knows what does not of yeah, the cult. But judging by how they've already acted and who they supposedly serve could be behind that. Would you agree? [00:19:44] Speaker G: Yeah, it's reasonable to think they could. I just didn't want to give the cross the impression that it's like oh, this is clearly what's going on. [00:19:51] Speaker A: Right, okay. [00:19:56] Speaker C: I do not know if it is Zikot. It is possible, I will not rule it out, but it could be something entirely different. I don't know, some calamity, either man made or otherwise. But I don't think we should rule them out that they could do this. But I really wish we could have talked to this Edward. [00:20:25] Speaker A: Edwin. [00:20:26] Speaker E: What? [00:20:27] Speaker A: I don't think that he would have talked to us anyway, judging by hang on, hang on. [00:20:32] Speaker E: I don't think his name was Edward or Edwin. I think it was Eric. [00:20:35] Speaker A: Eric, wasn't it Edwinson? [00:20:38] Speaker E: Eric? [00:20:39] Speaker A: Eridson considering we cut off his hand and he didn't tell us anything further, I don't think he would have had anything else to tell us anyway. [00:20:49] Speaker C: That was a very interesting moment. I need to probably talk to it doesn't matter. It is a moot point anyway, because unfortunately he is dead, as you have said very directly. Yes, I think, first of all, let us just go and speak with the rest of the party and perhaps together we could gain more information. At the very least Warren Howard and his family. [00:21:21] Speaker A: Speaking of that, Neros, would you close your ears for just a moment or at least why? Step over there and maybe order a just a just a doesn't convince me. [00:21:37] Speaker E: You stuttering does not convince me to. [00:21:40] Speaker C: Leave it's Kevin near us. If you would be so kind, just not make it difficult. I don't know what it is either. [00:21:49] Speaker A: Happening you know what? [00:21:51] Speaker E: Fine, I'll just go. No, I'll go. It's fine. I'll go order another mimosa. You two chat, I get up and leave. [00:22:00] Speaker F: They stopped serving mimosas an hour ago. [00:22:03] Speaker A: I was going to tell her I had a disease. This is the final question I'm going to ask you about this helmet? Of course I could smash it. [00:22:17] Speaker C: You can't destroy it. [00:22:18] Speaker A: How do you know that? Did you try? [00:22:20] Speaker C: Yes. [00:22:22] Speaker A: Did you try to melt it? [00:22:24] Speaker C: To destroy it? [00:22:25] Speaker A: Did you scratch it? Did you bite it? [00:22:28] Speaker C: Did you lick it? I will say that with objects such as these, they are not so easy to destroy by conventional means. [00:22:40] Speaker A: Do you know anybody that has any insight for these types of things? [00:22:48] Speaker G: I really want to do like a cutaway to establishing shot. So give me a second. We cut to the three of you knocking on the door of a narrow apartment building on the north side of town. [00:23:06] Speaker A: It's a hard cut. [00:23:07] Speaker D: Oh. [00:23:07] Speaker B: In the background. Just walking past the screen in the. [00:23:14] Speaker G: Background, carrying out I've always wanted to do a hard cut for narrative development. The nameplate on the door reads Sirdyer Torin. C-I-R-D-I-R-E-T-O-R-Y-N. Uber, you have worked with this elf several times on projects in the area before whenever you'd had an item of significance or interest. Sirdire is an antiquarian and amateur wizard, so you've shared many an interesting conversation over a cup of tea. [00:23:50] Speaker A: Amateur. [00:23:52] Speaker C: If there is anyone that could have more insights than what I found, HUD, I think this man would be the one to ask. [00:24:02] Speaker A: I feel like you could have told us that on the way here instead of right in front of his door. It's almost like we didn't say anything on the way here. [00:24:11] Speaker C: It was a bit of a surprise myself. [00:24:13] Speaker A: You just happened to remember you hear. [00:24:17] Speaker G: Some shuffling on the other side of the door and a voice, Kameh. [00:24:20] Speaker B: Kameh. [00:24:21] Speaker G: And then you hear all these bolts being undone. [00:24:26] Speaker A: Now, Neros, I know that I asked you to follow us, but I do want to fill you in on a little something. We have this helmet. Do you remember that statue that made me cry? Weep like a man. [00:24:44] Speaker E: Like a little baby. [00:24:46] Speaker A: Like a man baby. [00:24:48] Speaker E: I mean, you are small. [00:24:52] Speaker B: All of this whilst the lock many locks. [00:24:56] Speaker A: This man has a lot of locks. So I have a lot of time to talk. [00:24:59] Speaker B: I would love it. [00:25:00] Speaker A: They're still going. All right, so Hamir and I'm going to tell you this quickly because I believe he's entering the end of the door. Heymir took the helmet that was sitting at the base of the statue. [00:25:12] Speaker E: Why would he do that? [00:25:13] Speaker A: I don't know, but he put it on. [00:25:16] Speaker B: What? I'm pretty sure you both watched me take it. You were there with me. [00:25:20] Speaker A: I didn't care at the time. [00:25:21] Speaker E: I may not have been paying attention. [00:25:22] Speaker B: Well, okay. [00:25:23] Speaker A: He put it on Uber's head, and UVair took it off his head. He said that bad things happened, and I'm just filling you in on all. [00:25:31] Speaker E: This so that you know why would you do that? [00:25:34] Speaker A: And Hamier gave it to me after we played slaphand. [00:25:38] Speaker E: Why would he do that? [00:25:39] Speaker A: And he said that I need to give it to Aaron Alwood. Yes. [00:25:46] Speaker E: None of this makes sense. [00:25:47] Speaker A: I'm bad at names. Anyway, it's a magically, enchanted thing, apparently. And I asked UVair if he knows anybody. [00:25:57] Speaker E: So that's why we're here. [00:25:59] Speaker A: Yes. I appreciate you following us without actually knowing what we were promise. [00:26:06] Speaker E: I was shunned from the conversation. Turns out I needed to be there anyway, so that's on you. [00:26:12] Speaker A: The promise of drinks is still on the table. [00:26:15] Speaker E: Just letting you hold you to that. [00:26:17] Speaker G: After the last couple of locks are slid by, the door opens and on the other side is an old looking elf with just, like, springy stringy, like, white hair on top of his head. And he's like in a plain green robe and he's just like, who is. [00:26:31] Speaker C: Sir Dyer? Once again, I am rather amazed that you know somebody's at your jaw without even knocking. [00:26:38] Speaker D: I thought the opening narration of this hard cut scene established that you were knocking on the door, but that's my bad. [00:26:45] Speaker G: And he starts heading in to close the door. [00:26:48] Speaker B: He said he knocked. [00:26:49] Speaker A: He said he knocked. Did you? He said we opened at a hard cut. No knocking with the three of us. [00:26:56] Speaker G: Was it knocking? [00:26:57] Speaker A: Actually, he said the three of us knocking. I'm assuming we're all three of us. [00:27:04] Speaker D: I heard three people knocking and I thought this must be important, but my old ears are deceiving me. [00:27:11] Speaker A: Have a good day. [00:27:13] Speaker B: Okay. [00:27:13] Speaker C: No. [00:27:14] Speaker A: Then expunge that statement from the record. [00:27:17] Speaker F: I miss that. [00:27:18] Speaker C: Never expunge. [00:27:19] Speaker A: I must say, I love your hair. [00:27:25] Speaker D: I loved my hair before it left me. For a young anyway. [00:27:30] Speaker F: For a younger elf. [00:27:34] Speaker B: That'S what you get for animating hair. [00:27:44] Speaker A: Come back if you love something. [00:27:47] Speaker F: Set it free. [00:27:48] Speaker B: I promise I'll start showering more than once a week. [00:27:51] Speaker A: No. [00:27:56] Speaker D: He'Ll never change. [00:28:02] Speaker A: I do hope that he does not winnie like this on a normal occasion. [00:28:09] Speaker D: More often than not, sadly, usually two teacups in. [00:28:14] Speaker A: What do you put in your tea? [00:28:17] Speaker D: Oh, don't get me stopped. [00:28:18] Speaker B: I worry Spez is going to die. [00:28:21] Speaker A: His face is red as a cherry. I don't know why I said that. [00:28:26] Speaker B: Like a breathe. [00:28:33] Speaker C: Deep breath. [00:28:34] Speaker E: Oh, my gosh. Inhale. Exhale. Oxygen brain. Good. [00:28:43] Speaker A: On a side note, look at these adorable pictures of my cat. [00:28:46] Speaker E: That's so cute. [00:28:47] Speaker B: That's adorable. [00:28:49] Speaker C: Okay, it's a lot. Sir Dyer, I know it has been a while, but I was wondering if I could once again have some help with some identifying a very interesting artifact that we found. [00:29:10] Speaker D: Oh, yes, of course. Do come in. [00:29:13] Speaker C: Of course. [00:29:15] Speaker H: And he just walks in. [00:29:17] Speaker G: He walks up to this staircase that's like this really narrow, very steep staircase that just, like, curves up the tower. And there's like a chair sitting up against the wall. And he sits down on the chair and it levitates starts floating up the staircase. [00:29:35] Speaker C: One of these days you have to tell me how you do this? [00:29:38] Speaker D: Magic, my boy. [00:29:41] Speaker C: But the way of acts is very. [00:29:44] Speaker H: UVair is just walking up next to him, talking. [00:29:47] Speaker A: So, you know UVair. I yell from the bottom of the stairs, I don't know why you didn't bring it to this man first before putting it on your head. [00:30:01] Speaker C: It doesn't matter. [00:30:03] Speaker B: He's one of the coldests. [00:30:06] Speaker G: Neros, it seems like you might be the last one through the door. [00:30:10] Speaker D: Do you close it behind you? [00:30:11] Speaker E: Sure. [00:30:12] Speaker D: Thank you. [00:30:12] Speaker F: Do you lock it up with as many locks? [00:30:21] Speaker C: If you do, you're never getting this conversation. [00:30:24] Speaker B: Just the whole roleplay session. Because she's locking the door. Just one of them in the most random no, no. [00:30:35] Speaker H: The door closes and all the locks. [00:30:37] Speaker F: Just start locking themselves. [00:30:40] Speaker G: I like that zoneirus. Closes the door and looks at the locks, wondering if they're going to lock themselves, and they don't. And then she goes upstairs. [00:30:49] Speaker E: I lock one lock. [00:30:51] Speaker D: Okay, you lock one lock and then that's it. [00:30:53] Speaker A: Minimal effort. [00:30:54] Speaker E: Minimal well, do you know her? [00:30:57] Speaker A: At least you put an effort it's. [00:31:00] Speaker F: Not even like a deadbolt it's just one of those that prevent the door from opening all the way. [00:31:03] Speaker B: Yes, the chains. [00:31:05] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:31:09] Speaker G: You guys are breaking me. [00:31:12] Speaker E: It's taken long enough. [00:31:14] Speaker G: So the stairs are old, rickety wooden stairs, and they're covered with, like, a worn red carpet that goes up them. But it's well constructed. So even though it kind of moves around a bit, it holds firm. And you eventually make it to the top of the staircase, which takes you to what seems to be the third floor of this apartment building. And it just kind of pokes out from the rest of all of the rooftops into, like, a quintessential wizard's tower, which Uber, you know, he had commissioned when he moved here. [00:31:43] Speaker C: Anyway, my friends, as much as I wish to catch up on some things, we are, unfortunately, in a bit of a hurry. Any emotions to zafir? [00:31:56] Speaker A: Oh, yes, of course. Would you like me to explain it or do you think you I can. [00:32:01] Speaker C: Explain it, but you hold it. [00:32:03] Speaker A: I pull out the helmet, and I just kind of motion it towards Sir Dyer. [00:32:09] Speaker C: Forgive me if I'm not going to. [00:32:11] Speaker D: Touch so you've made progress, then? [00:32:17] Speaker E: What. [00:32:21] Speaker A: Define progress? [00:32:24] Speaker D: Well, you've been researching this Arid fellow. [00:32:34] Speaker B: Uber. [00:32:34] Speaker E: Do you have any recollection of this? [00:32:36] Speaker A: What my friend means to say is. [00:32:43] Speaker D: Well, I imagine that's what this is related to. [00:32:47] Speaker C: No? Have I seen I visited you many times, but I have no relation of visiting you with a batim. [00:33:00] Speaker D: That was just a couple of weeks ago, wasn't it? [00:33:08] Speaker C: What did I bring to you? [00:33:13] Speaker D: There was, well, no particular items you were needing identified, but there was a map you were looking over, and you said something about heading off into the forest. [00:33:29] Speaker C: What forest? [00:33:31] Speaker D: The the Grungeir Forest. You know, the one that kills people, chews them up and spits them out as ghostly apparitions. [00:33:38] Speaker C: Sakrun gear forest. [00:33:41] Speaker A: Why would you go there? [00:33:48] Speaker C: He's a ghost, sir. There. Two weeks ago I left for the Krung Gear forest. Is that what you're telling me? [00:33:55] Speaker D: I believe that was the time. It's hard to keep the days straight when you're a retired antiquarian such as myself. [00:34:04] Speaker C: That means that what happened happened after the library. [00:34:12] Speaker D: Oh, yes, the library. [00:34:16] Speaker C: So I came from the library to you with a map. [00:34:21] Speaker D: Yes. [00:34:22] Speaker C: I don't have a map of my person, do I? [00:34:24] Speaker F: I have the map. [00:34:25] Speaker G: You have a map that you found in the library. [00:34:28] Speaker A: Right. [00:34:29] Speaker G: Which presumably would not be the map he's talking about. [00:34:34] Speaker C: Do you remember any specifics about this map? I know that is a weird question to ask since I'm the one that brought it to you. There's so much to explain. But please, do you remember anything about this map? [00:34:50] Speaker D: It was old. It was engraved on a plank of wood. [00:34:57] Speaker C: Yes. And what did I say that I wanted to go to the Gurungia Forest for? [00:35:06] Speaker D: Why are you asking me about what you did last time you were here? [00:35:11] Speaker C: Because Sir Dyer, I don't remember. I don't remember. I woke up in the Grungeir Forest but a few days ago, and I have no memory of how I got there. The last thing I remember, I was in the library. I was in jewel in a library in Joel. That is the last thing I remember. [00:35:34] Speaker D: That is strange. So it's happening again, is it? [00:35:40] Speaker C: What? What do you mean it's happening again? [00:35:44] Speaker D: Don't tell me you've forgotten. Forgetting? [00:35:50] Speaker C: How many times have I come to you? Forgetting something? [00:35:56] Speaker D: Well, it just seems just about every time you come. No, that's a bit of an exaggeration some of the times that you come. [00:36:04] Speaker C: And how many times have I visited you, sir? Dyer? [00:36:10] Speaker D: How many cups of tea have you drunk every time you've come? It's difficult to measure these things over the years. Dozens, easily. [00:36:20] Speaker C: For dozens of years. [00:36:22] Speaker D: No. Dozens of times over the years. [00:36:25] Speaker C: No. How many years have I known you, Sidire? [00:36:30] Speaker H: Do I remember that? [00:36:31] Speaker G: You know that you've known him for at least 100 gotcha. [00:36:36] Speaker C: And I have periodistically come forgetting what I did before. [00:36:42] Speaker D: You've never been so upset about it as this time. [00:36:47] Speaker C: It's because now I know. Because but why? Was is it the same reason that I come for you to you? [00:37:01] Speaker D: Well, it's usually for my expertise with these artifacts. [00:37:05] Speaker C: And do I always come from the library in the coliseum? [00:37:09] Speaker D: No. Heavens no. Sometimes you come straight in from out of town. [00:37:16] Speaker C: And has it always been about Aored? [00:37:22] Speaker D: No. That does seem to have been your more recent project that you've been working on. [00:37:32] Speaker C: Then. [00:37:32] Speaker A: This isn't the first time, Uber. As much as I enjoy remembering that you're forgetting about what you forgot to remember. I'm getting tired of holding this helmet on the table. [00:37:45] Speaker C: If. You could, please, Sir Dyer, what can you ascertain from this? I know the magic of it already. It is. [00:37:59] Speaker D: Divination and I believe abduration, it seems. [00:38:03] Speaker C: Yes, I figured that much out. But there is more aspects to it that I cannot figure out. Yes. [00:38:14] Speaker D: Let me take a closer look here. [00:38:16] Speaker G: And he begins examining it and he's. [00:38:18] Speaker D: Like something about the design just does seem so familiar, wouldn't you say? [00:38:23] Speaker G: He's just turning it over in his hands. [00:38:26] Speaker D: Well, the craftsmanship is very clearly local. This mineral composition is only found here in these hills, so it was certainly made in this area by a fine smith. Yes, he did know his craft. Indeed, would be very hard to damage. [00:38:46] Speaker G: He picks up a small hammer out of nowhere and just starts wailing on it. [00:38:49] Speaker D: And it's just clang, clang, clang, clang. [00:38:51] Speaker A: I knew I should have tried this. [00:38:53] Speaker D: No damage whatsoever. There does seem to be some form of enchantment on it, making it more susceptible. Not everything can withstand my hammer. [00:39:02] Speaker G: And he tosses it over his shoulder and just shatters a vase on the other side of the room. [00:39:07] Speaker D: But yes, there's something familiar about this design. I can't put my finger on it, feel as though I've read about it somewhere before. I'll have to peruse my collection that I keep in the basement. You know the one? Massive and terribly disorganized, I must admit. [00:39:30] Speaker H: You almost see the sinking look on Uber's face recalling said collection. [00:39:37] Speaker C: I do not think we have the time for that, unfortunately. [00:39:44] Speaker B: Don't get out of the helmet. He'll get killed. [00:39:48] Speaker F: That's true. [00:39:49] Speaker C: He has lots of locks. [00:39:50] Speaker A: What are you talking about? I'm not going to leave. [00:39:53] Speaker B: He has a window. You don't need locks. [00:39:56] Speaker A: He almost just broke it with that hammer. [00:40:00] Speaker C: Anyway, I tried putting it on. [00:40:05] Speaker D: Oh, what would you do that for? [00:40:07] Speaker A: I am well, I was about to do the same thing. [00:40:09] Speaker C: I understand, my friend. It was extremely reckless. But I am desperate. Do you understand? I've had things and more now taken from me. The information that I base my life upon. The answers that I try to find are being siphoned away. Do you understand what that means to me? You would understand. [00:40:37] Speaker D: Last time you were here, you did seem to think you were close to finding that answer to the question that you've been seeking this whole time. [00:40:45] Speaker C: But this helmet, when I put it on, as reckless as it was. As it was. But I put it on and it reacted. [00:40:59] Speaker D: It reacted to thieves. [00:41:03] Speaker C: It set a fire, it set them ablaze. And the pain was horrible. But the feeling I got from it was not good. It was evil. It was cast. It seemed yes, I do get that. [00:41:20] Speaker D: Same sort of just unwholesome sensation from it myself. [00:41:26] Speaker A: Do you mind if I make a scientific suggestion? [00:41:31] Speaker D: A man of science. [00:41:33] Speaker A: Oh, yes, very scientific in things. [00:41:36] Speaker D: I don't believe in the oh, may. [00:41:40] Speaker A: I put it on? And then you said that it didn't affect Hamir, correct? [00:41:47] Speaker C: Yes. [00:41:48] Speaker A: Well, if I put it on and it doesn't affect me, then that means it must be tied to you. [00:41:54] Speaker C: I do not recommend this hasty thing. I've already been burned by it does. [00:42:00] Speaker D: Seem like a possibility. Uver, how attached are you to this fellow? [00:42:04] Speaker F: So the way you delivered that wine petite. I got very much like well, clearly you want me to drink the wine in front of me so I can't bring you that because you would have noticed. [00:42:16] Speaker A: Inconceivable. [00:42:17] Speaker D: Uber, how attached are you to this fellow? [00:42:20] Speaker C: He is a part of my party. [00:42:23] Speaker D: Not expendable. [00:42:24] Speaker C: Then I don't say I don't count anyone that's a part of my party expendable. Not that I really try to have expendable party members. [00:42:32] Speaker A: Well, if it only burns, I don't see a problem. I could take it off right after. Or you could take it off. Or all three of you could take it off. [00:42:40] Speaker H: You just see this mental, the look in Uvair's face as he's battling back and forth out of desperate curiosity, but also knowing what that's led to so far. [00:42:52] Speaker A: Believe me, my friend, I've felt pain. [00:42:57] Speaker C: I do not worry about your resistance to pain. I worry about your life. [00:43:05] Speaker E: Well, if it didn't kill you well, surely he'll be okay. [00:43:09] Speaker D: There is the possibility that this helmet is siphoning energy from whomever puts it on, and it will only grow in strength with more attempts. Of course, there's also the possibility that it only affects dwarves. We really have no way of knowing. [00:43:23] Speaker E: It could just also affect him because of his runes. [00:43:27] Speaker D: Maybe that's how he got the runes in the first place. They may be scars. [00:43:32] Speaker A: There's no way of knowing without I put it on. [00:43:37] Speaker B: He walks up. The guy's holding it just walks up. [00:43:40] Speaker A: And puts his head I do a little jump. [00:43:48] Speaker D: Nothing happens. [00:43:49] Speaker A: The fact that you roll makes me worried. The question that I had more was or now that I'm thinking about it, if I did do a little jump, did I go in and then just back out? Am I wearing it? [00:44:04] Speaker B: You went in and then it came out of his hand. [00:44:06] Speaker G: I'll have him roll a reflex save to see if he can keep holding it. Or if it comes off and you're. [00:44:10] Speaker B: Wearing it, you just get stuck in it. So he's just holding you. [00:44:13] Speaker G: He drops it. [00:44:15] Speaker A: Considering how small my head is compared to my body, I assume that it's probably bigger than me. [00:44:20] Speaker G: Yeah, it's like a kid wearing his dad's hat. [00:44:23] Speaker A: Nice. [00:44:24] Speaker F: That's cute. [00:44:25] Speaker A: I do a little laugh. [00:44:28] Speaker C: Zafir. [00:44:29] Speaker B: I murder people. [00:44:34] Speaker A: My theory is correct. [00:44:38] Speaker D: Which one? [00:44:40] Speaker A: The one about it not affecting me. I bet it's tied to you. [00:44:45] Speaker D: We'll need more data points. And he pulls the helmet off of. [00:44:48] Speaker G: You and holds it out towards Neros. [00:44:53] Speaker A: It's for science. Neros. [00:44:55] Speaker E: Want me to put that thing on? [00:44:57] Speaker D: Well, so far you have a 66% chance of it being safe. [00:45:01] Speaker A: I don't have lice, I promise. I killed it all weeks ago. [00:45:04] Speaker E: You mean you do kill things? [00:45:06] Speaker A: Yes. [00:45:09] Speaker E: Okay, put on the helmet. I don't like this. [00:45:17] Speaker G: Nothing happens. [00:45:19] Speaker B: I have a terrible influence. [00:45:22] Speaker E: All right, well does that I take it off and give it back to Sear Dyer? [00:45:27] Speaker D: What is that? 68% be my turn now. [00:45:33] Speaker A: Well, before you put it on, can you tell anything else? [00:45:39] Speaker D: Did you have more questions? Do you think I'm going to die if I put this on? [00:45:44] Speaker A: Well, I don't know. You've only made it go to heavens. [00:45:47] Speaker D: 67% risk of danger. [00:45:51] Speaker A: Nobody's died so far. [00:45:52] Speaker D: I guess he's stopped with the helmet. [00:45:56] Speaker G: Just like inches from his head. [00:45:58] Speaker C: I think we've had enough of this foolishness. I don't want to risk it anymore. [00:46:02] Speaker A: You were the first one to put it on. [00:46:04] Speaker C: Yeah, and it was a foolish action. [00:46:06] Speaker E: Actually. No, Hamir was the first put it on. I think. [00:46:08] Speaker C: Actually, Hamir was the first one and both foolish actions. [00:46:13] Speaker D: Well, if you insist and he puts. [00:46:15] Speaker G: The helmet back down on the table. [00:46:18] Speaker C: Another thing we know about this helmet is that there is a cult after it. Don't tell him that I trust him. [00:46:26] Speaker A: He's gonna well, if he knows he might die. [00:46:31] Speaker D: Yes, I'm part of that cult now. [00:46:36] Speaker A: I know he walked straight and went. [00:46:40] Speaker H: To my enchanted trap. [00:46:41] Speaker B: That's why I left the door unlocked. Wait, somebody locked it. [00:46:48] Speaker G: Okay, so you said there's a cult after it. Don't tell him that I trust him. [00:46:54] Speaker D: Indeed. What sort of cult are they? Do they worship one of the outer gods? Is this like that one situation where. [00:47:01] Speaker C: You were down in no, it's not like Resurrect. They want to bring back the Mad King. They claim that he is still alive. [00:47:12] Speaker D: The Mad King? Aerid? [00:47:14] Speaker C: Yes. [00:47:15] Speaker D: Well, that is interesting. I can see why you're so focused on this helmet. [00:47:21] Speaker A: I'm horrible with names too. But if you remember, they have a family name. [00:47:28] Speaker E: Are you talking about the cult? Yes, eridson. [00:47:32] Speaker A: Eridson. [00:47:32] Speaker C: Yes. [00:47:33] Speaker D: That is a reasonable. [00:47:40] Speaker A: Wait, my brain is thinking of something. ERID. [00:47:45] Speaker F: Oh my goodness. [00:47:46] Speaker A: Arid's son. [00:47:47] Speaker E: We've been over this. That was established when we first heard the name son of ERID. Erid's Son. [00:47:54] Speaker A: I'm not dumb. I'm just slow. [00:47:57] Speaker C: That's really glad that you were able to come to this conclusion. [00:48:01] Speaker E: That's really slow, mate. [00:48:04] Speaker D: So what are your next steps? Would you like me to investigate the. [00:48:09] Speaker A: Helmet myself or no, we'll be taking it with us. [00:48:12] Speaker D: Oh, very reasonable. I've seen it enough. I should be able to peruse my library and see if I can find that book that was jogging my memory. [00:48:22] Speaker C: I would suggest that you be careful. [00:48:25] Speaker D: I know my library is disorganized. [00:48:28] Speaker C: No, but it's not what I mean, my friend. They both come trying to take the helmet. Perhaps if they know that we came here that they might try to come after you? [00:48:39] Speaker D: No. How would they know? Do they have someone following you? [00:48:42] Speaker C: It's divination magic, my friend. [00:48:45] Speaker D: Oh, good point. They may already know, then. [00:48:49] Speaker A: Well, they'll follow the last place it was, I am afraid, where we might. [00:48:53] Speaker C: Have brought danger to you. And I am sorry, but I am running out of choices. [00:48:59] Speaker G: He leans forward and puts a hand on your shoulder. [00:49:01] Speaker D: My friend, whatever danger you're in, I'll gladly share it with you. [00:49:09] Speaker C: Did I leave that map with you? [00:49:11] Speaker D: Oh, no. You took it with you. [00:49:13] Speaker C: Did we make a copy? [00:49:15] Speaker D: I believe you said you had made a copy already while you were researching, but yes, you wanted to take the original because you weren't sure if it would be necessary to get in. [00:49:28] Speaker C: Get in? What? [00:49:30] Speaker D: That? I'm afraid you refused to tell me. You said that if I were to know, I would insist on following you and you didn't want someone of my age doddering around in the forest. Understandable? [00:49:42] Speaker G: And he, like, wraps his cane on the chair. [00:49:45] Speaker C: That is something that I would say. But now I wish that I had least left something. Perhaps I should leave something now. [00:49:57] Speaker D: Is there nothing in your notes? I know you take meticulous notes. [00:50:00] Speaker A: I was going to mention that. Remember the chicken scratch? [00:50:03] Speaker C: No, that is different. My notes? That would pertain to that time? Yes. Segon. Somebody ripped them out of my book. And as they ripped out the memories in my head, they are no longer there. They're not repressed. They're not scrambled. They are gone. There are pieces of my memories that are gone. [00:50:26] Speaker D: Indeed. So this would seem to be an intentional collusion. [00:50:31] Speaker C: I don't know whether I was ambushed or if I am an old man, but I am not without my own defenses. I don't know how this could have happened. Multiple times, apparently. [00:50:45] Speaker D: Indeed. [00:50:46] Speaker C: But what he said earlier about we found a cavern with all the runes, the runes that match mine. We found a cavern full of the runes and in different artifacts and what in fact, that is where this particular helmet comes from. But when I tried to transcribe the runes and write them down in my book, I could not do so. It would not allow themselves to be transcribed. It didn't matter if it was me or another scholar that was with us. Salazar. Do you know Salazar? [00:51:29] Speaker D: We've crossed paths. [00:51:32] Speaker A: Also Alwin. Alward also had issues. [00:51:36] Speaker C: And another one of our party members. Alwood, a lovely, chap young man, growing, has a family. [00:51:50] Speaker F: I didn't mean to break you. [00:51:52] Speaker G: I'm sorry, love it because it's accurate, but it implies something. That's not true. [00:51:58] Speaker A: Anyway. [00:52:00] Speaker C: Yes, it has a family and town, but even they when they tried to transcribe, if I looked at their notes, they described it as chicken scratch. But it was jumbled it was nothing. [00:52:16] Speaker A: Even I couldn't read it. [00:52:19] Speaker C: Yes. And when I looked at my notes later because I thought I was transcribing them. I thought I was doing well and getting them. When I looked at my notes later, I could not understand what I was writing. So there was something about that room, the rooms that would not allow themselves to be taken out of the cavern. [00:52:41] Speaker D: Well, it does sound like you've found your first good lead in a long while. [00:52:47] Speaker C: Indeed. But I cannot do anything with it. And it seems that, again, I've come to the conclusion that I need to find the Mad King for some reason. Why? I don't know. Because, as you said, this is not the first time that I have come to this conclusion. But what does he have to do with my question? What does he have to do? I don't know. There's nothing in my notes, nothing in my books. I don't understand, my friend. What is happening? [00:53:23] Speaker A: We should go back. [00:53:25] Speaker C: Back to what? [00:53:26] Speaker A: Back to the cavern with the with the runes, with the statue, with a helmet. [00:53:31] Speaker C: I don't think there is anything inside cavern that could help. I think I need to go back to the forest, but I don't know why or what I was there in the first place. [00:53:47] Speaker D: That is unfortunate with you not having told me where you were going and your notes being extracted. At least that was that copy of the map that you'd left where you were doing your study. Were you able to find that? [00:54:05] Speaker C: We did find the map, but I don't remember what was on it. Honestly. [00:54:15] Speaker F: I have it. [00:54:18] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:54:20] Speaker C: Yes, there is a place marked on it, a circle. But I don't know what is there. I think I need to find out again, but I can't go alone this time. No. [00:54:38] Speaker D: I would suggest you take your friends. They seem capable and courageous. [00:54:44] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't know if I can ask them to do this. [00:54:47] Speaker H: And he looks up at them. [00:54:49] Speaker C: Because of what has happened to me. I don't wish it upon you. [00:54:54] Speaker A: I give you the sternest glare and say, you have my bow. [00:55:02] Speaker C: Thank you, my friend. [00:55:04] Speaker A: And Hamir's axe, most likely. [00:55:07] Speaker C: I don't know about him. [00:55:11] Speaker D: I've got a sword you can take if you'd like it. [00:55:15] Speaker A: Oh, no, I'm not actually giving you my bow. I'm just saying you have my I will come with you. [00:55:22] Speaker C: I think that that thought would be better with you, my friend. [00:55:26] Speaker D: It really is more of a decorative piece. [00:55:28] Speaker A: Anyway, along those lines, I would like to reach out the sentiment and say if anyone does come a knocking, as they say, feel free to let them know that we were here and we do still have the helmet, because they know that, and we don't want you to be in any trouble. Tell them what they want. We won't tell you where we're going. But we already did. Not necessarily. [00:56:01] Speaker D: I don't know where you're going. [00:56:04] Speaker C: On another note, my friend. And this is more pertinent to your safety as well. We have some information that some Calamity might befall the city. [00:56:16] Speaker D: Indeed, yes, that too. [00:56:20] Speaker A: Yes, about a month from now. I would either advise leaving or joining the fight. [00:56:31] Speaker D: I've made my home here in this city and I'll either fall with it or fall. [00:56:40] Speaker H: Uber kind of smiles and. [00:56:42] Speaker C: Says, I would expect nothing less, my friend. I do wish you to be well. And if we can prevent this Calamity, then we will. Of course. [00:56:54] Speaker D: Now, is there anything else I can help you with? [00:56:59] Speaker C: The date. What was the date of the Calamity? [00:57:03] Speaker B: Fifth of Desna. [00:57:04] Speaker A: Fifth of Desna. [00:57:07] Speaker D: I'll mark it on my calendar. [00:57:09] Speaker C: Does that date have any significance? I could not think of something. [00:57:15] Speaker D: Not to me. It's the second day after the full moon. [00:57:19] Speaker C: The second day after the full moon. That does not help. [00:57:23] Speaker A: Do you have any of that tea I can take for the road? [00:57:27] Speaker D: Always. And he hands you a cup of. [00:57:29] Speaker G: Tea and he's like, I'm afraid I'll. [00:57:31] Speaker D: Need the teacup back, though, so you'll have to carry it within your stomach. [00:57:38] Speaker A: I thought you meant the cup. [00:57:43] Speaker D: No, the tea. [00:57:44] Speaker B: Just give them tea bags. [00:57:47] Speaker D: Or you could do it the old fashioned way. You place a tea bag in your mouth and pour in boiling water. [00:57:53] Speaker F: And that is how we lost any listeners who are from the UK. [00:58:00] Speaker A: Apologies. We'll get it right next time. Thank you. I'll drink this before we leave the door. [00:58:10] Speaker D: That's just fine. You can set it on the side table by the door and my unseen servant will collect it later. [00:58:17] Speaker A: I don't see any. [00:58:21] Speaker E: Is unseen. [00:58:23] Speaker A: Sophia, I forgot you were there. I'm sorry, I didn't see you. [00:58:31] Speaker E: Are you talking about Neros or me? Because I did have to leave for a second. [00:58:38] Speaker C: That's all right. [00:58:40] Speaker D: Oh, who there? While I'm remembering, I did have these worked up for you. [00:58:45] Speaker G: And he hands you four scrolls. [00:58:48] Speaker A: Hot diggity dog. [00:58:49] Speaker C: I am afraid I don't remember these as well, my friend. [00:58:53] Speaker D: Oh, well, I guess that would make sense. If you don't remember our last meeting, you had asked me to inscribe a few spell scrolls for you and they're finished. [00:59:02] Speaker C: Oh, thank you. [00:59:03] Speaker D: And I take them, which I will. [00:59:07] Speaker G: Make those flexible party loot. You guys can decide what scrolls you want them to be. They will be three first level and 1 second level. [00:59:15] Speaker A: Nice. [00:59:18] Speaker C: I think we will take our leave, my friend. We need to get to the rest of our party. Of course. [00:59:25] Speaker D: If you ever have any need of my expertise, you know where to find me. And I, of course, will reach out to you if I learn anything about this helmet. [00:59:34] Speaker C: Yes, and I should leave something to remind me, in case I forget again. What happened. Could you write down something about our visit that we may both remember? In case I forget? [00:59:49] Speaker D: Of course. [00:59:51] Speaker G: Pulls out. Quill, like, makes a quick note on his hand. [00:59:54] Speaker D: I'll transcribe in more detail later, of course. [00:59:59] Speaker C: Until we meet again, my friend. [01:00:02] Speaker D: Indeed. [01:00:03] Speaker G: And he shakes your hand with the hand that he didn't write on. [01:00:07] Speaker C: It is time. We must go find the rest. [01:00:11] Speaker E: I'll catch up with you guys. Be right out. [01:00:16] Speaker A: I trust you. [01:00:17] Speaker B: Let's go. [01:00:18] Speaker C: Of course. [01:00:19] Speaker A: Who locked this door? [01:00:20] Speaker E: Sorry. [01:00:23] Speaker D: Was there something I can help you with, young lady? [01:00:26] Speaker E: I just have a quick question. Do you deal with just antiques? Do you have anything to do with, like, history or anything like that? [01:00:34] Speaker D: Well, I am a scholar of many disciplines, not science. [01:00:39] Speaker E: I gather that. Do you have any knowledge of wax seals or anything like that? [01:00:46] Speaker D: I am a bit of hobbyist in wax seals. Is there one you'd like me to examine? [01:00:50] Speaker E: Yeah. She pulls out a letter. It has a wax seal on it and lets him look at it. [01:00:58] Speaker D: May I? [01:00:59] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:01:00] Speaker G: He takes the letter and starts looking at it and looks at the wax seal. [01:01:03] Speaker D: And he's like from how far did this letter come? [01:01:10] Speaker E: I don't know. I don't know where I'm from. [01:01:16] Speaker D: From Tian Shah. [01:01:18] Speaker E: No, I mean, I've had it my entire life, and I don't know its origin. Kind of come up here to see if I can find anything. [01:01:29] Speaker D: It is a little odd. I've never seen the design on this seal before. Except something about it does seem familiar somehow. If it's not too bold of me to say, you somehow seem familiar as well. [01:01:48] Speaker E: I'm sorry, what? [01:01:51] Speaker D: I know, I'm sorry. That does sound a little bit weird. I know we've never met before, but you just remind me of someone. [01:02:01] Speaker E: Of someone? [01:02:03] Speaker D: Yes. [01:02:04] Speaker E: Who? If you remember. [01:02:08] Speaker D: A friend of Uber's. [01:02:17] Speaker E: Really? Who was this friend? [01:02:21] Speaker D: Well, see, that's the funny thing. Can't remember the name. [01:02:27] Speaker B: Oh. What? [01:02:29] Speaker E: I'm going to strangle something. [01:02:33] Speaker A: Strangle Uber. [01:02:34] Speaker E: Gosh, I'm so mad. [01:02:43] Speaker D: My dear, you look upset. [01:02:45] Speaker E: Yeah, well, every time I've tried to find out anything about this, that's the answer I've gotten, essentially. [01:02:53] Speaker D: More or less well, that is OD. I shall have to think on that a moment. [01:03:04] Speaker E: But you said it was a friend of Ubers? [01:03:06] Speaker D: Yes. [01:03:08] Speaker E: Okay. [01:03:09] Speaker D: He hasn't spoken of her. [01:03:10] Speaker E: Her? [01:03:13] Speaker D: Yes. Your spitting image. But what was that name? [01:03:21] Speaker C: Did you tell him your name? [01:03:23] Speaker E: No, I'm going to cry. I didn't tell him my name. [01:03:30] Speaker G: I don't think either of the two he hasn't met introduced themselves. [01:03:36] Speaker E: Does Nero sound familiar? At. [01:03:41] Speaker D: No. No, there's nothing familiar about that name. Is that a name you're looking into? [01:03:48] Speaker E: No, that's my name. [01:03:50] Speaker D: Oh. [01:03:50] Speaker E: So don't I don't know my family name. That's sort of what I'm looking for. [01:03:58] Speaker D: Oh, I'm so sorry. [01:04:03] Speaker E: Well, thank you. Thank you. It's actually more than I've ever had. Anyway, I've got to go, but thank you. [01:04:18] Speaker D: Of course. I will think on that while I'm looking into this helmint fiasco. [01:04:25] Speaker C: I'll see. [01:04:26] Speaker D: What more memories I can dredge up. Hopefully, I'll think of something useful to you. [01:04:31] Speaker E: Yeah, I hope so. You have a good day. [01:04:35] Speaker D: You as well. I'm terribly sorry. [01:04:37] Speaker E: It's fine. And I'm going to rush down the stairs. Are Zafir and Uber are you guys outside? [01:04:44] Speaker H: We would have waited you for you at the bottom. [01:04:48] Speaker E: Yeah, I rush down the stairs, and I grab Uber by, like, the collar and drag him out of the apartment. [01:04:55] Speaker B: But it's still locked. [01:04:57] Speaker A: We unlocked it. [01:05:01] Speaker E: What is this? [01:05:03] Speaker A: What is wrong with you? [01:05:03] Speaker E: Don't call me that. It's not my name, first of all. Second of all, Uber, I need to talk to you. [01:05:14] Speaker C: Of course, but you don't have to be so violent about it. [01:05:18] Speaker E: No, I kind of do. [01:05:19] Speaker A: What is the matter, Neros? [01:05:22] Speaker E: So I take out the letter, and I thrust it in his hands, and I point at the wax seal. Like, have you seen this before? Should I? [01:05:28] Speaker G: Actually, yeah, let's describe it. [01:05:31] Speaker E: Okay, so what you see is a black wax seal depicting a hang on, I should know this. A raven flying in front of a full moon. And, like, you can see the urgency in her face. [01:05:50] Speaker C: Let me take a look. Let me take a look. [01:05:53] Speaker G: Make a society check. [01:05:54] Speaker C: Oh, boy. [01:06:00] Speaker H: You know, for you. [01:06:03] Speaker E: No, you don't have to do no. [01:06:05] Speaker C: Sven, I will do it for you. [01:06:08] Speaker E: You don't have to try. Do it. [01:06:10] Speaker A: I'm very curious. [01:06:11] Speaker E: Do it. [01:06:12] Speaker H: Yeah, because this is less useful to me anyway. [01:06:16] Speaker C: So we'll give it one more. [01:06:19] Speaker A: I used a hero point. [01:06:21] Speaker C: Run and shoot is no longer in my thing. That was a good use of the Hero point 28. [01:06:33] Speaker G: So, first off, as you're looking at the letter, it does seem familiar, and you're, like, kind of, like, looking over the symbol on it, and you're, like, able to deduce just from your knowledge of things, of, like, societal practices and stuff, that it's like, this is a wax seal of some noble house. And the first thing that pops into your mind is like, I've never seen this seal before. I have no clue who this is. But then there's another side of you that's like, yeah, I kind of do. Like, you have no idea what noble house this belongs to, but you know you've seen it before, but you can't pin where. [01:07:11] Speaker D: And then when you look up at. [01:07:12] Speaker G: Neros to kind of, like just for a flash of an instant, she seems kind of familiar, but not as Neros as someone else. [01:07:27] Speaker C: I do not know if I have the answer you seek, but I don't know what house this this seal is from, but I feel like that I have seen it before. And. [01:07:45] Speaker H: He looks up at you whenever. [01:07:47] Speaker C: That was described, and he says, but you as well seem for a moment, you seemed like someone else that I know. [01:08:00] Speaker E: Someone else? [01:08:01] Speaker C: Yes. I don't remember who, but in I don't know if I can remember. [01:08:18] Speaker E: Okay, so she's been wearing a locket this entire time. And she takes that locket off and she opens it and points to one of the there's a painting inside of it depicting a woman and a man holding a baby. [01:08:39] Speaker G: No, just a woman. [01:08:40] Speaker E: Just a woman and a man. [01:08:41] Speaker B: They don't want their baby in the picture, remember? [01:08:43] Speaker E: I'm sorry. Nalakit depicts a woman and a man, and the front of it kind of has the same imagery of the seal, just a little bit different. And she points to the woman. It's like. [01:08:58] Speaker G: So as you look at the painting Uber, the woman looks a lot like Neros, and it takes very little deductive emphasis to figure out this is clearly a painting of her mother. The man standing next to the woman is different. The first thing you notice know they both appear to be fletchlings, but the man's face is completely missing. And that's where we'll end this episode. [01:09:35] Speaker E: I'm shaking. I can't write in my notes because I've been shaking so bad. This is stupid. [01:09:44] Speaker G: All right, Abby, what is this new hero point card you've received? [01:09:49] Speaker E: I chose endure the onslaught. Play at any time. Give a creature you can see resistance five to all damage until the start of your next turn. If you are 7th level or higher, the resistance is ten. And if you are twelveTH level or higher, the resistance is 15. [01:10:06] Speaker C: Nice. [01:10:08] Speaker E: All right, well, thank you for this. I appreciate it. And I'm going to go cry some more. Maybe write down these notes if I stop shaking. [01:10:20] Speaker G: And we'll see you all in the next episode. This has been an atomic broadcasting production pathfinder. Galerian and the lost omens world setting are copyright of pizzo More [email protected] music in the show is from Monument Studios collection as well as Assorted artists with some original tracks composed by Jordy Haig. More details in the description. If you enjoyed the show, please remember to share with a friend and we'll look forward to seeing you again next time. [01:10:53] Speaker C: You killed my father. [01:10:58] Speaker B: Yeah. Yes. Sorry, let me rephrase. That sounded more nonchalant. [01:11:03] Speaker A: Yeah, so long ago. [01:11:08] Speaker F: I've already mourned this laws. I don't know what you're talking about, dude.

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