The Written and The Lost

A rag-tag band of misfits takes a routine job as hired muscle for a research mission and soon finds that they've unearthed something ancient and of dire importance. Soon, the party finds themselves in a...more

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A rag-tag band of misfits takes a routine job as hired muscle for a research mission and soon finds that they've unearthed something ancient and of dire importance. Soon, the party finds themselves in a race against time to stop a cult and solve a mystery older than memory itself. A quest to learn what is remembered and what is forgotten. A saga of the Written and the Lost.

The Written and the Lost is an actual play podcast using the Pathfinder 2E ruleset taking place in the Lost Omens world setting. Join our rambunctious group of nerds every week for a new chapter in this original story with an emphasis on player-directed adventure and complex interwoven storylines.

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Meet our Hosts

Jordy Hake

Jordy Hake

Part-Time GM, Part-Time Audio Tech, Full-Time Nerd. Jordy is epic and needs no further introduction.

Michael Petete

Michael Petete

Zelda mega-nerd, Doctor Who fan, audio/video editing dabbler, aspiring voice actor. Honestly just doing a bit of everything for fun!

Samuel Sarver

Samuel Sarver

Comic book lover, Head Writer, CEO, Player on The Written and The Lost, and an altogether radical dude who is totally Wizard!!

Abby Fincher

Abby Fincher

Professional nerd, addicted to animals and caffeine. In that order.

Michael Jenkins

Michael Jenkins

The Quiet Man in the Corner Cooling, thinking on philosophical things and key-blades while cuddling his pets.

Sven Nerness

Sven Nerness

A Tall and loud singing engineer always at the ready to give a seminar on lord of the rings or math...the nerd