Episode 16

August 28, 2023


EP. 16 Goodnight, Jol

Hosted by

Jordy Hake Michael Petete Samuel Sarver Abby Fincher Michael Jenkins Sven Nerness
EP. 16 Goodnight, Jol
The Written and The Lost
EP. 16 Goodnight, Jol

Aug 28 2023 | 01:26:08


Show Notes

As the sun sets on the city of Jol, the dispersed party carries out their business, whether jolly or serious, comfortable or dangerous, innocent...  or otherwise...


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Content Warning Details:
****************** Spoilers!! ***************************
Two party members interrogate and murder a prisoner they've kidnapped from jail, torture is implied: 1:15:18 - 1:18:10
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: This episode comes with a content warning. The following contains scenes of malicious violence, timestamps and details in the show notes. Listener discretion is advised. [00:00:16] Speaker B: You are listening to an Atomic Broadcasting production. [00:00:19] Speaker C: So sit back, relax, and enjoy the feature presentation. [00:00:24] Speaker B: And remember, do your part, such as, like, comment rate. [00:00:28] Speaker C: And don't forget to tell a friend. [00:00:30] Speaker B: To tune in for an atomic time. [00:00:47] Speaker A: The party questioned the sole survivor among the attackers, but failed to obtain the information they needed, so brought him to the local guard to arrest as the party went their separate ways for the day, haymir, distressed over losing control during the interrogation, investigated the helmet he had secreted from the cave. Seeking answers, he asked help from Uvel, who put the helmet on his head. [00:01:19] Speaker D: We're just a group of friends. [00:01:21] Speaker E: It is Abby's turn to talk about. [00:01:22] Speaker B: The homework Gosh diddly. [00:01:23] Speaker D: Darn it. [00:01:24] Speaker B: It is your turn. [00:01:25] Speaker D: I don't want to talk about it. [00:01:27] Speaker B: I felt the same way, but I. [00:01:28] Speaker A: Didn'T get a choice. [00:01:29] Speaker C: Let's talk about that after you talk about it. We'll get everyone's one to ten. [00:01:33] Speaker D: Are we actually recording now, though? Okay, cool. I don't want to talk about I. [00:01:40] Speaker E: Thought you were making sure we record so you don't got to repeat yourself. [00:01:43] Speaker C: That's fine. We'll make it easier. Everyone we'll go around and what's your one to ten scale of Dark Crystal? The movie. Oh, Jenkins. One to 1010 is the best movie. [00:01:54] Speaker E: Are we grading on a curve? [00:01:56] Speaker C: One is I never want to see this movie again. No curves. [00:01:58] Speaker E: No curves. [00:01:59] Speaker C: No, you idiot. [00:02:02] Speaker B: You get what you deserve. No, grace. [00:02:08] Speaker E: Because I feel like people should at least watch it once. But if I was given the option to watch it again, I would probably say no. So maybe a three. [00:02:16] Speaker C: Wow. Okay. [00:02:18] Speaker E: You said one was never again. [00:02:20] Speaker C: Well, because it's so badly made and done uninteresting to you at all. [00:02:25] Speaker E: Okay, then, like a seven. [00:02:28] Speaker F: Dang. [00:02:29] Speaker B: That's 6.5. [00:02:30] Speaker D: That's a high mark there. Well, he changed the thing. [00:02:33] Speaker E: He made a curve. [00:02:35] Speaker C: No, the idea is, like, one. It's the worst movie you've seen. Ten is, like, the best movie. [00:02:39] Speaker E: That's not what you said. [00:02:39] Speaker A: One. [00:02:40] Speaker B: You'd never watch it. [00:02:41] Speaker C: That's what I intended when I said. [00:02:43] Speaker E: Okay, so on that scale, worst I've ever seen. Best I've ever seen. [00:02:49] Speaker F: Four. [00:02:50] Speaker C: Four. [00:02:54] Speaker B: B to 7.5. The scale kept you? [00:02:59] Speaker C: I've seen some movies. I'd give nine, but I'd never watch again. [00:03:02] Speaker F: Yeah, same. [00:03:03] Speaker C: All right. Petite number. [00:03:05] Speaker F: Oh, gosh. [00:03:06] Speaker B: I should have been thinking about this. [00:03:08] Speaker D: No pressure, buddy. [00:03:10] Speaker B: What's the scale again? [00:03:13] Speaker C: One to ten. [00:03:14] Speaker E: Three times. [00:03:15] Speaker C: One is worst movie ever. Ten is best movie. [00:03:20] Speaker B: Can I go into detail as to. [00:03:21] Speaker C: Why I'm giving the answer? Short detail. [00:03:23] Speaker B: Okay, so I'm going to give it a six out of ten because it had a good story to tell. It had good storytelling, it had a good world, and it had those big, long legged things that oh, my goodness. Were really cool and fun to watch. [00:03:39] Speaker E: I'd argue about the good story to tell, but the storytelling was good. [00:03:42] Speaker B: And I also really want to know what they look like inside the long legged things walking around in just a meadow. [00:03:49] Speaker E: The land striders. [00:03:50] Speaker B: The land striders. I watched this in two sessions during my lunchtimes at work. I completely forgot the plot in between. [00:04:02] Speaker C: All right, we're going to jump over to Sven. [00:04:05] Speaker B: All right. So in all fairness, this is all personal opinion. It's not the type of movie that I'm particularly interested in. So my rating is Pi 3.415. That's in its entirety. [00:04:20] Speaker E: So the rest of the 600 episodes that I think we had that we think that this is going to take, it's all just going to be pie. [00:04:31] Speaker A: Then you realize your grading, then is irrational. [00:04:34] Speaker B: Yeah. Jordy, this is personal opinion. It can't be irrational. Hence my earlier explanation. [00:04:43] Speaker C: His opinions are real. They just might not be right. [00:04:46] Speaker D: Abby, it's an opinion. [00:04:50] Speaker C: I know it's not a fact. All right, abby, what would you give it? [00:04:55] Speaker D: Oh, gosh. If given the choice again, I don't think I'd watch it again. [00:05:02] Speaker C: Interesting. [00:05:04] Speaker D: It was good for a I've now seen it. I can mark that off of the bucket list. Even though it wasn't on it initially. I was forced to watch this movie. [00:05:17] Speaker F: I was fought. [00:05:20] Speaker D: Sam came to my house and held a gun to my head until I watched. [00:05:23] Speaker B: Sam doesn't even own a gun. Sam streamed several X shotguns, the most deadly of weapons. [00:05:32] Speaker D: I would give it a four. [00:05:36] Speaker C: Interesting. [00:05:37] Speaker D: Probably we had the same exact opinion on it. The plot was interesting. Some of the puppet stuff I laughed hysterically at because I'm like that's my yeah. I wouldn't watch it again. [00:05:59] Speaker C: That's okay. Probably Jordy our GM, you've seen it, obviously, beforehand. That started this conversation about Dark Crystal. What's your rating for it? [00:06:09] Speaker A: So first off, I'm giving it a six. However, because of my preferences in regards to watching movies specifically, I don't really I think my scale only goes up to, like, an eight. [00:06:25] Speaker B: Nothing can be perfect. [00:06:26] Speaker C: That's true. Jordan has not seen a lot of movies. My rating for this skipped you. Mine, I think, is like a 7.5. I like it. I love it. It's so great. But it's one of those movies that doesn't quite keep my attention when I'm watching it. I like it. I love the Jim Henson stuff. I could watch that's, like, the whole movie. I know I could watch those movies. Just only those type movies. I like it a lot, and it's really fun. It's quotable. It's exciting. [00:07:01] Speaker B: We need a variety show by Jim Henson. [00:07:05] Speaker C: It's not the best fantasy movie. It's a good fantasy movie. It's a solid fantasy movie. I'd probably watch Crawl over Dark christian, I've never seen you guys should watch Crawl. [00:07:15] Speaker E: The new homework. Here we go. [00:07:17] Speaker D: I don't even know what that is. [00:07:19] Speaker E: When you guys signed up for this podcast, did you expect movie rating podcast? [00:07:23] Speaker C: Kroll is one of Liam Neeson's first films. [00:07:25] Speaker B: Liam oh, really? [00:07:28] Speaker D: Oh, my gosh. [00:07:30] Speaker C: It's pretty fun. Anyway. [00:07:31] Speaker D: Liam neeson. [00:07:32] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:07:32] Speaker C: Dark Crystal. It's great. Worth the watch. [00:07:34] Speaker E: One thing that you should be prepared when you watch Dark Crystal, though, is you will be scarred because you get to see one of the muppets naked and it's horrifying. It's horrifying. All of it. [00:07:44] Speaker D: It's absolutely horrifying. And that was the scene I was talking about. I'm like, I know they're beating him up, but I'm laughing because this is hysterical. [00:07:52] Speaker B: On another note at the screen that. [00:07:54] Speaker E: I did not need to see that. [00:07:55] Speaker B: On another note, could we have a spin off of this show where we just review movies called the written and the watched? [00:08:04] Speaker E: All right, guys, if you want to watch or listen to the written and. [00:08:07] Speaker D: The watched, we could stream it on Twitch and then it could be the. [00:08:11] Speaker B: Written in the watch, because some of. [00:08:12] Speaker C: Us watch a lot more movies than other people. [00:08:15] Speaker E: That's the fun of it, though. [00:08:20] Speaker B: Those who can describe it describes it to the ones who don't watch movies. That way they don't have to watch it. [00:08:26] Speaker A: No, we take turns. We have like two or three people do a report. Well, there's six of us altogether. So three people watch a movie and they write like a book report on the movie. The other three who did not watch the movie read the report and then try to narrate scenes without having seen the movie. [00:08:45] Speaker B: Hey, that sounds great. [00:08:49] Speaker E: When we make the banter an office. [00:08:51] Speaker F: Meeting, this is where we get all. [00:08:54] Speaker A: Of our good ideas. [00:08:55] Speaker B: That's really great. I will say, as movies go, if you enjoy it, enjoy it. [00:09:02] Speaker F: If you don't, you don't. [00:09:03] Speaker D: Yeah, everyone has their own different. [00:09:05] Speaker B: I'd say give it a shot. And that's rich coming from me, because I don't we're definitely not here shots. [00:09:11] Speaker E: To yuck other people's. [00:09:13] Speaker D: I'm over here watching movies that happened in the hardly watch anything the golden years. [00:09:19] Speaker B: The dark Crystal is like the textbook definition of a cult classic. [00:09:24] Speaker E: Yes, speaking of cults and classics. [00:09:30] Speaker A: Last episode, I think, ended off with a bit of a cliffhanger. So without any further ado, let's go ahead and jump right back into the Volden household. The inside of the Volden household is cozy, warm, well lit. It's really everything that you would want or imagine out of just homeliness, homeiness. [00:10:02] Speaker F: Homeless, homeless, homelessness. [00:10:07] Speaker A: There's stew on the stove, cooking and filling the air with the aroma of home cooked food. And there's the awkward tension of having a question mark unwanted guest. [00:10:21] Speaker E: There's no question. [00:10:23] Speaker B: I made this very clear only through body language. [00:10:28] Speaker E: Inverbally telling you, in his defense, he's. [00:10:32] Speaker C: Half deaf in his left ear. [00:10:34] Speaker A: So with body language not canon. [00:10:38] Speaker E: With. [00:10:39] Speaker A: Body language and normal language, you have communicated. [00:10:45] Speaker B: Zafir is just sitting at the kitchen table. I guess we were at tapping his fingers together just kind of awkwardly. I took my glasses off. I can't read. [00:10:56] Speaker C: What's your name again? Alward. [00:10:59] Speaker E: Alward. [00:11:03] Speaker F: Sir. Alward, you seem to be a bit touchy around the subject of your family lineage. [00:11:18] Speaker E: Are you. [00:11:21] Speaker B: I'm talking about your father. [00:11:22] Speaker F: Yes. [00:11:22] Speaker E: No, I fully understand. I'm just trying to figure out if you're trying in your own weird way to be polite or he's passed away. He was a good man. He went off to fight and died in a war. [00:11:43] Speaker F: And how long ago was that? [00:11:45] Speaker E: Ten years. [00:11:46] Speaker F: Ten years? I'm sorry to hear that. And you believe that your mother is still grieving? [00:11:58] Speaker E: No. She doesn't feel well most of the time, so I do my best to not get her upset and maybe cause a reaction of some kind. [00:12:17] Speaker F: I know this is a strange question. [00:12:19] Speaker E: But all of this has been strange. [00:12:23] Speaker F: Do you often return home or do you go on adventures and journeys like the rest of us seem to do? [00:12:35] Speaker E: The past week has been the first time I've actually left to go forth. [00:12:43] Speaker F: And does she know? [00:12:48] Speaker E: No. [00:12:52] Speaker F: Why not? [00:12:56] Speaker E: Let us not talk about this anymore? I'm sure the food's almost ready, and then we can just pass the time. [00:13:06] Speaker F: Well, just so that I can mentally take note. And with a pen. [00:13:12] Speaker E: I didn't notice you had a quill in your hand. [00:13:14] Speaker F: I took it out of your hair. [00:13:18] Speaker E: What? [00:13:19] Speaker F: Well, it's not there anymore. Stop checking. What is her name? Just so that I can address her as I'm leaving the home. [00:13:30] Speaker E: How do you vela I didn't name my mom. [00:13:36] Speaker B: Her parents probably named her your grandparents. I know her mother. [00:13:42] Speaker A: Valia. [00:13:43] Speaker E: Valia? [00:13:44] Speaker B: Oh, crap. I actually had that written down. [00:13:45] Speaker E: Yeah, that's why I was laughing, because I was like, I'm pretty sure she told you yesterday or earlier. [00:13:51] Speaker F: Do you have any other family? [00:13:55] Speaker B: How do you ease that into a conversation? [00:13:57] Speaker A: You're taking a census? [00:14:00] Speaker E: I'm taking a census. [00:14:01] Speaker A: Give me a list of all your family members. [00:14:03] Speaker F: I'm just curious. Who else do you reside with? Is it just you and your mother? [00:14:08] Speaker E: No, I mentioned my why are you taking notes about my family? [00:14:14] Speaker F: I am not taking handwritten notes. [00:14:17] Speaker E: You have a quill in your hand, and you somehow had an ink pot. I don't know where that came from. [00:14:22] Speaker F: But you didn't see anything. [00:14:26] Speaker E: You told me about it. [00:14:30] Speaker F: You're right. I'm just curious, I guess. [00:14:33] Speaker E: Well, let me ask you something. [00:14:36] Speaker F: All right? [00:14:38] Speaker E: So I didn't think about this until after you've entered my domicile. That thing. [00:14:48] Speaker F: I have a lot of things, yes. [00:14:50] Speaker E: Will it go after my family? [00:14:55] Speaker F: Oh, that thing? [00:14:58] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:15:01] Speaker F: Truth be told, I don't know. Oh, I have seen it a few times, and each time I don't really gather anything from it, and it kind of just disappears. But I assume that it has some sort of ill intent, and I like to get rid of it. So far it hasn't harmed anything, but I don't know. [00:15:34] Speaker E: You guys don't need to know. Stop looking at us like that. [00:15:38] Speaker B: They're just acting out what I'm saying. [00:15:39] Speaker E: Okay. Is there normally, like, a time frame? Is it random? I need to know if I need to be worried about my family. [00:15:48] Speaker F: Well, I don't have any alarms set, but you know, I was going to say this anyway, but I believe that after we after we eat your mother's very wonderfully smelling cooking, I think I will take my leave. I won't stay here. I did have a room back at the inn. I was just curious about your home life. It's been a while since I've seen a full family function. [00:16:25] Speaker E: They're quite normal ish. You could probably go down the street or watch a market. [00:16:33] Speaker F: That doesn't sound legal. It doesn't, but I'm not going to just watch random people. [00:16:43] Speaker E: Well, if you must know, my sister, who should be here any moment, his name is Lena. [00:16:53] Speaker F: Is her last name also Volden? [00:16:56] Speaker E: No, it's capricorn. Yes, it's Volden. [00:16:59] Speaker F: That's officially her. [00:17:01] Speaker B: I can't see what I'm writing currently. [00:17:04] Speaker E: You typed corporal. [00:17:05] Speaker F: Corporal. [00:17:08] Speaker C: You need to put your glasses why are they not OD? [00:17:12] Speaker B: Because it's easier to not look at. [00:17:14] Speaker F: Anyone when I can't see. [00:17:18] Speaker B: For those at home, I have tilted my microphone up because it's much easier to see all of my materials. [00:17:25] Speaker C: Not when you're not wearing your glasses. [00:17:27] Speaker B: And if I put my glasses on, I will try to look at everyone and that makes me sound like this. And that's not good. [00:17:35] Speaker D: They love it when you sound like that's. [00:17:45] Speaker E: This is the most derailed episode. I'm sorry, listeners, if there are any. [00:17:55] Speaker D: If everyone's exited by now, we wouldn't blame you. [00:17:59] Speaker F: So I appreciate you taking me in for as momentary as it was, as brief. But after I eat, I will take my leave and I'll see you in the morning, I believe. [00:18:13] Speaker E: All right, then. [00:18:15] Speaker F: What were we having? Stew? [00:18:16] Speaker E: Yes. Beef, I think. Pork. [00:18:19] Speaker F: Pork. [00:18:19] Speaker E: I think I could be wrong about that. I didn't write that in my notes. [00:18:24] Speaker F: It's okay. What does it smell like? [00:18:25] Speaker E: Smells like pork stew. [00:18:29] Speaker F: I don't have no is that canon? [00:18:33] Speaker D: So is the fear's Voldemort? [00:18:36] Speaker F: Nobody knows. [00:18:37] Speaker C: It's a little tiny voldemort. [00:18:42] Speaker B: I know it's a vada kadavra. [00:18:44] Speaker E: But anyway. [00:18:51] Speaker F: Just so that you know, I can read it on your face. I have no intention of romancing your mother. [00:18:57] Speaker E: I didn't. [00:18:58] Speaker F: Yes, you did. Don't lie to me. [00:19:00] Speaker E: Okay, maybe a little bit, but I. [00:19:01] Speaker F: Mean, you can't lie to me. I am in your head. [00:19:05] Speaker E: No, you're not. [00:19:06] Speaker F: I like to make you think I. [00:19:08] Speaker E: Am, but you're not. [00:19:12] Speaker F: I have no other convincing tricks up my sleeve. I'm trying my hardest. [00:19:18] Speaker E: This has been the most awkward night of my life so far. [00:19:21] Speaker F: You invited me at that moment, Mrs. [00:19:26] Speaker A: Volden Valia comes around the corner with a couple bowls of stew and she's like, dinner's ready. [00:19:31] Speaker F: Oh, thank you. It smells wonderful. [00:19:39] Speaker B: I can tell the time by sniffing. [00:19:40] Speaker E: But if I don't have a nose, that's a problem. I've seen character art of your character and I'm pretty sure he had a nose. [00:19:52] Speaker F: Don't worry, I'm just using some magics. [00:19:55] Speaker A: It smells like dinner time. [00:19:59] Speaker B: Would you say like seven? 8913? [00:20:04] Speaker A: 13 is a bit early for dinner. [00:20:10] Speaker B: 25. [00:20:12] Speaker E: That's a bit late. [00:20:15] Speaker D: There is no such time. [00:20:17] Speaker B: Took me a minute to figure out how many hours. [00:20:21] Speaker E: I mean, if you want, it's just it would be 01:00 a.m. Maybe during the savings of time. [00:20:29] Speaker B: Let's stop counting days by days and do it by hours now. [00:20:33] Speaker E: Anyway. [00:20:34] Speaker B: What time is it? 1 million 7800 thousand hours. [00:20:40] Speaker A: The dinner is another awkward situation. Not quite as awkward because with Vale and Lena at the table with the two of you, they kind know, keep the conversation going in more normal routes. Every so often they'll ask a question about, you know, how were things going yesterday? And I imagine Alward probably just very quickly gives a non committal answer and changes the subject because we know that Alward doesn't really want them worrying. [00:21:06] Speaker B: Periodically, I will, with a mouthful of stew, like all dads do, take my spoon and just kind of point at. [00:21:13] Speaker F: It and go. [00:21:18] Speaker A: I can see it now. [00:21:20] Speaker E: Yep. [00:21:22] Speaker A: And after dinner, Velia is very pleased that you enjoyed the stew and is like, well, thank you for coming for a visit. It's always nice to meet some of Albert's friends. [00:21:32] Speaker F: And thank you for inviting me to your home. Alward did mention that I could stay over, but I will be going back to our inn. [00:21:41] Speaker A: Oh, it's no trouble. We could make up a space for you to stay. [00:21:44] Speaker F: No, really, I already paid for the room and I don't want to trouble them to get my money back. It's all right, I'll protect. I'm your bodyguard. Right? [00:22:00] Speaker E: Your duties are for on the road. [00:22:02] Speaker F: I'll be back in the morning to. [00:22:05] Speaker E: Watch over him at the end. [00:22:08] Speaker F: All right, I'll see you there, boss. [00:22:14] Speaker A: Well, it sounds like the two of you have everything all worked out, so you have a good night. [00:22:18] Speaker F: Good night. [00:22:19] Speaker A: Zafir was. [00:22:20] Speaker F: Yes. Yes, Madam Voldon. [00:22:30] Speaker A: And with that, Zafir steps out into the night air. At this point, the sun has gone down and it's a bit colder out there's. A bit of a chill night wind kind of blowing through the empty city streets. [00:22:43] Speaker B: I'm going to head straight back to the inn. [00:22:46] Speaker A: As you take your first steps in that direction, you hear from an alleyway. [00:22:55] Speaker F: Hello? [00:22:55] Speaker C: Who is it? [00:22:57] Speaker A: And a familiar face steps out and says, Hi. Long time no seesafir. And we're going to cut back to what's going on in the inn. [00:23:07] Speaker E: If it's my landlord, I'ma flip a table. [00:23:12] Speaker A: Uber had just placed this ancient helmet of unknowable power onto his head, and as he did so, he felt an intense burning, and itching sensation all along, all of the runes covering his body. And they're beginning to glow with a red light as the burning sensation is growing stronger and stronger. [00:23:35] Speaker G: It's burning. [00:23:36] Speaker C: Take it off, then. [00:23:41] Speaker A: And the helmet comes off. [00:23:44] Speaker C: That was easy. [00:23:47] Speaker E: No wonder we started with the Volden household. [00:23:50] Speaker C: You know, I was really worried I was going to have to do a lot to this. [00:23:55] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:23:57] Speaker E: We broke Sven again. [00:24:01] Speaker C: Is that all? [00:24:03] Speaker A: Uber's just lying on the ground, convulsing in pain? [00:24:08] Speaker C: I'm dying over here. [00:24:10] Speaker D: Obviously. [00:24:11] Speaker E: Yeah, we know. You're on fire. [00:24:16] Speaker A: Sven. What is Uber's will bonus. [00:24:19] Speaker B: Give me half second. [00:24:20] Speaker C: Didn't he succeed a will save at the end of last session? Nope. [00:24:24] Speaker A: Okay, so as you take the helmet off, the burning feeling on your arms and, like all the runes, is beginning to subside, and there doesn't seem to be any lasting damage, but there's still just that sensation of something very wrong. Just that very uncomfortable, unpleasant feeling. [00:24:46] Speaker G: That's not a good idea. [00:24:49] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:24:51] Speaker G: It didn't do anything to you, though. [00:24:53] Speaker C: No. [00:24:53] Speaker G: Why me? [00:24:55] Speaker C: Maybe it's something to do with your tattoos that were glowing. [00:24:58] Speaker G: So not tattoos. [00:25:01] Speaker C: Scars. Is that better? [00:25:03] Speaker G: Yes, but not in this traditional sense. [00:25:08] Speaker A: No. [00:25:09] Speaker F: Okay. [00:25:09] Speaker C: What am I supposed to call them, then? [00:25:12] Speaker G: I don't know. [00:25:13] Speaker C: That is then why are you getting upset at me? [00:25:17] Speaker G: I'm sorry. I still feel that thing is I don't know, but I don't know if that thing's evil. The runes are evil. The creator was it, but I cannot do that again. [00:25:38] Speaker C: It seems important to an evil, crazy cult, so I wouldn't expect much sense put into it that was reckless to be burnt. [00:25:50] Speaker G: I am not thinking state. I am not thinking like I usually do. I am not usually so reckless. [00:25:58] Speaker C: I mean, it wasn't long ago that you went into my head. [00:26:04] Speaker G: And that was reckless, too. [00:26:09] Speaker C: I also went into an ancient library twice. [00:26:12] Speaker G: That's normal. [00:26:15] Speaker D: He's got a point. [00:26:18] Speaker C: All right. [00:26:20] Speaker G: On my years of exploring and finding lost knowledge, this is the first time where I felt like I've seen traps, I've seen monsters, I've seen all these things, but nothing that has taken me and stolen me. My mind messed with my mind about that. [00:26:52] Speaker C: I haven't gotten a chance to tell you. [00:26:54] Speaker G: What? [00:26:54] Speaker C: Oh. When I peered into your brain, inside of my head. [00:27:00] Speaker G: Yes. [00:27:01] Speaker C: There were just patches of your brain missing. So those memories aren't coming back unless we find them and, I guess, patch them back in. I don't know how to do that. You know, Alward likes brains. He probably might know how to do that. He's a psychic. But then again, Albert's not very good at much. Yeah. Give me the helmet. I'll put it back in my pack. [00:27:34] Speaker G: You're saying that my memories are literally. [00:27:37] Speaker B: No longer there, right? [00:27:39] Speaker C: That they have, yeah, like someone cut them out or unsowed them, weaved them out, I guess. Like Patchwork. Just missing patchwork? Really? [00:27:55] Speaker G: Why me? What did I find? What did I find in that library that would someone would do something? Perhaps perhaps it was perhaps it was that thing that those our three compatriots that they did whenever we were in your mind, as it were. Perhaps it was asking. [00:28:24] Speaker C: It could be. I don't know. But if it's information we're seeking, I do know a fellow. [00:28:34] Speaker G: I am hesitant to do anything so reckless again. [00:28:40] Speaker C: This wouldn't be as reckless. It'd be more asking for information. Is that reckless? [00:28:50] Speaker G: Then I think I will be more inclined to do that, but I don't think I should touch that element again. [00:28:57] Speaker C: That's why I took it from you. Well, let's hold on to it, because there's apparently an evil assassin cult looking for it, but tempted to throw it away. Because at the same time, I really don't want assassins coming after me. That's not why I'm here. [00:29:13] Speaker G: But I don't think that we can let anyone else have it. I don't know what it is or what it is, but that thing cannot fall into the wrong hands. [00:29:24] Speaker C: Right. Well, obviously you can't hold it right now, but when we get back to the others, I'll pass it off. [00:29:31] Speaker G: Yes. Let us talk about it in the morning. I think I need to go sleep. [00:29:41] Speaker C: Sure. Do you have a room in here, too? I forget. [00:29:47] Speaker G: Yes, it's down the hall. But perhaps I should get a drink first. [00:29:52] Speaker C: Sure, buddy. Can you walk? [00:29:56] Speaker B: He slowly gets up, kind of still shaking, but firming up. [00:30:04] Speaker G: I think I will be okay in time, but right now I need to go clear my head. [00:30:09] Speaker C: All right, well, I'll come with you because I don't want to be alone with this helmet. [00:30:13] Speaker G: Now, that is fine. Let's just go get a drink together, perhaps. [00:30:18] Speaker C: Sure. Oh, we could give it to Nero's. I think she's down there. [00:30:25] Speaker A: So the two of you make your way down the stairs back into the common area of the inn. It's fairly busy by this point, as many of the laborers and workmen in the area have gotten off from their shifts and are grabbing a last drink or two before they head home for the night. But you still have little difficulty finding Neros in the crowd? Neros, what have you been up to? [00:30:49] Speaker D: Is this the in? Whatever it is, for Tim, the cool. She she's singing with him. [00:31:00] Speaker A: Awesome. And the tune that you're singing, is it more of, like, a customary, just know, just folk song or something? Or is it more of a drinking kind of song? [00:31:12] Speaker D: It's a drinking song. [00:31:13] Speaker A: And the barkeep does not mind. [00:31:16] Speaker D: Good. [00:31:18] Speaker B: You better not. [00:31:19] Speaker D: We may have words if he does. [00:31:24] Speaker C: Maybe we'll just ignore her. [00:31:27] Speaker G: I don't think we need to disturb her. [00:31:29] Speaker C: She seems busy. Maybe. Do you think we need her? [00:31:34] Speaker G: I don't think we need anybody right now. [00:31:38] Speaker C: Let's set up booth near her. [00:31:40] Speaker F: Okay. [00:31:41] Speaker G: But it is mindless enough that perhaps it can clear the head. [00:31:45] Speaker C: Well, if we're close to her and someone tries to kill us, then she'll be involved. [00:31:51] Speaker G: That is a very OD way of thinking, my friend. [00:31:54] Speaker C: It's generally how I think. [00:31:56] Speaker B: I am starting to understand any waves to the barkeep. [00:32:02] Speaker A: So the two of you order your drinks and sit down awkwardly close to Neros without making any eye contact. [00:32:11] Speaker C: You're not still glowing, are you? [00:32:14] Speaker A: No, I didn't. You're a little bit sore, but otherwise back to normal. [00:32:20] Speaker B: His hands stop shaking as he's drinking, and then they might start shaking later, we'll find out, but for different reasons. [00:32:30] Speaker A: Neros, they're not being stealthy at all. So you would obviously notice them coming up and sitting down at a table, like, right next to the stage where the Bard is set up. [00:32:38] Speaker D: Not looking at me. [00:32:40] Speaker A: Not obviously not looking at you. [00:32:43] Speaker D: Oh, what's the problem, guys? Don't admit that you know me. [00:32:47] Speaker C: You looked busy. [00:32:48] Speaker G: We didn't want to. [00:32:49] Speaker D: I'm busy trying to get everyone to have a good time. Now come here. [00:32:53] Speaker A: There's a guy at a table who's. [00:32:55] Speaker F: Just, like. [00:32:57] Speaker D: He knows what I'm talking about. Let's go. Come on. [00:33:01] Speaker C: What do you mean? I'm eating food. [00:33:03] Speaker D: Yeah, you can eat and sing at the same time. [00:33:07] Speaker C: No, I'm not doing that. Thank you. [00:33:14] Speaker D: Fine. Whatever. Uber, what about you? [00:33:19] Speaker B: Uber looks just kind of fish is gulping his first pint down. [00:33:25] Speaker D: Come on. [00:33:26] Speaker B: Sits it down. [00:33:28] Speaker D: A couple more pints and you'll be up here with us. Come on. [00:33:34] Speaker G: It has been a rough night. [00:33:38] Speaker D: And he just waves for another. How rough day? Almost died. That's why we're celebrating. [00:33:47] Speaker B: It's true. [00:33:47] Speaker C: Are you feeling all right? [00:33:48] Speaker D: I'm fine. And you can tell she's out of you doing great. [00:33:57] Speaker B: And I just imagine the pint comes and he's just, like, downing it. [00:34:02] Speaker D: Yes. [00:34:04] Speaker A: And the innkeeper is just, like, watching you go, and he's, like, torn between oh, that's pretty quick to go through a drink. But also, he's a dwarf. He could probably handle it. [00:34:14] Speaker B: And he points Beckons for another. [00:34:20] Speaker D: Another round? [00:34:21] Speaker G: I don't usually drink this much, but I think I will make an exception. [00:34:29] Speaker D: With that. Tim, another song. Another song? [00:34:32] Speaker A: Yeah. What do you want to sing next? [00:34:36] Speaker D: No, you choose. You're good at it. [00:34:40] Speaker C: Do you know the Evalia's Fifth? [00:34:42] Speaker A: I was starting a song. [00:34:45] Speaker C: You seemed like you didn't know what to sing. [00:34:48] Speaker A: That's just how it starts. It's, like, long time ago, but I guess I'll sing something else now. [00:34:55] Speaker E: Wait, what's the something? Shuffle. [00:34:58] Speaker A: This song is the fuffle. [00:35:02] Speaker F: Shuffle. [00:35:05] Speaker G: Do you know the song of Erodian and Vinnheiser? [00:35:10] Speaker A: No. [00:35:11] Speaker D: You could teach it to us. [00:35:13] Speaker G: That is a shame. [00:35:15] Speaker D: You could teach it to us. [00:35:17] Speaker A: You can't play my Loot, though. It's mine. You'll have to just sing. But I'll follow along if I figure. [00:35:23] Speaker C: It'S a really easy tune. Tim, I can't even play that one. [00:35:31] Speaker F: Why are you getting into this. [00:35:32] Speaker B: You don't want to dance or sing. [00:35:35] Speaker C: It's true. [00:35:37] Speaker D: Haynes made it obvious. He wants to be what's the word? A party pooper. Come on. [00:35:48] Speaker B: In the middle of his third pint. What are you talking about? [00:35:51] Speaker D: You say you're going to teach Tim song. [00:35:55] Speaker B: I said that you could teach Tim song. [00:36:00] Speaker A: I'm pretty sure that's what he said. [00:36:02] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:36:05] Speaker E: Teach him the song. [00:36:08] Speaker D: Come on, buddy. [00:36:09] Speaker C: We all want to hear it. [00:36:10] Speaker F: Come on. [00:36:11] Speaker G: I'm not much of a singer. [00:36:13] Speaker D: Yeah, neither am I. Not ever stopped me. [00:36:15] Speaker E: Teach him the song. Teach him the song. [00:36:19] Speaker D: Teach him the song. [00:36:21] Speaker E: Teach him the song. [00:36:23] Speaker B: Education. [00:36:30] Speaker C: Why did I come here? [00:36:34] Speaker G: In the land of childin there was Aryan and she met with Saman. [00:36:46] Speaker D: I. [00:36:47] Speaker C: Don'T like this song. [00:36:50] Speaker A: And as Uber continues staggering his way through the tune, tim kind of starts, like, picking out the harmony and starts strumming chords along with probably by, like, the second know. I imagine Neros is kind of catching on to the tune, starts kind of humming along as she's trying to pick out the words. [00:37:10] Speaker D: Oh, she's singing at the top of her lungs. If she knows it or not, it's. [00:37:14] Speaker E: A completely different song. [00:37:17] Speaker A: By the time you get to the third chorus, you've got everybody in the inn except possibly Hamir singing along and. [00:37:27] Speaker G: She slayed the man down. [00:37:34] Speaker B: Another verse, another drink. [00:37:40] Speaker A: Someone you don't see quite who hands you a pint. [00:37:44] Speaker G: Psycho. [00:37:47] Speaker B: Just downs it. [00:37:50] Speaker G: And I think it's time I debate. [00:37:55] Speaker D: All right. [00:37:56] Speaker A: If I had a nickel for every time Sven's character passed out in a. [00:38:00] Speaker F: Bar, I'd have two nickels. [00:38:03] Speaker E: Wait, hold I think the first time it wasn't in a bar. It was on the streets. [00:38:08] Speaker B: There was a bar nearby, right? [00:38:10] Speaker E: I don't remember. [00:38:11] Speaker C: Hey, may I grab some water and just splashes it on? New bear's face. [00:38:19] Speaker G: Is the library closing already? [00:38:21] Speaker D: Yes, buddy. It's been closed for a while. Do you know where you are? How many fingers am I holding up? [00:38:30] Speaker G: Hi. [00:38:33] Speaker C: So Uber grabs her. [00:38:39] Speaker G: Have we met before? [00:38:41] Speaker D: Yeah. Omni Rose. Do you remember? [00:38:45] Speaker G: Oh, yes. [00:38:47] Speaker D: How many have you had? [00:38:49] Speaker C: Four. [00:38:49] Speaker D: Can you hold your liquor? [00:38:53] Speaker G: It was more than wait, how many was it? [00:38:58] Speaker D: Well, if you lost track, then you're doing it right. [00:39:00] Speaker C: I imagine with everything that's happened to his head in the last 48 hours, he's a little more susceptible. [00:39:05] Speaker D: He's totally fine. I don't know what you're talking about. [00:39:08] Speaker E: Look at his wobly do. He's fine. [00:39:11] Speaker D: He's fine. Can you go to bed, buddy? [00:39:15] Speaker E: Yes. [00:39:16] Speaker D: Yeah, let's get you to bed. [00:39:17] Speaker E: Let's go. [00:39:20] Speaker D: Tim. Continue without me. [00:39:23] Speaker A: Tim very confidently strikes a chord that has, like, one wrong note and then fixes it. I've got it covered. [00:39:30] Speaker C: You grab his feet, I'll grab his shoulders. [00:39:32] Speaker G: All right, there's no need for that. [00:39:35] Speaker D: I don't think you can. We're all picking you up. You can't go anywhere. [00:39:40] Speaker B: He's just going to continue talking. [00:39:45] Speaker C: Which room are you in? Where's. Your key. [00:39:54] Speaker B: You just pats around until he I don't know. [00:39:58] Speaker C: It's in your shoe. I can hear it jingling. [00:40:04] Speaker E: Not to be, but didn't you rent a room with a bunch of other people? [00:40:09] Speaker A: Correct. [00:40:10] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [00:40:11] Speaker C: What's this in your shoe? [00:40:15] Speaker G: That is I don't remember, but I think I was in a room with other people. [00:40:24] Speaker C: Oh, right. Neros and I were the only two sane enough to get our own rooms. [00:40:31] Speaker G: Yes. [00:40:32] Speaker C: All right, in you go. I'll kick open the door and just toss you. [00:40:36] Speaker D: As we've been walking, Neros is like stumbling a little bit trying to keep up. Not the best help. [00:40:43] Speaker C: It's all right. I've carried many a drunken men. I was in the military. [00:40:50] Speaker G: I am a dwarf. [00:40:51] Speaker D: You're still a man. You're a man. Dwarf. Dwarf man. [00:40:58] Speaker C: Yeah. Lay down here. [00:41:01] Speaker D: Rock a bayou in the bunk house. [00:41:07] Speaker C: All right. [00:41:07] Speaker G: You'll have lovely voice. [00:41:09] Speaker D: If it wasn't so loud. Oh, maybe it is. Maybe I should go to bed. [00:41:15] Speaker C: Are you going to bed or are you going to revel more? [00:41:18] Speaker D: What time is it? [00:41:20] Speaker C: Nine after nine. [00:41:23] Speaker E: Where are the people who could tell time when you need them? [00:41:27] Speaker C: There you are. [00:41:29] Speaker A: It's probably getting close to midnight. [00:41:33] Speaker D: Oh, maybe I should go to bed. Yeah, you guys have a good one. [00:41:40] Speaker B: Uber's already stumbled over to a bunk. Whether or not it's his, he doesn't know. He's just passed out. [00:41:47] Speaker C: He set you down on a bed and then you get up. [00:41:55] Speaker E: This isn't the wrong bed. [00:41:59] Speaker A: So with the two revelers safely, at least brought to the bunk room, whether they stay there or not hey, Mir, you don't know. I imagine that you're probably heading back to the room that you'd rented. [00:42:11] Speaker C: I'm actually just going to sit in the bar along here. [00:42:14] Speaker F: Gotcha. [00:42:16] Speaker A: And as you make your way down, the activity in the common area is starting to subside now that the catalysts have been removed. Tim is trying to keep up the activities and the spirits and stuff, but it's just not the same. The mood is kind of gone. Meanwhile, while all of this has been happening, back in a dark alleyway in the night of the city of Joel, we see Zephyr, who has just been called over to by a man in this shadowy alleyway. Aye, Zafir. Long time no see. [00:42:57] Speaker F: Yes, to you, too. I'm so sorry about this, but I see a lot of faces. What was your name? [00:43:04] Speaker G: Roger. [00:43:06] Speaker F: Roger. [00:43:07] Speaker A: You remember me from that job three months ago? [00:43:12] Speaker F: Yes, the one where I did the thing, right? [00:43:15] Speaker A: Yeah, the one where you did the thing. [00:43:17] Speaker F: Yeah. I'm sorry about that little mess up. I promise it's all fine now. I fixed it. They're not a problem anymore. [00:43:27] Speaker D: That's right. [00:43:27] Speaker A: I can tell. You're a man who keeps up the loose ends and takes care of them. And that's what I'm needing you to do tonight. [00:43:35] Speaker F: You've got another job for me? [00:43:37] Speaker A: I've got another loose end. [00:43:38] Speaker F: Oh, not from one of my jobs. [00:43:41] Speaker A: I can't imagine you'd been involved with this one. There's a fella just got admitted into the jail. Don't want him in that jail no more. [00:43:55] Speaker F: Do you want him anywhere that would be preferable. [00:44:01] Speaker A: Not anywhere. [00:44:05] Speaker F: Some specifics I must tie up here. Do you want him not in the jail? Not anywhere. But do you want him not in the jail? [00:44:19] Speaker A: Well, imagine we could find a special place for him. 6ft under. [00:44:24] Speaker F: Yes, now I know what you're talking about. Let's tie up this meeting. I'm going to need a name, and, well, that's really it. Maybe a face. Don't actually give me a face. That'll be my job. [00:44:41] Speaker A: You mean you need a name for your target? [00:44:44] Speaker C: Yes. [00:44:44] Speaker F: Oh, not your name. It's Roger. [00:44:48] Speaker A: You know me? I wasn't sure if you're like needing, like, a persona, a fake name to work. [00:44:53] Speaker F: No, I come up with those if necessary, but probably not in this. Right, right. [00:45:00] Speaker G: Name's Eric. Eridkin do you mean erid's son? [00:45:05] Speaker A: Yeah, that's what I mean. [00:45:07] Speaker E: Okay, that makes more sense. [00:45:09] Speaker F: ERID. [00:45:10] Speaker A: His name's Eric Eridson. Seems he ran afoul to some adventurers in town earlier today, got beat up and dropped off in the jail. And there's those who want to make sure he doesn't spill on some beans he shouldn't. [00:45:25] Speaker B: Oh, I didn't write his name down, I believe. [00:45:28] Speaker F: Is he missing a hand, perhaps? [00:45:30] Speaker G: I don't know. [00:45:31] Speaker A: Haven't seen him myself. Just got this job passed on down to me. [00:45:35] Speaker F: How much are we talking? [00:45:37] Speaker G: 50 gold. [00:45:41] Speaker F: Not bad. Not great, but I think I can make that work. Are you needing this job to be done alone or I have some friends that I could get involved. [00:45:55] Speaker A: I trust your discretion. [00:45:58] Speaker F: All right. Well, done deal. It will be done when I do it. [00:46:04] Speaker A: Better do it soon. Don't know when those adventurers might come back and try to squeeze some more out of him. [00:46:11] Speaker F: Well, I promise you, they won't get the chance. [00:46:16] Speaker A: That's what I like to hear. You're a real professional, and he kind of slugs you gently on the shoulder, roll for damage. No, he missed. [00:46:31] Speaker C: Hit your armor. [00:46:33] Speaker F: How did you miss? You're standing right there. [00:46:35] Speaker G: You're just that quick. [00:46:37] Speaker F: Yes. You blend in the shadows. Work in my favor. Yes, thank you. Would you like a contact back once the job is done? [00:46:48] Speaker A: Well, you'll need to get the money. [00:46:50] Speaker F: Oh, I figured you were giving it to me now. [00:46:52] Speaker A: Well, you haven't done the job yet. [00:46:54] Speaker F: I have a reputation. You think that that would pay me now? I do the job, it's done. Deal. [00:47:01] Speaker A: Make a diplomacy check. [00:47:05] Speaker E: First roll of the night. [00:47:07] Speaker B: Now, technically, he rolled the hit me. [00:47:09] Speaker E: All right. Second roll of the night. [00:47:12] Speaker F: Oh, that. [00:47:15] Speaker A: Completely misses. [00:47:16] Speaker E: Dice stray throws off tables. [00:47:21] Speaker B: That is a good ten. [00:47:24] Speaker A: Well, I do know you. You do good work. You got a reputation. I don't got that much on me. I'll pay you half now. And he hands over a small bag of coins. [00:47:34] Speaker F: I'll count it later. I appreciate your business. Now you may go to the shadows from which you came. [00:47:44] Speaker A: You can find me in the marketplace tomorrow about noon. [00:47:48] Speaker F: I know that right. [00:47:51] Speaker A: Into the shadows. And he just kind of backs up into the shadows. [00:47:56] Speaker C: It's a well lit Alice. [00:47:58] Speaker A: He backs up a long way before he gets to the shadows. [00:48:02] Speaker C: Maintaining eye contact, shimming his arms. [00:48:08] Speaker E: Shadow, shadow. [00:48:09] Speaker B: She's going to stare at him and wave. Well, after that, I may be a little late. [00:48:19] Speaker F: Gentleman and lady. [00:48:23] Speaker B: That was the guy that we chopped off his hand 100%. I didn't write it down. [00:48:32] Speaker F: Well, I guess if I've got cause. [00:48:35] Speaker B: Where is the jail? I should know that, because I put him there. [00:48:40] Speaker A: Yeah. You know where it is? It's kind of in the center of town. [00:48:44] Speaker B: I'm going to go start preparing for the job. [00:48:48] Speaker A: Right. And the camera kind of watches as you walk down a different alleyway into the shadows and then turns to the side and dollies in through the window back into the Volden house. [00:49:02] Speaker E: That's such a cool shot. [00:49:04] Speaker B: Very complex shot. Took months of prep. [00:49:07] Speaker A: That was where half our budget went. [00:49:09] Speaker E: That one shot alone. [00:49:13] Speaker A: Inside the house, valia is just, like, collecting up the last few of the dishes from dinner and is getting ready to start cleaning up. [00:49:21] Speaker E: Where's Alina? Because I don't want her to be a part of the I don't want her to overhear the conversation with how. [00:49:27] Speaker A: Late the dinner was since things were a little bit delayed when you and Zafir had showed up a little bit unexpectedly. It's already Lena's bedtime, and she's already been tucked in and is in bed. [00:49:39] Speaker E: So I'm going to use my mate hands to sort of gather all of the extra dishes and take it into the kitchen. [00:49:46] Speaker C: And. [00:49:49] Speaker E: Whenever my mom enters the kitchen, I'm just going to grab her attention and say, do you have a moment to chat? Of course. I know I haven't talked too much about what my job is having me do now, but something happened today, and I wouldn't feel right if you didn't know a bit about it. I don't want you to worry, but what I'm doing now is potentially very dangerous. As you saw The Bodyguard, I'm expected to help out whenever possible, but somebody almost died today, and I can't imagine me not coming back in. You not knowing where I'm at, if that makes sense. [00:50:57] Speaker A: She looks a little bit, like, shaken at first, but as you've kind of finished through the whole sentence and explained the idea, she kind of appears that she's know, catching up to things and taking it in stride, and she nods, and she's like, Alward, every day you're becoming more like your father. [00:51:18] Speaker E: Alward doesn't know how to take that, so he just pauses for, like, a good 10 seconds, trying to collect his thoughts again, because he's like, Is that a good thing? Is that a bad anyway, right? If that were to happen, I'm sure there would be enough money to survive off of. [00:51:41] Speaker A: But Howard I'm not worried about that. You be safe. [00:51:46] Speaker E: Right. With this new position, I may not be back as often as I'd like, and I may end up being gone for months, maybe even a year at most. I'll always keep in contact, of course. I'll write and find a way to send you the letters. Maybe there's a postal service I'm not yet made aware of what postman, Peter? [00:52:18] Speaker B: The GPS. The Galerian Postal service. [00:52:20] Speaker E: Yes, the GPS. I don't want you to worry. With everything going on, you have enough here to think about. So I'm going to go to bed now. I have to get up early and meet with everyone, and then I have to do research and then leave for copper burger again. And yeah. Thank you for the stew. [00:52:49] Speaker A: And are you kind of hanging back, or are you just, like, booking it out before she can say anything? [00:52:54] Speaker E: So I feel like there's probably a brief moment of hesitation before I leave, like, trying to realize I just said all that. Take a deep breath and then start walking out. Yeah. [00:53:08] Speaker A: So I imagine you walk towards the camera and we just see the look on her face as she's like she has more to say, but she just doesn't know how to say it. And we get a Star Wars wipe transition. [00:53:20] Speaker E: Wait, we go from the epic. [00:53:22] Speaker C: Oh, right. [00:53:22] Speaker E: We spent all our money on that. [00:53:24] Speaker C: I actually had a transition. [00:53:25] Speaker F: Oh, I do. [00:53:27] Speaker C: It's me with a transition. [00:53:28] Speaker E: Get out of here. [00:53:30] Speaker B: It's you running across the screen. [00:53:35] Speaker C: No, we would go around and see Howard's face as it slowly transitions into some ethereal elvish being sitting across the booth from me. [00:53:46] Speaker E: That's actually a very cool transition. [00:53:48] Speaker G: It is. [00:53:50] Speaker E: That is also where our money went. [00:53:52] Speaker A: That's where the other half went. [00:53:54] Speaker B: The other half of the budget. We don't have any money left. [00:53:57] Speaker C: Hamir kind of is looking over, and I don't know how comfortable I feel going to see your family. And he sort of makes emotions, like it's trying to talk, but it can't talk. And it's got this wound there in the neck. Hi, Jenkins. And it's kind of motioning around. I'm like, I know we might not be here again for a while, and I know listen, I don't think I've made a very good impression. And I think, you know, that. [00:54:41] Speaker E: What gets you that impression. The fact that you said I'm a disappointment multiple times. [00:54:51] Speaker C: And it sort of looks a little frustrated and then reaches into one of its pockets and as it's reaching in the background, the whole bar room well, it's mostly empty from actual people have, like, the 13 ethereal people around. Some of them have, like, ethereal drinks that they're drinking, and they just kind of look like they're resting. And he pulls out this little locket and would put it in my hand, except he's a ghost, but I feel something physical, and I pull and I have this little locket, and I'm like, fine, if you're going to keep bugging me about this, I'll go, I think I know where he went. And so Hamier gets up, not 100% sure he knows where Alward lives, but he's pretty certain he did, and he starts heading outside. [00:55:51] Speaker E: I sincerely hope you get lost just because it's going to be hilarious. [00:55:55] Speaker C: And as he's walking down because you said the jail's close by, right? [00:56:01] Speaker A: Yeah, it's not far. [00:56:03] Speaker C: The elf is walking alongside me, and we kind of see him look a little worried for a moment and then just disappear. And then Hamir lets out a breath, and that pale green, misty fog comes out and starts, like, turning towards the jail. And so Hamir kind of looks over and feels kind of a push at his shoulder from nothing. And then he starts heading a little bit towards the jail. [00:56:32] Speaker A: And as you turn to look in that direction, you hear a familiar voice from the shadows behind you. Severe. That's you. [00:56:45] Speaker F: What are you doing here? [00:56:46] Speaker B: What? [00:56:48] Speaker C: What are you doing here? Are you nocturnal as well? That was a joke. [00:56:58] Speaker F: Yes, but no. What are you doing here? [00:57:03] Speaker C: I'm going for a nightly stroll and was drawn to the jail. I know. [00:57:13] Speaker F: So was I. Is someone else there? Hello? [00:57:17] Speaker C: No one do you need to worry about? I was just don't need to worry about now? No. Yes. No. I'm sorry. I'm distracted. [00:57:27] Speaker F: I'm concerned. [00:57:29] Speaker C: I'm a little worried about the fact that this guy knows who we are and is still alive. Also, Uber was going to watch him at, like, 04:00, but then he got drunk and fell asleep, and Uber really wanted to watch this guy overnight and did not do that. [00:57:46] Speaker F: Wait, are you talking about the man we cut off his hand? [00:57:49] Speaker C: Who else would I be talking about? [00:57:51] Speaker F: I don't know. [00:57:52] Speaker C: He's the only guy we jail. Well. [00:57:57] Speaker F: I don't learn people's names, and that's all right. Okay. I'll let you in on a little something. [00:58:07] Speaker C: Oh, great. No, you're fine. [00:58:10] Speaker F: I was approached tonight with a job, and it just so happens to be that I need to rid myself or themselves from this guy. But before I do this, I am entrusting you, since we seem to be on the same page about things. He seems to know a little bit more than he's leading on, so thinking maybe he has another hand, couple of feet. [00:58:52] Speaker C: I didn't cut off his hand. [00:58:54] Speaker F: I watched you do it. [00:58:56] Speaker C: I know it looked like that was me. [00:58:59] Speaker F: It definitely was. I was staring at you. [00:59:02] Speaker C: Genuating circumstances. [00:59:03] Speaker F: Smiling the entire time. My eyes were wide open. I would never forget something so beautiful. [00:59:11] Speaker E: Oh, that's so good. [00:59:13] Speaker C: Normally, I would be okay with this, but there are circumstances he kind of looks over his shoulder that make me feel like it's okay at the moment. Like I have to do this to. [00:59:27] Speaker F: Kill or to maim? [00:59:30] Speaker C: Either, probably kill, which I wasn't planning on doing. But everyone else is asleep. [00:59:37] Speaker F: Well, it sounds to me like he may know more. So I think before we kill him, we find out more. [00:59:45] Speaker C: Okay. Sure. Are you doing that right now? [00:59:49] Speaker F: Yes. I was on my way. I just finished my preparations. Who are you looking. [00:59:57] Speaker C: Not? No, at the moment, I was looking at the jail. How many guards are awake? At this time? Just one. [01:00:02] Speaker F: I'm not sure. I only prepared. Over there. [01:00:04] Speaker C: I just got Peter Toole. [01:00:06] Speaker F: Peter? [01:00:07] Speaker C: Peter O'Toole. [01:00:08] Speaker F: Peter O'Toole? I thought you said the sequel to Peter. [01:00:10] Speaker C: Peter no. [01:00:12] Speaker F: Peter One was there this morning. What? At least I remember that. [01:00:17] Speaker C: What? [01:00:17] Speaker F: Peter o. [01:00:18] Speaker C: One peter oh. What? What are you talking about? [01:00:21] Speaker F: I learned his name specifically. [01:00:24] Speaker C: Maybe that's the same person. And I'm just confused. [01:00:27] Speaker F: I haven't noticed. I haven't done recon on the building just yet. I just got here, and you were here. [01:00:32] Speaker C: Okay. [01:00:34] Speaker F: I didn't want you to get in the way, honestly. But I think you may be an asset. [01:00:39] Speaker C: All right. Sure. [01:00:42] Speaker F: Would you like to help me case the joint? [01:00:45] Speaker C: I suppose so. [01:00:48] Speaker F: Let me get things straight. This is a napping, not a killing yet. Because I don't want him to be in the jail. [01:00:56] Speaker C: I'm going to do my best. [01:00:59] Speaker F: If we can knock him out first. [01:01:01] Speaker C: That would be great. [01:01:01] Speaker F: That would be great. [01:01:02] Speaker C: Yes. I'd like to not kill this man, but I'm probably going to. So we'll work that out. [01:01:08] Speaker F: That works for me. [01:01:12] Speaker B: How many guards do I see outside? [01:01:14] Speaker A: One. [01:01:16] Speaker C: Amir takes a quick drink from his chalice. [01:01:20] Speaker F: There is one guards outside? Yes. I figure that won't be an issue. Should we take the sneaky approach or. [01:01:32] Speaker C: The sneaky is probably better. [01:01:35] Speaker F: All right. [01:01:36] Speaker C: I'd rather not hurt any guards. [01:01:40] Speaker B: Huge. [01:01:41] Speaker C: Rather permanently hurt. [01:01:44] Speaker B: I'd like to do some preparation on the building now, if that is all right. [01:01:50] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:01:50] Speaker A: So what's the plan? What are you going to do? [01:01:54] Speaker B: I don't know. What does the building look like? [01:01:56] Speaker A: So, overall, it's mostly a stone structure made out of natural rocks from the area, piled and mortared together and such. The second floor is more like wood beams with planks and such. But that first floor is, like, where the prisoners are housed. The second floor is, like, bunks for the guards and stuff. [01:02:14] Speaker C: The question would a Thievery check work to case it essentially of kind of knowing if it's a standard kind of prison in sleighhouse. [01:02:23] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:02:23] Speaker C: I don't know how good you are. As if you're at thievery. [01:02:27] Speaker F: Oh, I'm horrible. I am just the worst. [01:02:29] Speaker B: I can do it. [01:02:30] Speaker C: Is that sarcastic? [01:02:31] Speaker B: Yes, that is sarcasm. [01:02:32] Speaker C: Okay. I have a six. [01:02:33] Speaker B: I have an eight. [01:02:34] Speaker C: All right. [01:02:35] Speaker A: Yeah. Why don't you go ahead and make a theater? [01:02:37] Speaker C: I can try and age you. I think I have that cooperative bonus. I have the plus four now. Okay. [01:02:45] Speaker B: That is a 1924, which means you get a 20. [01:02:49] Speaker A: Nice. So, yeah, 19 with that plus one from Hamir, you get a 20. As you've been kind of examining the building from the outside and kind of like applying your understanding of how these sorts of situations and buildings work, you feel like you've got a really good sense of where the common areas are, where the hallways are, and you're like, definitely. This wall here is where the cells are because this is where the walls are the thickest and the most secure. [01:03:18] Speaker B: Do I notice any weak spots or vulnerabilities? [01:03:25] Speaker A: So I'll say yes, but I'll say let's do this a little bit more narratively and say, what weak spot or vulnerability do you find? [01:03:33] Speaker B: I notice that a door to the side is not a jar yet, but a guard walks out and seems to walk out into the night. But before the door fully closes, I kick a pebble into the frame to keep it slightly a jar without latching. [01:03:51] Speaker C: That's cool. [01:03:52] Speaker A: Nice. And he doesn't notice. He hears the pebble like skittering and just kind of looks down, just sees a rock and just shrugs and keeps just walking on. He doesn't notice where it lands perfectly. Just as the door was about to close. [01:04:04] Speaker F: I have our inn. [01:04:06] Speaker C: Good. How many guards are there? Did you see there was the one. [01:04:10] Speaker B: In the front minus one? [01:04:11] Speaker C: Just left. [01:04:12] Speaker A: He just left? [01:04:12] Speaker C: Yeah. Did you see any others or is this the one? [01:04:15] Speaker F: I don't know. Ask the all being. [01:04:18] Speaker B: All knowing being. [01:04:20] Speaker A: The all knowing being says there's still one guard out front, but through this side door that you just propped open, another guard has left. So there's still the guy out front, but one guard has left the building. [01:04:30] Speaker C: Got you. [01:04:31] Speaker A: You don't know at this point if there are any more inside, but you would imagine there are still a few guards sleeping on the second floor. Since it is night, you don't know how many have been assigned to like, patrols and such at night. [01:04:43] Speaker B: I'm going to very slowly open the door, but can I sneak in some way that would work with me walking through a door? [01:04:55] Speaker A: Just like, moving in quietly and trying not to be seen by somebody on the other side? Yes, definitely. Okay, go ahead. Well, I guess that's a secret check. What's your stealth bonus? [01:05:04] Speaker B: That would be a plus eight. [01:05:07] Speaker C: Do I need to aid? [01:05:09] Speaker A: Are you going in at the same time? [01:05:11] Speaker C: I imagine so. [01:05:13] Speaker B: I give him the signal to come. [01:05:17] Speaker C: Okay. Then I will roll, I guess. An aid stealth. [01:05:20] Speaker A: It would be a separate stealth check. [01:05:22] Speaker C: Oh, okay. I wasn't sure since it's like a group stealth. [01:05:25] Speaker A: What's your stealth bonus? [01:05:27] Speaker C: Six. [01:05:29] Speaker A: So zafir like a shadow just slips through the door. It hardly even seems to move, and Hamir only slightly less stealthily slips in behind him. [01:05:39] Speaker C: All right, what was the question? I guess I didn't write it down. What was the name of the woman in the expedition who tried to the chalaxian? [01:05:50] Speaker A: Sithri, Charles. [01:05:51] Speaker C: Sithri Charles. [01:05:53] Speaker B: Is there anybody in this hallway? [01:05:54] Speaker A: The hallway right now is abandoned. There is a small lantern hung a little ways down the hall where there's, like, a crosswise intersection of two hallways. But where you are right now is in the dark. [01:06:10] Speaker B: Is this lantern glass covered, or is it open? [01:06:14] Speaker A: It's a glass covered, like, oil lantern. [01:06:17] Speaker B: I'd like to see if I can put it out. [01:06:19] Speaker A: So you stealthily approach, and you just slowly twist the knob as the wick goes down and the lights drop. And now you're in. [01:06:27] Speaker B: Not pitch black. I want the flame just, like, barely there. [01:06:31] Speaker A: Okay, then you are now in dim light, and Hamir can still kind of see. [01:06:36] Speaker B: I took account of this. [01:06:39] Speaker A: That's why I just stopped talking and started laughing, because I was like, now it's pitch black, and Hamir can't see. [01:06:45] Speaker E: So I don't know if Hamir has low light vision. [01:06:49] Speaker A: He does not. So he can. [01:06:50] Speaker C: Minus two penalty on perception checks. Visual perception checks. [01:06:55] Speaker E: Fun. [01:06:55] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:06:55] Speaker A: Low light lets you treat dim light. [01:06:57] Speaker C: As if it or is it minus four? Is it two? I think it's two. [01:07:01] Speaker A: It's a minus two penalty for perception checks. And you treat creatures as concealed. [01:07:06] Speaker C: Yeah, that's what I thought. [01:07:07] Speaker F: Fun. [01:07:08] Speaker B: Peeking around the corner, how many people at it all do I see? [01:07:13] Speaker A: So looking around the corner, you find that this is, like, the main hall that goes down with the cells. And from your vantage point, without going down the hall and looking in each cell, it does seem to be relatively unused. Like, you do see, like, oh, there's a figure under a blanket over there in that cell, and there's somebody over there in that cell. So there are a couple of people in there. And you do see at the opposite end of the hallway, there's a guard who's just kind of sitting on a stool, just slumped against the wall. Whether he's asleep or just not paying attention is unclear. [01:07:45] Speaker B: I need to do something. Where are you, by the way, in all of this? [01:07:50] Speaker C: Behind you. [01:07:50] Speaker F: Oh, okay. [01:07:51] Speaker E: Gently caressing your back. [01:07:53] Speaker B: Would you say that he is 15ft? [01:07:57] Speaker A: From me, I would say he is 45ft. [01:08:00] Speaker F: 45Ft. [01:08:02] Speaker B: I'd like to slink my way to attempt to stay hidden, but also get within 15ft of him. [01:08:10] Speaker F: Got you. [01:08:11] Speaker A: So with the stealth roll that you had earlier, you were able to get up to within 15ft, and he doesn't seem to notice. [01:08:17] Speaker G: Lovely. [01:08:18] Speaker B: All right. I am going to use haunting him before that happens. I'm not going to use it yet before that happens. [01:08:25] Speaker A: Hamir, are you following behind, or are you staying back at that cross section. [01:08:28] Speaker C: Since when we saw the guard being there. I'm going to just hang back and look a little natural while staying hidden. [01:08:36] Speaker F: Okay. [01:08:36] Speaker C: And let him he looks like he has something in mind for the guard, so I'm going to let him do it. [01:08:41] Speaker A: Okay. [01:08:43] Speaker F: All right. [01:08:44] Speaker A: Now, 15ft away from the guard you said you were using haunting him. [01:08:48] Speaker F: Yes. Got you. [01:08:50] Speaker A: And is that a fortitude save from him? [01:08:52] Speaker B: Yes, I believe so. [01:08:54] Speaker E: Before you get too far into it does say only one creature can hear this? Yes, that's why he chose that. I just want to bring that up before you start narrating a bunch of guards showing up. [01:09:05] Speaker A: Okay. The guard critically fails his fortitude. [01:09:10] Speaker E: Yes. [01:09:12] Speaker B: Wow. Exactly what I wanted to do. [01:09:15] Speaker E: So what happens now? [01:09:17] Speaker A: So what do we see happen here? [01:09:19] Speaker B: Well, you hear him cast the spell. At least I would assume that Hamir hears him cast the spell from his location in the darkness. That's a great question. I just cast it. I don't know what it sounds like haunting him. [01:09:38] Speaker A: Editor, insert that part where Uber was singing. [01:09:44] Speaker E: The lady killed him. [01:09:47] Speaker G: She smart. [01:09:49] Speaker B: It does say a jarring hymn. [01:09:51] Speaker A: That's why I said uber. [01:09:53] Speaker B: Maybe it's like I don't know. [01:09:59] Speaker F: I'm. [01:10:00] Speaker B: Imagining, like, a low, like a rumble. [01:10:03] Speaker F: Of a high. [01:10:09] Speaker B: Just kind of I guess it would be loud if it deafens him. [01:10:15] Speaker E: Exactly. He's the only one who hears it, so it's fine if it's loud. [01:10:19] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:10:19] Speaker A: So in his own mind ears, his mind's ear, he just hears this deafening, just discordant rumble, and he just, like, jolts up from the chair and is, like just, like, takes off his helmet, and then it's, like, grabbing his head. [01:10:33] Speaker B: And he also takes sonic damage. [01:10:35] Speaker C: Hold on. [01:10:36] Speaker B: He takes three whole damage. [01:10:40] Speaker G: His ears begin to bleed. [01:10:41] Speaker A: He takes the three damage. He's dropped his helmet on the ground, and it kind of on the cobblestones. It's not a huge clattery because it's a well padded helmet. He's just and he looks up, and he, like in the dim light, he just kind of sees just your silhouette, because there's the lantern behind you and not behind him, he just sees, like, your silhouette. [01:11:04] Speaker B: I'm going to attempt to knock him out. [01:11:06] Speaker A: Go ahead and let's say just make an attack roll. [01:11:11] Speaker B: That is a 14. [01:11:14] Speaker A: That is a success. And because we're in a narrative situation and not like, a full set, full fledged combat, you just collober him, and he just collapses, and the camera is, like, on the ground with his helmet, and he's just in front of the camera, and he's just out cold. [01:11:30] Speaker B: I lift up my fingers and just go I wiggle them towards Hamir and just say, Here. [01:11:37] Speaker C: Hamir moves forward and then gags the unconscious guard. [01:11:43] Speaker B: He's already unconscious. [01:11:44] Speaker A: You don't stick your hand down his throat like that. [01:11:48] Speaker B: Continuously have your that is how I have a gaggy. [01:11:50] Speaker C: If he wakes up, he's not going to start screaming where everyone can hear him. [01:11:54] Speaker F: Oh, I expect him to scream. [01:11:58] Speaker B: Now that the area is secure, I would like to take a look to see if I can find Mr. Eric. [01:12:05] Speaker C: I'll also see if this guard has keys. [01:12:07] Speaker A: He does. [01:12:08] Speaker C: I'll pick those. [01:12:11] Speaker B: Good. Well, what if he wasn't in that room? I just wanted to make sure he was here before I went for the keys. [01:12:17] Speaker C: I think the keys will work. [01:12:20] Speaker A: Just a couple cells down the line from that end where the guard was on the stool, you find your unfortunate quarry. He seems to be under a blanket and already asleep. [01:12:34] Speaker C: I can go up and open the door. Okay, and then what's the plan? Are we just grabbing him and leaving? [01:12:41] Speaker F: Yes. [01:12:41] Speaker C: Okay. [01:12:42] Speaker F: We'll go at the same way we. [01:12:43] Speaker C: Came in, and I'll grab him. [01:12:45] Speaker F: We'll cover his mouth first, maybe gag him the same way you did the guard. [01:12:49] Speaker E: I will. [01:12:50] Speaker C: So I'll go up and open the door and then have some rope ready and grab him and start trying to pull him out while making sure he's quiet. [01:12:59] Speaker B: You're not choking him, are you? [01:13:00] Speaker C: No, not fully heavy. [01:13:02] Speaker F: Need to keep his vocal cords fine. [01:13:05] Speaker A: What's your degree of proficiency in athletics? [01:13:08] Speaker C: Like expert. [01:13:09] Speaker A: Okay, so you succeed. [01:13:12] Speaker C: They have a plus eleven. [01:13:14] Speaker A: Yeah, against a sleeping guy who's already not in great physical shape at this point. Yeah, you've got him tied up and completely restrained. You're able to gag him before he even wakes up. [01:13:23] Speaker B: You're not tying his wrists, are you? Because he's missing one too soon. [01:13:29] Speaker C: Tie his arm up to one of his feet. [01:13:35] Speaker B: Anyway. We will slowly and quietly and creepily drag him out. [01:13:42] Speaker C: Yeah. At this point, if you look at Hamier, he's got more mist coming out, and his eyes are kind of glazed over. [01:13:49] Speaker B: I feel like I should respond to that, but I don't. [01:13:52] Speaker C: That's fine. [01:13:53] Speaker A: So where do you take your captive? [01:13:57] Speaker B: How far? Oh, you said it was on, like, the shore. [01:14:00] Speaker A: Yeah, it's not far from the edge of the river. [01:14:02] Speaker B: I'd like to go to the opposite side of the river, if not too deep. [01:14:07] Speaker A: So the river is used for shipping, so it wouldn't be something you could just forward with your feet. But there are bridges. [01:14:14] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:14:14] Speaker B: Let's go to the bridge. Are you okay with that? You're carrying him? [01:14:18] Speaker C: It's not the first time I've killed someone on a bridge in a role playing game. [01:14:21] Speaker B: So I'm going to take one of the bridges to try to get on the opposite side, cover my tracks. I quietly motion to hamir. [01:14:28] Speaker F: Come on, let's step away, and then we can do our interrogation. [01:14:33] Speaker E: Has this guy been awake the whole time? What's going on? [01:14:37] Speaker C: If he doesn't know who we are at the moment because it's dark, he might think this is a good thing. [01:14:45] Speaker D: He is bound and gagged. [01:14:47] Speaker E: Hey, you got to do what you got to. [01:14:49] Speaker A: Do you glance back at Hamir and he's just kind of silently following you and just nods? [01:14:54] Speaker B: At this point, I do take notice of his foggy mouth and going to go to the most secluded area that I can. [01:15:05] Speaker A: All right, so there's, like an alleyway that's, like it used to go somewhere but was, like, walled off for a new construction. It just kind of dead ends. And there's some crates and stuff that you can easily find yourself a little nook where you wouldn't be seen by a passerby. [01:15:21] Speaker F: All right, put him down here against the wall. [01:15:25] Speaker C: Slammed. Slammed against the wall. [01:15:28] Speaker F: Is he still alive? [01:15:29] Speaker C: Yeah, he's fine. Hamier doesn't say anything. He just slams him against the wall and lets him kind of slide down the wall. [01:15:36] Speaker F: All right, I'm going to remove the gag, but I need you to stay very quiet, otherwise you won't have the opportunity to be quiet. [01:15:46] Speaker C: Hemir pulls out his axe and then slams his foot down on his wrist. [01:15:51] Speaker A: With the other wrist. [01:15:52] Speaker C: He's the one that doesn't have it, the one that still has a hand. [01:15:58] Speaker F: And you're going to answer our questions. [01:16:04] Speaker B: And I remove the gag. [01:16:07] Speaker A: What more do you want? [01:16:10] Speaker F: I want more of what you were giving us before. [01:16:17] Speaker A: I don't know what you want. [01:16:21] Speaker F: I believe you do. [01:16:24] Speaker A: I'm not going to tell you where they are. You're monsters, both of you. [01:16:30] Speaker F: We can show you monsters. Tell me who tried to kill us, where they are, and who they are. [01:16:43] Speaker A: It's my family. You know that already. [01:16:46] Speaker F: Yes, but where are they? [01:16:47] Speaker A: They're everywhere. They're bloody everywhere. When they find out what they did to me, you're going to regret it. [01:16:52] Speaker F: Nobody will find out what happens to you. [01:16:57] Speaker A: I'm not telling you anything. No. Take my other hand. I don't care. [01:17:02] Speaker F: Would you like to take his foot? We'll leave his hand for a moment. [01:17:09] Speaker A: At this point, we're going to go ahead and draw a veil over the scene. [01:17:15] Speaker C: That's good. [01:17:17] Speaker A: And narratively, we'll say no matter what your characters choose to do, he refuses to talk. [01:17:25] Speaker C: Hamir sort of lifts him up, whispers something in some sort of weird language that seems to freak him out, and then just kind of. [01:17:36] Speaker E: Kills him and. [01:17:38] Speaker C: Tosses him into the river in one. [01:17:39] Speaker E: Word or the other. [01:17:43] Speaker B: We should also water man, attach him to, like, a brick or something to keep him from floating. [01:17:49] Speaker C: That's fine. [01:17:50] Speaker E: People drink this water. [01:17:53] Speaker C: People shouldn't. While we're both just standing by the river, hamir sort of puts his hand on your shoulder and looks at you as a lot of the mist just starts seeping out, like, intensely, and then just very quickly sucks all back into him. And then his eyes kind of go back to normal. [01:18:21] Speaker F: That was strange, but I think I'm going to attempt to ignore it and. [01:18:27] Speaker B: I hand you the sack of, like, ten gold coins. [01:18:32] Speaker C: Okay? [01:18:33] Speaker F: Thank you for assisting me. [01:18:40] Speaker C: Sure. Yeah. It's for the best, that everyone who knows who we are, except for that one guy who got away, is dead. Now. [01:18:55] Speaker F: I in all honesty, and I've said that a few times tonight with you, I originally was not going to kill this man. He did nothing to deserve death from my hand. And ultimately, I appreciate you dealing the final blow. [01:19:22] Speaker C: It wasn't my choice. [01:19:26] Speaker F: And whose choice was it? [01:19:30] Speaker C: A bad deal. And he reaches into his pocket into his bag. To his pocket, and pulls out the helmet. It's like you should hold on to this. It's better with you than with me. All right, since you're so discreet. [01:19:48] Speaker F: Is this the helmet that was in front of the statue from that cave we went to? [01:19:54] Speaker C: Yeah. The same helmet that these cultists want. The same helmet that almost killed UVair earlier today. [01:20:03] Speaker F: What, did he put it on? [01:20:06] Speaker C: Yes. [01:20:07] Speaker F: Why? As a scholar, he is not a smart man. [01:20:13] Speaker C: He was desperate. Many of us are. You're well connected, right? You know how to get information. [01:20:24] Speaker F: I mostly know how to kill, but I attempt. [01:20:29] Speaker C: Do you think you could reach out to some informants about something for me? [01:20:34] Speaker F: As I've said many times before, I usually work alone, but I've run into one or two people in my past that I might be able to let's. [01:20:42] Speaker C: Call this a job. And he hands you the ten gold back. [01:20:48] Speaker F: A job, then. [01:20:49] Speaker B: And I take the gold. [01:20:51] Speaker C: I'm looking for a young woman, probably early 20s. My daughter. This tattoo any kind of motions to that tattoo that comes out to the two lines that come down from his eyes and kind of curve away. Come down from his right eye and curve away. She has the same one. Red hair, loud. [01:21:18] Speaker F: And when did you last see her? [01:21:22] Speaker C: About two years ago, when she was when she wasn't there anymore. [01:21:34] Speaker F: Would you like me to keep this from the others? [01:21:40] Speaker C: If they've been listening, they know I'm looking for someone, so it's not too big a deal. But you don't need to tell them I'm having you contact people and doing a job for me. [01:21:50] Speaker F: Will do. I'll see what I can find out. [01:21:54] Speaker C: This is important to me. [01:21:56] Speaker F: I understand. I assume there's some connection, considering you. [01:22:01] Speaker C: Have the same I told you she was my daughter. [01:22:04] Speaker F: Yes. No, you didn't. I did. [01:22:07] Speaker C: Yes. [01:22:07] Speaker F: Sorry. I usually kill people, not find people. [01:22:13] Speaker C: I usually know where they oh, and that helmet? I'd suggest giving it to Volden. I don't want it anymore. I'm not going to be a target anymore. [01:22:27] Speaker F: Are you saying I am now a target? [01:22:30] Speaker C: They want the helmet, and one person knows we have it. You're discreet. People don't know you. But golden's smart. He'll probably know something. [01:22:46] Speaker F: All right. You're staying in the inn, right? [01:22:51] Speaker C: Yes, I got my own room. [01:22:54] Speaker F: Well, I think we should head back that direction. [01:23:00] Speaker C: I need to stop somewhere first. Do you know where Volden lives? [01:23:06] Speaker F: Honestly, I couldn't tell you. I was there, but it's quite a ways out. [01:23:14] Speaker C: That's fine. [01:23:15] Speaker B: I point in the general direction that I came from. [01:23:18] Speaker C: Family has a way of finding each other. I just got to swing by. I'll be back at the inn. You can come with me if you want. [01:23:26] Speaker F: But I've already been there once tonight. I'll stay out of the hair for now. You enjoy the stew. [01:23:33] Speaker C: I'm not stopping in. Haymare's gonna leave now. [01:23:39] Speaker A: And we cut to a long shot with the camera down the river as the two of you walk opposite directions from the bridge. And we fade to black. All right, Sam, and what new hero point card did you get? [01:23:59] Speaker C: Oh, I picked misdirected attack play. After a foe critically fails on a melee strike against you. The foe rerolls the attack, targeting one of its allies within range. [01:24:08] Speaker F: Nice. [01:24:12] Speaker A: At the dead of night, back in the arena, we see two cloaked figures coming in with a small mule drawn wagon approaching the last few bodies that were left from your fight with the cultists in the arena. The smaller figure walks up to one of the bodies, grabs the hand, grabs a hand, like, holds it up, looks at it, then just, like, drops it. And he's like, they'll pay for this. All of them. They'll pay. And the other figure comes up and puts a hand on his shoulder and is like, do not worry. We will take them to Mother. She will take good care of them. And that's the end of that scene. [01:24:59] Speaker B: I don't like that at all. [01:25:02] Speaker A: This has been an Atomic Broadcasting production pathfinder. Galerian and the lost omens world setting are copyright of Pizzo More [email protected] music in the show is from Monument Studios collection as well as Assorted artists with some original tracks composed by Jordy Hake. More details in the description. If you enjoyed the show, please remember to share with a friend and we'll look forward to seeing you again. Next time. [01:25:30] Speaker F: Just call me Daddy. [01:25:33] Speaker C: We were almost ready, petite. Why are you all still doing here? It's done. Go home. It go. It's done. Come back next time. Go. Goodbye. See you. Bye.

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