Episode 74

November 25, 2024


EP. 74 The Big Bad Wolf

Hosted by

Jordy Hake Michael Petete Samuel Sarver Abby Fincher Michael Jenkins Sven Nerness
EP. 74 The Big Bad Wolf
The Written and The Lost
EP. 74 The Big Bad Wolf

Nov 25 2024 | 00:49:13


Show Notes

In the midst of the battle, the party need to deal with a sudden, horrifying transformation.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:05] Speaker A: You are listening to an atomic broadcasting production. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the feature presentation. [00:00:13] Speaker B: And remember, do your part. [00:00:15] Speaker A: Such as, like, comment rate. And don't forget to tell a friend to tune in for an atomic time. [00:00:31] Speaker B: Now, where did we leave off? Ah, yes. During their duel, Brenger managed to down Val, prompting her friends to come to her aid. In the chaos that followed, Val was restored, but Brenger began to rage and then morph into a massive white wolf. Good morning, Sven. [00:01:08] Speaker C: Have you been sleeping over there this whole time? [00:01:10] Speaker A: Oh, hello, everyone. How long has it been out? [00:01:14] Speaker C: About two weeks, I thought. [00:01:16] Speaker D: It's been like, three minutes. [00:01:17] Speaker C: It depends on your time scale. [00:01:19] Speaker A: Short power nap. [00:01:20] Speaker C: About a week. [00:01:21] Speaker B: That's such an outward thing to say. [00:01:25] Speaker C: I'm eating cashews. I try not to eat while we're. [00:01:29] Speaker E: Recording, but I'm eating. [00:01:31] Speaker A: You guys are making $. [00:01:33] Speaker C: I got peckish. Do you want a coin? Do you want a worm? [00:01:35] Speaker A: I'll take a worm. [00:01:36] Speaker C: I'm gonna toss you a worm. Okay. [00:01:38] Speaker B: These are not gummy worms. These are real worms. [00:01:41] Speaker E: Yeah, but I mean, real worms are gummy. So if you think about it, I. [00:01:45] Speaker D: Mean, mealworms are really good. [00:01:46] Speaker C: All worms are gummy. [00:01:48] Speaker B: If you want a meal, eat a mealworm. [00:01:53] Speaker E: It's in the name. Oh, should I get rid of this? No, we have to look at it. [00:01:57] Speaker A: Sounds like a weird 1970s commercial. [00:02:02] Speaker C: Is that bad? I want to pet that dog. [00:02:04] Speaker A: Can I pet that dog? [00:02:06] Speaker B: Considering you're looking at that picture of what Bringer just turned into. [00:02:09] Speaker A: Right, Yes. [00:02:10] Speaker C: I want to pet that dog. [00:02:11] Speaker A: I want to pet that dog. [00:02:11] Speaker C: It looks fun. [00:02:12] Speaker B: So we'll go ahead and just pick it up right where we left off. Brenger staggering back a few steps from you just explodes. His armor ripping and shredding off of him as he becomes this massive white wolf monstrosity. Standing about 15ft tall at the shoulder, he is technically huge. [00:02:34] Speaker D: That's a big wolf. [00:02:36] Speaker B: That transformation is his first action on his turn. [00:02:40] Speaker C: The Bringer Token still exists. [00:02:41] Speaker D: No, it's not. That's Horoth. [00:02:43] Speaker E: I tried the Bringer Token. [00:02:45] Speaker B: Yeah, that. Right in front of him is Hroth, who had moved into combat with Einar, but didn't have time to do anything. He just walked up and pulled out his weapon. And with Hroth being in the way, Brenger is just going to bite down on top of his torso. [00:02:58] Speaker C: What? [00:03:01] Speaker E: He is an animal. [00:03:02] Speaker A: I was about to say. I hope he doesn't distinguish friend from foe, and that's apparently true. [00:03:07] Speaker B: And he successfully chomps down on Hroth and just throws him back against the palisade wall behind him. And Hroth just hits the wall and just slides down, dropping his axe. [00:03:17] Speaker A: Oh, no. [00:03:19] Speaker E: Can I ask a quick question about that guy? [00:03:21] Speaker B: Sure. [00:03:22] Speaker E: Was he one of the wolf Boys or was he. Does he look like a hired hand? [00:03:29] Speaker B: The guy who just got thrown? Yeah, he's one of the wolf boys. [00:03:32] Speaker C: Okay. [00:03:32] Speaker B: In fact, there don't seem to have been any of the hired hens who came to watch this fight. [00:03:36] Speaker E: Okay. Because, I mean, you could easily say I don't get paid enough for this. [00:03:41] Speaker B: And that is the end of Brenger's. [00:03:42] Speaker C: Turn five mental damage. Hey, I used a level four spell. I'm gonna keep track of it. [00:03:50] Speaker B: Val, you have been healed by Zafir. So you are now conscious, still injured, but not dying, laying on the ground. Your glaive is still stabbed into the turf about five feet away. [00:04:02] Speaker D: Okay, that really changes my term. Let's see. As Val's eyes pop open, there are black veins in her eyeballs, and she just starts breathing very heavily and angrily as the skull paint begins to just grow there. And it starts seeping into the other side of her face as she. And I'm going to use the hero point card, rage and fury, and enter into a rage. [00:04:27] Speaker C: Oh, that's sick. [00:04:29] Speaker A: Hey. [00:04:30] Speaker D: She just quickly throws herself up, grabs her glaive, and just lunges out with an attack. I'm going to use my other hero point card critical moment, reroll the check twice, and take the best result. Ooh. Okay. If I fail the attack roll, I become doomed one. [00:04:48] Speaker A: That's not good. [00:04:51] Speaker B: So for anybody who's not super familiar with the Pathfinder system, we've been bringing up doomed a couple times in this encounter. What doom does is it adds on top of your dying stat when you're going down, so it lowers the threshold before you die. So normally you would diet dying four. If you're doomed one, you would die at dying three. [00:05:10] Speaker A: And Val's at dying wounded one because. [00:05:13] Speaker B: She got back up. [00:05:14] Speaker C: True. [00:05:15] Speaker D: That is 34. [00:05:18] Speaker B: That's a regular hit. [00:05:23] Speaker D: That is 15 damage. [00:05:26] Speaker B: All right. [00:05:27] Speaker D: And then the rage ends and I am fatigued. [00:05:30] Speaker C: It's only a one round rage. [00:05:32] Speaker D: @ the end of that turn, if you don't have the rage class feature, it ends. [00:05:36] Speaker A: Was that the cool thing? [00:05:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:05:38] Speaker A: Nice. [00:05:39] Speaker B: That was a cool thing. [00:05:40] Speaker A: I was asking if it was the cool thing. [00:05:42] Speaker D: And Val just lets out a roar, yelling, kind of guttural. Doesn't sound fully normal or human with the voice. And that is the end of Val's turn. [00:05:57] Speaker B: The other two warriors, who hadn't yet charged into battle are just kind of standing back. They are just delaying their turn, waiting to see what's going on before they do anything. However, the warrior that's on the watchtower, she's gonna go ahead and take a shot at Zafir. [00:06:13] Speaker D: Why? [00:06:15] Speaker E: I winked at her. [00:06:19] Speaker A: And that's why you're the first target. [00:06:21] Speaker B: And, Jenkins, how does your, like, projectile wall thing work? [00:06:25] Speaker C: If it goes through it and it's no bigger than an arrow, it immediately gets stopped. [00:06:30] Speaker B: So this arrow just stops in midair? It doesn't even get close to hitting Zafir. It's just hovering in air next to him. [00:06:38] Speaker E: I wink at her again. [00:06:40] Speaker B: She lets loose two more arrows. Both of them just gotta. [00:06:46] Speaker F: Just reach up and grab him. [00:06:49] Speaker A: Just say, thank, Mouth. Thank you. [00:06:51] Speaker E: As you quiver him. [00:06:54] Speaker B: And Einar, it is your turn. Oh, boy. He's huge. [00:07:02] Speaker D: Yes, quite literally. [00:07:04] Speaker A: And still not within my reach. [00:07:06] Speaker C: I'm pretty sure he does, since he's so big. Has 5 foot reach or 10 foot reach or whatever the case. So you are still technically flanked. [00:07:18] Speaker A: He's gonna take a guarded step in between. Yeah, because I don't want to be flanked. [00:07:24] Speaker B: Gotcha. So you're stepping up and over to the side so that you have Val and Zafir at your back. And you're in range of Bringer. [00:07:31] Speaker A: Mm. Yeah. And I'm gonna do vicious swing. [00:07:37] Speaker D: He's doing nothing. [00:07:39] Speaker A: And as he says this, Zafir and Val will probably hear him say, well, I guess I don't know if I can consider you the same Brenga Aridzon, now, can I? [00:07:54] Speaker E: He's got a point. [00:07:57] Speaker C: Does he, though? [00:07:59] Speaker A: Loophole as he makes the attack. [00:08:03] Speaker C: I. I don't. I don't think that's a loophole. [00:08:07] Speaker A: I don't think you get a choice. [00:08:09] Speaker C: I know I don't, but I'm just saying. Let's see here. [00:08:12] Speaker A: That makes this a 34. [00:08:16] Speaker C: Off guard because he got a critical hit last time. [00:08:20] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. He is still off guard. [00:08:23] Speaker D: Would my hit of crit. [00:08:24] Speaker B: Yes. What was your damage again? Was it 15, I believe? [00:08:29] Speaker D: Sounds about right. [00:08:30] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:08:30] Speaker B: So that would be a critical hit. Was there any extra like? I think you have deadly two. Okay, that's a critical hit, Einar. [00:08:38] Speaker A: Thank you. He's off guard to me again. [00:08:41] Speaker C: To everyone. [00:08:42] Speaker A: And everyone again, for that matter. [00:08:46] Speaker C: 36. [00:08:49] Speaker B: All right, Alward, it is your turn. [00:08:53] Speaker C: How's the wolf looking? [00:08:55] Speaker B: Not good. [00:08:55] Speaker C: Not good. [00:08:56] Speaker B: He was still bloodied when he shifted into the Giant wolf. So, you know, after being critically hit by a glaive and critically hit by a bastard sword, he's not feeling great. [00:09:05] Speaker C: Can I see the archer from here or no? [00:09:08] Speaker B: Yes. You have a clear line of sight to the archer. [00:09:10] Speaker C: How far away? Bird's eye. [00:09:14] Speaker B: 60Ft. [00:09:15] Speaker C: Okay, Howard's going to unleash his psyche, and then I'm going to use my first action to dismiss my vector screen, which allowed. It wouldn't stop the arrows from hitting you. Oh, yeah. [00:09:31] Speaker A: Never mind then. [00:09:32] Speaker C: But it allows me to cast it as telekinetic amp. I'm going to choose the archer. Telekinetic projectile, not telekinetic amp. Sorry. Am I allowed to amp this? [00:09:42] Speaker B: I don't see why not. [00:09:43] Speaker C: Okay, I'm gonna amp it. [00:09:46] Speaker D: Don't often see Jenkins make a positively surprised face. [00:09:51] Speaker C: 33. [00:09:53] Speaker B: That's a crit. [00:09:54] Speaker D: You killed him. [00:09:55] Speaker C: I don't wanna. [00:09:56] Speaker D: Why'd you do it then? [00:09:57] Speaker C: I didn't think I'd crit. I don't. Crit. [00:10:00] Speaker F: On the archer? [00:10:01] Speaker C: Yes. [00:10:02] Speaker D: Oh, on the art. [00:10:03] Speaker F: Well, that thing is like two levels lower than us. [00:10:07] Speaker C: Good. [00:10:07] Speaker D: A crit against the boss. [00:10:10] Speaker C: Guys, I'm gonna need some D8s. I have one. I need seven more. I got four D sixes. Sorry, D6 is. My apologies. My apologies. [00:10:19] Speaker E: Do you want two wooden ones? [00:10:21] Speaker C: Yes, I would love. Okay, so that's three. [00:10:23] Speaker E: I mean, I've got more, but. [00:10:27] Speaker C: Who gave me the metal one? [00:10:29] Speaker A: Me. [00:10:30] Speaker C: Gave me a six. Who gave me this? Clear one. Me Gave me a six. Sam. One of yours gave me a five. Who gave me this black? [00:10:37] Speaker A: Me. [00:10:37] Speaker C: Give me a five. Hey, I don't want to be doing this damage. [00:10:41] Speaker B: Archer. I'm in danger. [00:10:45] Speaker A: I'm in danger. [00:10:47] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:10:48] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:10:50] Speaker C: That's not how I wanted this to happen. Jordy. [00:10:53] Speaker A: I love this. The entire top of the tower just explodes. [00:10:58] Speaker F: I mean, it would take out. It would take out a sniper, which is always fine. [00:11:03] Speaker A: That's always a good thing. [00:11:04] Speaker C: It's Alward's first murder. [00:11:06] Speaker F: We all have our first murder. [00:11:07] Speaker A: Have you killed anyone yet? [00:11:09] Speaker C: Oh, well, yeah. [00:11:11] Speaker F: Everyone has their first murder in Pathfinder. [00:11:15] Speaker A: Eventually, Alward's going to make his first kill. In game with style. [00:11:21] Speaker D: Yes. [00:11:22] Speaker C: It's over 60. 76 piercing damage or bludgeoning. [00:11:34] Speaker D: That would almost kill me. [00:11:38] Speaker B: So, Alward, you dismiss this field. All three of the arrows just whirl around facing the other direction and fly straight, straight back towards the archer. All three of them just pile straight into her torso and she just coughs up a little bit of blood and Looks shocked, but she maintains her footing. [00:11:55] Speaker C: She gets pushed back five, 10ft. [00:11:58] Speaker A: Oh, five feet. [00:11:59] Speaker B: She falls out of the tower. [00:12:02] Speaker C: Five feet. Wait, 10ft because it's a critical hit. [00:12:07] Speaker A: She flies out of the tower. [00:12:09] Speaker F: Now she takes call damage. [00:12:10] Speaker C: Can she fly out of the tower in a way that just hands her on the stairs and keeps her alive? [00:12:15] Speaker D: Technically by force movement. [00:12:17] Speaker A: No, don't do this. [00:12:18] Speaker D: Technically by force movement, she would not go over the railing. If there's a railing. [00:12:23] Speaker B: He's got a point. There is a railing. So she is severely wounded but not dead. [00:12:30] Speaker C: For my next action, I'll make her disappear. [00:12:33] Speaker A: I want her dead so bad. [00:12:35] Speaker C: I don't. You monster. Okay. Would Neros like guidance? [00:12:41] Speaker A: Hey guys. [00:12:42] Speaker B: Sure. [00:12:42] Speaker C: Okay. [00:12:43] Speaker A: I don't want to get bit by this thing. [00:12:46] Speaker C: I. I can't help you with that. [00:12:48] Speaker F: You put yourself there. [00:12:50] Speaker A: I did. [00:12:51] Speaker C: I'm going to go ahead and cast time jump which freezes time and lets me make two movement actions appearing to everyone that I've teleported. And I going to move to the left. [00:13:05] Speaker D: Shimmy to the left. [00:13:06] Speaker C: Before I do this, I'm going to cast guidance on Neros and then I'm going to cast time jump. [00:13:12] Speaker B: Are you wanting to move two strides away? [00:13:14] Speaker C: Actually, instead of putting me to the right, I want to move two strides to the right, not the left. [00:13:19] Speaker B: Okay, so just getting some distance from the combat. [00:13:21] Speaker C: Yeah, because I still want to be able to hit with my 60 range spell. [00:13:25] Speaker B: Okay, so alward you just. You blink and you're suddenly on the edge of that ring of torches. Just kind of on the edge of that light. [00:13:32] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:13:33] Speaker B: All right. It's now the guy who has been thrown against the wall. His turn. [00:13:39] Speaker F: He's still alive. [00:13:40] Speaker B: He's. He's damaged, he's injured, but he stands up and picks up his ax and just like is at the ready. [00:13:48] Speaker E: I thought he was torn in half. [00:13:50] Speaker B: No, he was bit and then thrown. [00:13:53] Speaker D: Yeah, he's fine. [00:13:54] Speaker E: I prefer him being torn in half. [00:13:55] Speaker B: I don't. [00:13:56] Speaker E: Then he could just crawl. [00:13:58] Speaker B: Neros, it is your turn. [00:14:01] Speaker F: I want to play a card, but I don't know who to give it. [00:14:03] Speaker C: To, what to do. [00:14:06] Speaker F: I can give someone resistance. 10. [00:14:09] Speaker C: Do you have to play it now? [00:14:10] Speaker F: No. Play it anytime. [00:14:11] Speaker C: You can wait until Aeonara gets eaten by the big bad wolf. [00:14:15] Speaker D: Any time means you could wait till they are being dealt with. [00:14:17] Speaker F: I know, but if I don't play it now, I will forget about it. [00:14:21] Speaker A: I will be promise I will not forget about it. I will remind you. [00:14:26] Speaker F: You both say that I Am holding you accountable. So if I forget, it is no longer my fault. You have taken the accountability from me, and it is now yours. [00:14:34] Speaker C: It's on the record. [00:14:35] Speaker D: Okay, I won't remember. [00:14:36] Speaker F: Let the record. I'm not talking to you. [00:14:38] Speaker B: We should record these sessions that if somebody forgets that they said they would help Abby remember. [00:14:43] Speaker C: That's a good idea. [00:14:44] Speaker F: Let the record show I did it my way. Okay. And then you took my arrows. I was going to use. [00:14:50] Speaker C: I'm sorry. [00:14:51] Speaker F: It's okay. I love that we both have the same idea. Except I was gonna shove a couple of them at Bringer. [00:15:00] Speaker A: Big wolf boy. [00:15:01] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:04] Speaker F: I'm still gonna cast telekinetic projectile, but there's nothing fun laying around like some arrows hanging suspended in midair. [00:15:11] Speaker C: I'm sorry. [00:15:12] Speaker D: There's one of Val's teeth on the ground. [00:15:14] Speaker F: I can just use one of her. One of her freaking molars. [00:15:19] Speaker E: I think I had a nightmare. [00:15:20] Speaker C: Would that be piercing or bludgeoning? [00:15:22] Speaker E: Damage? [00:15:23] Speaker C: Y. Yes. [00:15:24] Speaker E: Biting damage. [00:15:25] Speaker B: Tooth damage. [00:15:26] Speaker C: Tooth damage. [00:15:27] Speaker E: The tooth hurts. [00:15:30] Speaker C: Get out. [00:15:32] Speaker F: Abby is using a hero point because I'm angry. [00:15:36] Speaker D: Oh, that's not that bad. [00:15:37] Speaker F: I would not have hit. [00:15:38] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [00:15:43] Speaker F: Does a 25 hit? [00:15:44] Speaker B: 25 hits. [00:15:45] Speaker A: Oh, nice. [00:15:47] Speaker F: I didn't want that card anyway. 12 damage. [00:15:53] Speaker B: All right, he is on his last legs. [00:15:56] Speaker D: Last legs? How many legs did he have? [00:15:58] Speaker A: If somebody kills him before Einar, it might help with conscience. [00:16:03] Speaker D: Saphir's gonna go soon. [00:16:05] Speaker A: I wonder what happens if we kill him first. [00:16:08] Speaker F: And then for my last action, I want to be within 10ft of velvet. [00:16:16] Speaker C: You can do it. [00:16:17] Speaker F: Are we sure? [00:16:18] Speaker B: Mm, yes. You can get within 10ft of Val pretty easily. You can get up next to Val. [00:16:24] Speaker F: I just want to be within 10ft of her. [00:16:26] Speaker B: Okay, so then you can move along to the left, just kind of circling around the battle, and you end up 10ft behind Val, so that all of your friends are between you and the giant wolf. [00:16:38] Speaker F: Sounds good. [00:16:40] Speaker B: All right. And now, after Neros, the two that were trying to move into flank Einar, both of them back off as well. Just kind of. They're not sure what's going on. They're just going to make some distance and watch to see what happens. [00:16:55] Speaker A: Oh, so his transformation surprised them? [00:16:58] Speaker B: Yes, they are very shocked. And it is Zafir's turn. [00:17:03] Speaker E: Zafir is going to run away. I'm not kidding. He's actually gonna go about 15ft, say, south, southwest, as you begin moving. No, he's not going to run away. Well, Einar would be in the way, wouldn't he? For an opportunity to attack him, you. [00:17:26] Speaker B: Would get lesser cover, so it'd be harder for him to a 34. [00:17:36] Speaker E: Yes, that does hit. [00:17:38] Speaker C: That's a critical hit. [00:17:39] Speaker E: Oh, it is. Oh, it's exactly 10 over. [00:17:43] Speaker B: All right, so you take 44 piercing damage. [00:17:46] Speaker C: 40. [00:17:47] Speaker D: No, stop. I have the glimpse of redemption and Both are within 15ft of me. He must choose. Is he going to repent or refuse? [00:18:00] Speaker B: He chooses to refuse. [00:18:01] Speaker D: All right, zafir, you get 9 resistance to the damage, and after this attack, Brenger will be enfeebled too. [00:18:08] Speaker B: So you take 35 piercing damage instead. [00:18:12] Speaker E: That's only about half of me. That's all right. [00:18:16] Speaker D: The left side, the right side. How is this happening? What half? [00:18:20] Speaker E: Well, it's kind of spots around. What does this do for my action? [00:18:27] Speaker B: Nothing. You may proceed as planned. He bites you and you can keep going. [00:18:31] Speaker E: None of that was planned. [00:18:33] Speaker C: So you were in his mouth for a little bit. [00:18:36] Speaker B: It didn't smell good. [00:18:37] Speaker E: I can't imagine. He's a dog. Speaking of dogs, hopefully this makes him a hot dog. I'm going to spend this card to give him disadvantage on a reflex roll. [00:18:52] Speaker B: Ooh, what's your DC23? That's a regular fail. [00:18:58] Speaker E: Regular fail. [00:19:00] Speaker B: If you had not spent the card, you would have got it at 20. [00:19:04] Speaker E: Very good. I don't know if this matters, if it's a regular or crit, but I am casting Draw the lightning. So how's the weather looking? Nighttime, cloudy, clear, stormy. Partly cloudy, partly cloudy. So because of that, I deal an extra 2d12. [00:19:26] Speaker F: I think just a measly extra 2d12. [00:19:30] Speaker D: 5D12. [00:19:31] Speaker F: Everyone just their hair just starts standing up on end. [00:19:37] Speaker E: Oh, I just hit the mic, but that. Okay, that's going to be a good roll. [00:19:40] Speaker C: Yeah, it is. [00:19:41] Speaker A: I like how many you rolled. I just like how many you. [00:19:44] Speaker E: I do, too. [00:19:45] Speaker C: Got on the higher end on three of them. [00:19:47] Speaker E: Yeah. Okay, so I don't like math. Can you do the math in your head, Jordy, if I read out some numbers? [00:19:52] Speaker B: Sure. [00:19:52] Speaker E: Okay, I'm gonna read them from lowest to highest. 6, 9, 11, 11, 12. [00:20:00] Speaker B: So as part of casting Draw the lightning, you have to hold a weapon up and it, like, imbues that weapon with lightning. [00:20:05] Speaker E: Yes. [00:20:06] Speaker B: Which weapon were you holding? [00:20:07] Speaker E: My rapier. [00:20:08] Speaker B: So. So as Zafir points his rapier to the sky and lightning strikes down and imbues his rapier with electric energy and strikes bringer, Brenger convulses and collapses to the ground and is now dying one doomed. Yes. Dying one and would die at three because of doomed. [00:20:26] Speaker E: I also let out an unearthly guttural. [00:20:29] Speaker A: Yell, which, due to his small size, is an higher pitch. [00:20:36] Speaker C: Zafir, normally known for a very deep voice, but when he gutturally yells. [00:20:44] Speaker B: And now the last of the Vikings who is there is just kind of watching. She's actually delaying. She's not moving anywhere, not changing her weapons or anything. She's just watching. She's waiting to see what happens here. Val, it is your turn. [00:20:56] Speaker D: Val, still very angry and tired, just sort of walks up to Rengear and puts her hands on him. I use withering grasp a 30 to hit him. [00:21:16] Speaker B: And with him being unconscious, that is a critical hit. [00:21:20] Speaker D: Okay. [00:21:21] Speaker B: He's. [00:21:22] Speaker C: He's finishing it. To answer Abby's mouth question, Val is finishing. [00:21:28] Speaker F: Doesn't kill people. [00:21:30] Speaker C: I thought she was gonna heal him. [00:21:33] Speaker A: Well, no. [00:21:34] Speaker D: So 78, negative damage. [00:21:37] Speaker A: 78? [00:21:39] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:21:41] Speaker B: So, Val, you walk up to this collapsed and dying massive wolf monstrosity. You reach out your hand and touch it, and everyone else just watches as the form just begins to shrivel under your grasp, slowly reducing and shrinking down in size until before long, Val is just standing there with her hand resting on Brenger's battered, shriveled body as he is now back in human form and clearly dead. [00:22:14] Speaker D: That's her turn. [00:22:15] Speaker B: The other Berserkers just, like, slowly take a few steps back and then just begin running away from the party, just straight. They don't seem to be trying to collect anything. They're just getting away from you. So we are now out of initiative. [00:22:31] Speaker E: For everybody that's running away. Zafir's just pointing his rapier at everyone. Hopefully they see him being intimidated. It's kind of a. [00:22:43] Speaker C: Very serious moment, but that's hilarious. [00:22:48] Speaker A: Einar is going to whip his sword to clear the blood, sheath it, walk up to Val and not saying a word, just place a hand on her shoulder. [00:23:03] Speaker D: She just kind of, like, shrugs her arm to, like, get you off of her. She's just, like, staring at the body and just kind of mutters, no. No one ever respects me at all. And sort of just starts walking away. [00:23:21] Speaker C: Did you say respect or expect respect? [00:23:23] Speaker E: Okay, before you get too far, you're suddenly stopped. You feel Zafir's arms wrapped around your legs. [00:23:36] Speaker A: Torso, Torso. [00:23:39] Speaker E: And you can feel him sobbing. He can't get any words out, but he's sobbing. [00:23:50] Speaker D: So that skull is still, like, seeped over the halfway point where it normally stops. And she just sort of pushes you off of her and Just drops her glaive on the ground and starts walking away. [00:24:10] Speaker A: Einar looks over at Neros and just says, actually, he looks over at all of you. I suggest you all follow her. I'll clean up things here. [00:24:23] Speaker D: As she's walking away, she starts coughing and some of that black gunk just comes out onto the ground and she just keeps going. [00:24:32] Speaker E: Can you do a will save for me, Sam? [00:24:35] Speaker C: Are you gonna put a prison around her head? [00:24:37] Speaker D: I am fatigued, so I actually have a minus one to this 28. [00:24:42] Speaker C: That's just a success. [00:24:44] Speaker E: If he beat it, he beat it. [00:24:45] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [00:24:47] Speaker D: She sort of hesitates for a second when you do that and like, clenches one of her fists and keeps going. [00:24:55] Speaker A: Why are you all standing here? Go. [00:24:59] Speaker E: Taffir gets to his feet as he was kind of knocked over onto the ground when she pushed him off, and starts to slowly follow Albert. [00:25:08] Speaker C: Kind of just sort of staring at Nero's waiting, like, go. [00:25:16] Speaker A: Don't leave her like this. [00:25:18] Speaker C: I guess Albert's gonna stop waiting and go. [00:25:23] Speaker A: Especially you, Neros. She needs you more now than ever. [00:25:28] Speaker F: Neros stares at Brenger confused and watch and then turns and watches Val as she's walking away. She doesn't kill people. Nris walks over to Val's glaive and picks it up, but doesn't follow. And she turns to Einar. I'm like, if you tell me to follow her again, I'm going to stab you with this. [00:25:59] Speaker A: If you want Val back. [00:26:01] Speaker F: If I want Val back, I'm going to leave her alone for right now. She needs time to cool off. [00:26:09] Speaker A: We don't have time for this. He just turns around instead. [00:26:15] Speaker F: Neros is going to go get the horses, lead them a little ways out of camp and start making a fire. [00:26:24] Speaker A: Einar is going to pick up Bringer's body and take it to the Cheliax side. [00:26:33] Speaker B: Einar, while you're collecting Bringer's body, you do notice that out of the equipment on him, most of it withered away with Val's grasp. But both of his swords, as well as his wolf skin cloak seem to be intact. [00:26:48] Speaker A: Oh, I don't know what that means. [00:26:51] Speaker C: He's saying you have a cloak and two really cool swords. Okay. Yeah. [00:26:54] Speaker B: You've got two enchanted swords and the cloak he was wearing, if you choose to keep them. [00:26:59] Speaker A: Well, what's the cloak look like? [00:27:02] Speaker B: It looks like a cloak made out of a wolf skin. And if you put on the hood over your head, there's like a wolf skull head like thing over the top of you. It's the cloak he was wearing. [00:27:10] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, is there anything special about it? [00:27:14] Speaker B: I mean, those were the only three things that did not wither away with the grasp. So you can presume I need a. [00:27:22] Speaker A: Roll is what I'm saying. [00:27:24] Speaker B: Do you have arcana? [00:27:25] Speaker A: I do. [00:27:27] Speaker B: Go ahead and roll an arcana check. I have relented since my younger days when I didn't allow arcana to know if someone something's enchanted. [00:27:34] Speaker A: Well, I guess I really don't know if this is good because I rolled in that one. [00:27:38] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. No, it's probably just because it's got fur that. That keeps it safe. [00:27:44] Speaker A: I don't know what the enchantment is. [00:27:46] Speaker D: It became a creature of fur, so therefore the fur is fine. [00:27:50] Speaker A: Said match my clothes. [00:27:52] Speaker B: Match it. No, no, no. Yours is different. [00:27:55] Speaker D: Definitely different. [00:27:56] Speaker A: Can I wear both of them? No, dang it. [00:27:59] Speaker D: I mean, I am the man of many cloaks. [00:28:03] Speaker A: It's the hood. [00:28:04] Speaker B: That's actually an explicit rule in the system. Like you can't wear two pairs of boots. You can't wear two cloaks. You can't wear two belts. [00:28:09] Speaker D: You cannot wear layers. [00:28:10] Speaker C: And excuse you, I can wear 17 hats. [00:28:13] Speaker A: Well, he saw what the two swords did, so he may just keep both of them. He'll strap both of those to the back so we can look at them later. He'll put the cloak. It's special, but I don't know why he puts that in his bag. But he still picks up his body and shakes it to the cheliac side. [00:28:35] Speaker B: As you walk up, they're kind of just like gathered around a fire, just chilling, making their dinner for the night. [00:28:43] Speaker A: He throws the body next to them. [00:28:46] Speaker B: And they are very startled. Like they didn't even realize you were approaching. They felt very secure. [00:28:51] Speaker A: Your money is gone and so you should be. [00:28:59] Speaker B: There's just a pause and then you hear. [00:29:06] Speaker C: A slow clap. [00:29:08] Speaker B: You hear a slow clap. And from dramatically in the shadows outside of the firelight, a pale faced man steps up in. In like very fancy clothing. And he goes, well, never thought I'd see the day when some could take him on. You have my respect. And he reaches up and tips his feathered hat. Gentlemen, we'll be packing up and leaving in the morning. Looks like we'll be searching for new employment. I don't believe I have made your acquaintance. [00:29:44] Speaker A: Perhaps it's better we don't. [00:29:47] Speaker B: Shrewd man. Well, if you ever have need of the hellhounds, I know you're one who can swing a Blade. So drop us a line. [00:29:59] Speaker A: Einar just nods and business done. He walks away. [00:30:05] Speaker B: As you're walking away, one of you hear one of the guys, like, so, are we taking the prisoners? [00:30:11] Speaker A: Then leave them. I'll deal with it. He stops and turns over his shoulder. [00:30:17] Speaker B: The guy in the fancy attire just nods towards his men. You heard him. Enjoy your sausage and eggs. [00:30:27] Speaker A: And he actually walks over to those prisoners. Now. [00:30:33] Speaker B: As you're heading over there, I'll kick it over to you. Sam, you can narrate this scene. [00:30:38] Speaker D: So Val is just walking back to town when you guys are, like, behind her and the wind is going to you. You can smell faintly, like the smell of rotting flesh. [00:30:53] Speaker E: You hear behind you. [00:30:56] Speaker D: Val. [00:31:00] Speaker E: Thank you. [00:31:02] Speaker D: She does not respond. [00:31:05] Speaker E: Val, where are you going? We need to stay together. [00:31:11] Speaker D: I'm going back. [00:31:13] Speaker E: Back where? [00:31:15] Speaker D: I'm going back to Cornelius. [00:31:19] Speaker E: Val, what's going on? [00:31:23] Speaker D: She sort of stops and turns around, and the skull portion of her face is starting to get a blue hue. I'm losing myself again. And I'm tired of it. [00:31:41] Speaker E: Val, we can help. [00:31:44] Speaker D: We've already tried something. We'll just. I'm just gonna try another thing later. [00:31:50] Speaker E: But what are you doing now? Something is. Something is terribly. [00:31:55] Speaker D: I'm just going back, Zafir. [00:31:57] Speaker E: But without us. [00:31:59] Speaker D: You guys are going back to the same place we were probably going to. [00:32:04] Speaker C: Set up camp outside of. [00:32:06] Speaker D: That's fine. And you can do that, and we'll just meet back later. Albert. [00:32:11] Speaker E: We can't just let you go on your own, Val. [00:32:14] Speaker D: Yes, you can. And you will. [00:32:19] Speaker E: Vela. [00:32:20] Speaker D: You all broke my trust back there. I asked you not to interfere, Howard, and you did. [00:32:29] Speaker C: You'd rather have me watch you die a friend? Watch another one die? Would you do the same? If Rhaenyros was in that position, you're telling me you wouldn't rush to go help her? [00:32:41] Speaker D: I need a oath. A vow. In that moment, for the duel, you. [00:32:48] Speaker C: Made a deal with another person. [00:32:50] Speaker E: And you made it, not us. I would never agree to watching you get hurt. [00:32:54] Speaker D: Yeah, I did make it. I wish you cared enough to let me make my own decisions. [00:33:01] Speaker E: Well, your decision would have ended you completely dying. Do you want that? [00:33:08] Speaker D: I follow what I feel the gods want me to do. In that moment, I felt like that was the best decision they were leading me to. I didn't know if I was gonna die or not. They might have done something. [00:33:23] Speaker C: What if the gods had me there to do something? Would you just. [00:33:27] Speaker D: I have my own things to deal with right now, fal. [00:33:31] Speaker E: You've Heard my story. You know how many things that I have to deal with. But I don't want to leave anyone. [00:33:39] Speaker D: To just give me space. Why has no one ever give me space? [00:33:43] Speaker E: Because we're worried for you if you go off. [00:33:46] Speaker D: And sometimes people just need to be alone for a bit. [00:33:49] Speaker E: Val, the way you're going alone may be the end of you. [00:33:54] Speaker D: I'm just walking back to town. I'll be fine. [00:33:57] Speaker E: You're in no condition. [00:33:58] Speaker D: I'm fine. [00:34:00] Speaker C: Allow us to trail you back to town and then we will go back to our camp and meet up with you tomorrow. But you have to promise that we will meet up tomorrow. [00:34:10] Speaker E: We can stay silent if you prefer. [00:34:15] Speaker D: Just leave me alone, please. [00:34:21] Speaker E: Val, I don't want to stir any extra feelings, but I'm fairly certain I've heard your father say those exact words. [00:34:34] Speaker D: She kind of. Her head kind of drops and she just walks up to you and puts her hand on your shoulder. [00:34:45] Speaker C: I was about to be like necrotic. [00:34:47] Speaker E: Touch scarring Zafir runs in the family. [00:34:51] Speaker D: What's your AC? [00:34:52] Speaker C: Oh my goodness. [00:34:53] Speaker E: It's 24. [00:34:55] Speaker D: As she touches your shoulder, you feel like your muscles start to like break down. And you take 24 negative damage. It's just energy. Necrotic energy starts pulsing through your shoulder. [00:35:14] Speaker E: With that feeling of the muscles just. [00:35:16] Speaker D: Breaking down, you also take persistent damage. [00:35:20] Speaker E: He falls to his knees. He's up, but only just. [00:35:25] Speaker C: You're going to kill Zafir. [00:35:28] Speaker E: From on his knees. He looks up at you into the one darkened eye. And whatever else is going on with the other one, his jaw drops and he just stares. [00:35:43] Speaker D: And then Valiser looks like a will save. Fine. [00:35:48] Speaker C: Be that 26. [00:35:50] Speaker D: 26. That is a fail. [00:35:55] Speaker C: You feel restless and like you have to move. Anytime you do not move, you're going to take mental damage. It is non lethal. [00:36:02] Speaker D: Cool. [00:36:03] Speaker C: And Albert's going to like try and stop you from moving. [00:36:07] Speaker D: She's gonna try and just keep walking. She's looking very angry at you and she's just gonna try and punch it. [00:36:14] Speaker C: Okay. [00:36:14] Speaker D: If you get in her way, which I will to 31. That hits 12 damage. [00:36:21] Speaker C: I do not move. Just because we tried to help you doesn't give you the right to hurt your friends. [00:36:27] Speaker D: Val, the skull and blue kind of got a little worse after she cast a spell again. And then she keeps trying to go down the road and you keep getting in her way. Then she's going to try and kind of just skirt around into the woods. [00:36:46] Speaker C: After Val gets past Aelward, he thinks about Trying to stop her again, but seeing that she's going to the town, he's just gonna let bygones exist, I guess, and deal with it later. And hope that Val understands that just because somebody disagrees with what she wants to do doesn't mean it's not because they don't respect or care about her. And then pick up Zafir and then sadly walk back. Not actually pick up Zafir, but get him off the ground. [00:37:16] Speaker E: I'm going to be very unresponsive. Quite the limp noodle. [00:37:20] Speaker C: Gonna use my mage hands to help me. [00:37:23] Speaker E: Zafir looks up at Alward as we're kind of just dragging along and says, albert, what's happening to us? [00:37:35] Speaker C: Nothing. [00:37:36] Speaker E: I thought I was on the right. [00:37:38] Speaker C: Track, but we all have things we're trying to fix, Sophia. And Val just is fixing hers. [00:37:52] Speaker E: I'm so worried that she's going to turn out like her father. [00:37:59] Speaker C: I don't even think that's possible. [00:38:03] Speaker E: From what I felt, she feels closer. Closer every day. I only hope that Cornelius can talk some sense into her. [00:38:17] Speaker C: Let's go back to Nero's. And I know. [00:38:22] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:38:27] Speaker A: Einar walks away from the people from Cheliax, and after his comment about the prisoners, he glances to where they are and decides he's not going to deal with it and pulls out a book. And he just starts furiously flipping through the pages, muttering to himself. After going through it in frustration, he just slams it, shoves it in his pack, sees where Neros is making that fire, walks over to it and just sits down really hard in absolute frustration. Not how I saw this going at all. [00:39:21] Speaker F: What did you expect? Walking into a camp filled with soldiers? Or are you specifically talking about Val? [00:39:33] Speaker A: The camp was. Whatever. [00:39:36] Speaker F: What do you mean, how you saw this going? [00:39:42] Speaker A: I admit, Val took me by surprise. [00:39:45] Speaker F: What does that mean? [00:39:48] Speaker A: Means we're running out of time. [00:39:51] Speaker F: For what? [00:39:53] Speaker A: To stop them. [00:39:56] Speaker F: The Aridsons? [00:39:57] Speaker A: Yes. [00:40:00] Speaker F: Do you know something we don't? And if you do, would you care to share that information? [00:40:07] Speaker A: They're not stopped. All's lost. [00:40:10] Speaker F: Yeah, we kind of gathered that. What do you know? Look, the more information you have, the better informed that we are. [00:40:26] Speaker B: I. [00:40:29] Speaker A: I can't. And I. I want to. [00:40:33] Speaker C: Just. [00:40:34] Speaker A: I can't. And I shouldn't be even speaking about this now, but with Val acting as she is, both over Uwe. [00:40:45] Speaker F: Did you just. What does Uwe have to do with this? [00:40:51] Speaker A: I told you we were friends, right? [00:40:53] Speaker F: Yeah, but what does Uwe have to do with this? [00:41:00] Speaker B: Look, I. [00:41:01] Speaker F: For someone that doesn't Want to tell me anything? You're saying an awful lot. [00:41:05] Speaker A: Yeah, and I shouldn't ignore that. They need to be stopped. [00:41:16] Speaker F: Mm. We're in agreement there. [00:41:19] Speaker A: And they need to be stopped soon. [00:41:21] Speaker D: Mm. [00:41:22] Speaker A: And we can't keep having. All of us. All of you need to do it. [00:41:32] Speaker F: All of us. Not including you. Is that what I'm gathering from what you've just said? If you can't help us, then why are you here? [00:41:45] Speaker A: I am helping you. [00:41:46] Speaker F: How? Cause from what I just gathered, you said all of you need to stop them. All of you need to stop this. [00:41:58] Speaker A: What? [00:41:58] Speaker F: Does that put you in the equation here, right now? Okay. [00:42:05] Speaker A: That's all I can tell you. [00:42:07] Speaker D: Gosh. [00:42:10] Speaker F: Okay. Well, I don't. Don't know what to do with that. [00:42:18] Speaker A: That's for the best, trust me. [00:42:20] Speaker F: You're confusing. And you act like. When. When Val. When she killed Brenga, which I still can't wrap my mind around. That was not. That's not Val. You acted like you've known her for more time than you actually have. What was that? [00:42:49] Speaker A: You see? I'm just struggling. Neros, please don't keep asking me questions I can't answer. [00:43:00] Speaker F: How do I know you can't answer them? [00:43:03] Speaker A: Because I just told you. [00:43:04] Speaker F: I don't know what questions you can't answer unless I ask them. And then you tell me you can't answer that question. [00:43:09] Speaker A: I know I shouldn't be having this conversation. [00:43:15] Speaker F: Okay, then we can stop having that conversation. And Nero digs out her bottomless stein. I'm going to sit here, and I'm going to drink this in silence. [00:43:32] Speaker A: Einar is going to reach into his bag without staring at you and bring out a stein as well, and say, that is a good idea. [00:43:51] Speaker B: And as the two of you sit around the fire, sipping on your stein in silence, we cut away, back to the outskirts of Stagwatch. We see Cornelius sitting on a stump, leisurely whittling a piece of wood. So that's it then, he says. You're just leaving? I'm not leaving, Ylva retorts as she ties down the straps holding her bedroll on top of her pack. I told you where I'm going. And besides, you heard them. You heard Einar. I'm free to go. They're not keeping me. No, but I figured you'd at least wait around to see them return. I don't. Ylva stops biting her lip. I don't want to be here when they get back. I know they promised, and I know they're good, but accidents happen and you don't know Brenger. I just. I just don't think I want to know right now. So you think they can beat Brenger? Cornelius says, still paying more attention to his handicraft than to Ylva. Brenger. Ylva scoffs. He's strong, sure, but you've seen these kids. They've got what it takes. They can beat Brenger. And I still feel like a traitor for saying it, but I believe they've got it in them to stop Eret himself. Val will stop arid Cornelius kind of catches himself. It'sit's her destiny. You're awfully fond of her, ylva says as she fastens the last buckles on her pack. I've put a lot of work into her. You're a strange little man, ylva says. And I hope that one day Val gets a chance to see how pathetic you really are. I love you too. Ylva glares at Cornelius for a moment before sighing. Look, I don't. I didn't. I don't really care what you think of me, cornelius says, going back to his whittling. So don't bother with half hearted apologies. Ylva wilts a little before awkwardly shouldering her pack. Well then, you will tell them where I've gone, right? I don't want them thinking. Of course, of course. Cornelius waves her off. Now run along and play. I've got work to do. Yova gives Cornelius one last look of irritation before she and her animals disappear into the trees. Cornelius, once again engrossed in his work, doesn't even seem to register the departure at first. After a few minutes of silence broken only by the scrape scrape of knife on wood, Cornelius hops to his feet. With a few quick glances around to make sure he's still alone, he reaches into the folds of his cloak and pulls out a stone chalice engraved with runes around the rim. Val will stop arid he mutters to himself as he draws out a water skin and begins to slowly fill the vessel. I told them she would and she will. He sighs as he picks up the piece of wood he had been whittling, now in the clear shape of an old, stern faced woman. But I think it's time for the little bird to leave the nest and find that she has no wings. And that's where we'll end this episode. What? No, wait. [00:47:20] Speaker A: What? [00:47:20] Speaker C: No, hold on. [00:47:21] Speaker B: Wait. [00:47:22] Speaker A: I Wait a second. [00:47:26] Speaker D: The Chosen One I didn't know Cornelius was in love with Yva. [00:47:31] Speaker E: What? That's what you're focusing on right now? [00:47:36] Speaker A: What you've got out of that. [00:47:37] Speaker D: Okay, wait. Was our earlier joke, right? Is he future Haimer? [00:47:41] Speaker C: I would love. [00:47:42] Speaker F: Oh my gosh. If he is, everything would make sense. [00:47:47] Speaker B: So this is the part of the episode where we would normally announce who got the hero point card. But since you all completed the goal of this chapter of defeating Brenger, you all level up and you are now level 8. [00:48:01] Speaker E: Woohoo. [00:48:03] Speaker F: I don't know that I can celebrate after what just happened. [00:48:06] Speaker E: This is the first time I've ever been disappointed of killing a boss. [00:48:11] Speaker F: I don't know that I'm disappointed that we killed a boss. I think it's how it happened. [00:48:18] Speaker B: And as is customary with the level up moment, rather than asking all of you what you're going to go do, I am going to tell you what I am going to do. I'm gonna go eat dinner because I'm hungry. And we'll see you all in the next episode. [00:48:36] Speaker E: Bring tissues. [00:48:38] Speaker B: This has been an atomic broadcasting production. Pathfinder, Golarion and the Lost Omens world setting are copyright of Paizo. More information at Paizo Music in the show is from Monument Studios collection as well as assorted artists with some original tracks composed by Geordie Hake. More details in the description. If you enjoyed the show, please remember to share with a friend and we'll look forward to seeing you again next time. [00:49:07] Speaker D: Would it have helped if I said she was clearly not in her right mind? [00:49:11] Speaker C: We can tell. [00:49:12] Speaker D: Okay.

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