January 15, 2024


BONUS - Book 1 Retrospective

Hosted by

Jordy Hake Michael Petete Samuel Sarver Abby Fincher Michael Jenkins Sven Nerness
BONUS - Book 1 Retrospective
The Written and The Lost
BONUS - Book 1 Retrospective

Jan 15 2024 | 01:07:03


Show Notes

The cast takes the opportunity to answer some questions and have some fun behind-the-scenes discussion!


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:05] Speaker A: You are listening to an atomic broadcasting. [00:00:08] Speaker B: Production, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the feature presentation. And remember, do your part, such as like comment rate, and don't forget to tell a friend to tune in for an atomic time. [00:00:29] Speaker C: Hey, guys. Jordy again with a quick reminder for you. We are in the middle of our hiatus, so we do have some bonus episodes coming for you, one that we'll get to right as soon as I finish talking here, and then another one coming down the pike here. We will be back with the official resumption of the main content on the 5 February with a recap episode. That way, if you forgot some details from book one or if you've got some friends you're trying to get into the show, but you can't quite convince them to listen to 30 some episodes to get caught up, you could just jump right in there and be all ready to jump into book two with us here in February. It's February 5 that that recap episode is coming out. In the meantime, not only do we have the two bonus episodes that will be coming out on this feed, we also have our secondary feed, the atomic broadcasting variety hour. We're going to be releasing a three part side adventure that we did over there. Mostly the same cast. Sven couldn't make it for that one, so we did have a couple bonus guest appearances that appeared for that adventure. There's also a short run of a Delta Green adventure that that story. It's all wrapped up first season, so you can listen through that one. It's a bit of a tidy arc if you're dying for a little bit more atomic broadcasting content in the middle of this hiatus. Anyway, just wanted to give that quick update, and now I'll turn things back over to our gang for our retrospective episode. [00:01:51] Speaker B: It's the fuffle shuffle. Fun day music. [00:01:53] Speaker D: It's a beautiful. [00:01:54] Speaker B: I like the xylophone. [00:01:56] Speaker D: We're not supposed to acknowledge it, though. [00:02:00] Speaker E: Breaking all of the rules. [00:02:05] Speaker C: Hey, everybody, and welcome to this special bonus episode. We are here, the cast of the written and the lost. We're going to do a quick q a session here right after the close of book one. So right now, we don't have a ton of questions from the peanut gallery, as it were, but we do have a few questions that our players have. I might even have a couple questions here and there for the players. So we're going to just kind of dive into that and just do some q's and a's, but I'm going to go ahead and start us off with the first question I'm going to kick over to our CEO of Atomic Broadcasting, sam, how did we even get started on this project for the written the lost as an actual play show? [00:02:46] Speaker B: Well, I think we got started in the way that most everybody almost starts, but doesn't start. We spent about two years playing games, being like, hey, what if we made this a show? And then we didn't, and then we kept going, and then we brought it up again. And then we didn't, and we kept going. Then we brought it up again. We didn't, and then we started writing an audio show. I started writing the script with my friends Abby and Michael Jenkins, and then we started recording that, and then I didn't really like it, so we stopped. And then I was like, you know, we have all this stuff. Let's just go for actual show. I think that's the order of how that went. And so I was like, I want to do a show. And I was the GM at the time, and I was like, I don't want to run it because I'm getting tired of running two plus year campaigns, but I like playing in them. So, of course I work with Jordy. So I just looked over at Jordy and said, hey, jordy, I'm thinking about that thing again. Of course, we said that, like ten times by this point. And he was like. And I was just like, I want us to do this show, but I think you should run it. And he said, I have some ideas. And then we started going and actually recruiting our group, all of which we almost immediately thought of, except for one person at this table. And then they all. [00:04:07] Speaker E: It was Sam. [00:04:10] Speaker B: So then we spent countless lunches devising and talking, and then everyone together bought all the equipment and stuff, and then jordy, I guess, started working on all this stuff. How did that process go for you, JoRDY? Now that the network was established and we were working on this SHow, how did that process of actually making the show go for you? [00:04:33] Speaker C: So it was a really interesting process. I kind of juggled around the idea for a while of running a pre written adventure because I'd listened to a lot of and seen and other people do a lot of actual plays where they do a pre written story, and it just didn't really grab me. ANYTIME I'd been a game master, I'd done my own stories, and I was like, I Just don't know if I'll have the investment if I'm doing somebody else's story. [00:04:55] Speaker B: And that actually reminds me, if I can jump in, we'd actually put a Reddit post out asking people if they preferred homebrew shows or actual play shows, and it was like, 50 50. It was ridiculous. I was like, oh, let's ASK, then. It might help us deCide. It is like, 50 50. People like both. And we were LikE, well, okay, that. [00:05:15] Speaker F: Did makes it worth ANYthing. [00:05:16] Speaker A: You can't go wrong. [00:05:17] Speaker B: I guess. [00:05:18] Speaker D: I didn't even know about this. I didn't get to vote. [00:05:21] Speaker B: You weren't on that subreddit. I guess. [00:05:23] Speaker D: I guess I was not part of the group yet. [00:05:25] Speaker B: That was a long time ago. I just posted it in the two e subreddit, the Pathfinder, second edition subreddit. [00:05:30] Speaker C: This was BACk EARlY in the pre production. So this was over a year ago, back when this happened. [00:05:34] Speaker A: Wow. [00:05:35] Speaker C: So at that Point, I was like, okay, I kind of want to do our own STory, but I don't really have any good ideas. And then I started my first time through the monster Hunter World DLC, where they unlock this new icy region. And I was like, man, this PLACE is CooL. I like the vibes of this icy region. And I was, hmm, maybe if we did an adventure in an icy region. And that was LitERAllY where the entire StorY came from, was, I want to go to the north. [00:06:02] Speaker A: I love that idea. [00:06:05] Speaker E: Is that why our preplay. Because we did preplay before we did this, just so we can mesh together and everything, kind of UNdeRstand some things? Is that why you chose that adVenture? [00:06:15] Speaker C: No, it was actually just one of the more recent published adventures. And I was just like, this one sounds fun. Let's play it. [00:06:22] Speaker B: Yeah. It really helped out because we had the equipment. We wanted to test it, so we started a campaign, and it was literally the neighboring country with the mammoth lord's quest for the frozen flame with Pakano, everyone's favorite emperor. He killed me. [00:06:40] Speaker A: Go die in the whole pocket. [00:06:42] Speaker F: Such a jerk. [00:06:42] Speaker E: I miss the Berry Bros. Yeah, Berry Bros. [00:06:50] Speaker A: Anybody who's going to play that is going to go, where are the Berry Bros? [00:06:53] Speaker D: Who are a canon group of folks that just live in the background? They do no harm. They're not a boss. They are there. They are always there. [00:07:05] Speaker F: All their names start. [00:07:06] Speaker A: Everybody who's listening, if you're going to make a campaign for Pathfinder, include the Berry Bros. I want to see that in writing so other people can. [00:07:17] Speaker D: You don't even need details. They're just bros who like berries. [00:07:20] Speaker E: They pick berries. [00:07:22] Speaker C: Yeah. But with the getting the production of the show going and everything, we actually may not know this. A lot of these episodes are recorded well in advance of when they actually come out. We actually started recording in January of 2023. [00:07:37] Speaker E: It's been that long. [00:07:38] Speaker C: So if you just kind of look back at when the first episodes came out, you'll see there's a bit of a lag time there. [00:07:43] Speaker B: I mean, it's July right now. [00:07:46] Speaker E: As we're recording this, we just released episode twelve. Is that wrong? Eleven. [00:07:52] Speaker C: I think eleven is coming out on Monday. [00:07:53] Speaker D: That's his bonus. [00:07:54] Speaker F: Hang on. [00:07:54] Speaker B: No, I think eleven just came out. [00:07:56] Speaker C: Hey, editor. [00:07:58] Speaker F: Hang on. I'm looking at Spotify. [00:08:00] Speaker E: You can't hear our editor most of the time. He sits in the back. He's nice. [00:08:03] Speaker F: Okay, so after looking at Spotify, we just released episode ten on Monday. So we're about to drop episode eleven, noise. [00:08:12] Speaker A: That's how we recorded a bit before you guys get to see it. [00:08:18] Speaker B: Yeah, so we did the pre play, and then from there we just kind of jumped into it. And now we're here. But there were some things that happened before we actually started getting playing, like making characters. Anyone want to talk about how they came about with their character? Hey, petite. You are new to role playing games and haven't done a lot. What was going through your head when you decided you wanted to play a little magus? [00:08:48] Speaker A: Other than. [00:08:50] Speaker D: So that kind of did go through my head, I'll be honest. Every character that I've ever created just have been so off the wall, because it's true. I don't understand any of the mechanics until this campaign. I still don't really get it. I didn't understand how spell casting worked or, like, spell books or anything. So playing anything that can cast spells, I was just like, hey, that sounds cool. I'm going to do that. So I didn't really have a plan when it came down to it. Most of my character creation started from I have a concept and I'm going to build off of that one concept. And wouldn't you know it, the concept started as I started watching, and I haven't finished it. Surprisingly, the first three episodes of Sandman. I don't think I've ever told anybody. [00:09:42] Speaker B: That you didn't finish the first three episodes or you didn't finish the show. [00:09:46] Speaker D: I haven't finished the show, mostly because I got rid of Netflix. The Sandman by Sandman. After watching those first couple episodes, I was like, man, he's a very dark character with somewhat of a light hearted feel to him, like you feel sympathetic towards him, but at the same time, he scares the crap out of me. And I kind of thought that I was like, okay, so I'm going to make a character that's just kind of creepy, kind of light hearted. And by this point, you know, super pale. Yes, super pale. And at this point, of course, this has built onto it someone who absolutely doesn't know how to read the room. Multiple rooms or holes or dungeons or cages or doors or tunnels. I'm surprised I'm not dead yet. [00:10:47] Speaker B: I never would have guessed that he was at all based on Morpheus. [00:10:51] Speaker E: No, really? [00:10:52] Speaker B: But once you say, it's like, yeah, I actually see that. I see that. But I would have never guessed that Morpheus was an inspiration. I was going to say the same thing. [00:11:02] Speaker E: I was going to be like, I would have not guessed. But you said, I'm like, that makes sense. [00:11:09] Speaker D: Like I said, every episode or every time I build onto it, I just kind of do something that's very similar to his theme. Not Morpheus, but that original, dark, light hearted type of guy. And of course, at this point, we haven't really seen much of his story. So I can't go into that as to why he's dark yet light hearted, but I can say that every single thing that he's built on has all been a part of that. So in one of the most recent episodes, I used vomit swarm, which technically, it's supposed to be a bunch of different pests and whatnot. But I thought, hey, spiders are scary. [00:11:49] Speaker B: I'm just going to go with spiders. Spiders, that is a pest. [00:11:51] Speaker D: But it's supposed to be like, a mixture of, like, roaches and spiders and ants and beetles and junk. Spiders are terrifying, but that. And then I have fear and message. You can imagine just sitting there and hearing somebody just whisper in your ear something creepy. And that was like, that's exactly what Safir would do. [00:12:14] Speaker E: Just whisper in your ear. [00:12:20] Speaker B: What drew you to the magus class? [00:12:22] Speaker D: So actually, that's a funny story, too. [00:12:26] Speaker F: So funny. [00:12:27] Speaker D: Actually, I can't. It's not like funny ha ha, but more like funny. [00:12:37] Speaker B: Wow. [00:12:38] Speaker D: I can't really divulge too much of it. [00:12:41] Speaker B: That's okay. [00:12:42] Speaker D: But whenever I was talking to Jordy about how my character worked and everything, the original concept was I will use a bow, but I do not use arrows. And Jordy was like, oh, so are you going to be using your spells along with your bow and then that you could use the spell strike and everything with that. And I don't know, there was something to do with magus and using your weapons and spells and all kinds of things. I still don't fully understand it. [00:13:15] Speaker B: I can tell you've spell striked, like, once. [00:13:20] Speaker D: I don't have a lot of the action economy, because to spell strike, you have to have the two actions to actually do the thing, and then you have to have one action to recharge that spell strike. And by the time I've done that, I can't move. I can't do anything. So at that point, I can't really get into position to spell strike. [00:13:37] Speaker E: So you're supposed to use one action to get up to where you want spell strike, and then next round, use an action to recharge. [00:13:46] Speaker D: But then I can't move. Also, sometimes I can't even get to that point to recharge it, because either we've gone through an entire round. [00:14:00] Speaker B: That's true. [00:14:01] Speaker D: And we've killed the thing. [00:14:03] Speaker B: That's true. [00:14:03] Speaker D: So it's like, what's the point of going there and then using it? [00:14:08] Speaker B: I mean, fair enough, man. Fair enough. You haven't been doing bad, not using it? [00:14:12] Speaker C: Nobody's died? [00:14:13] Speaker F: No. [00:14:14] Speaker C: Yet. [00:14:15] Speaker F: It's been very close a few times, but no one's actually crossed that line. [00:14:20] Speaker A: Person. [00:14:21] Speaker F: What? [00:14:22] Speaker B: No. [00:14:22] Speaker A: Actually, there was another one that was almost dead. [00:14:24] Speaker E: We all, except for Zafir, almost died of a window. [00:14:29] Speaker B: I don't recall Hamir ever almost dying. [00:14:31] Speaker F: Okay? We don't. Hamir's dead right now. Yeah, he's a freaking traitor. [00:14:35] Speaker D: We can talk about Hamir. [00:14:37] Speaker F: I don't want to talk about Hamer. [00:14:38] Speaker E: Back in the fridge, Sam. [00:14:39] Speaker B: Oh, man. [00:14:41] Speaker D: Oh, man. It's a callback to a different episode. [00:14:44] Speaker B: You know which episode we just recorded? [00:14:48] Speaker C: We haven't told Sam to get in the fridge yet. [00:14:52] Speaker E: No, it's a call forward. [00:14:55] Speaker B: Call forward foreshadowing. It's a future recipe. [00:14:58] Speaker D: Foreshadow spoilers. [00:15:00] Speaker B: We're doing the Q and A from the fridge. [00:15:02] Speaker F: We're all in the refrigerator. [00:15:04] Speaker C: Very cool. [00:15:04] Speaker D: So if anybody's listening is not understanding what that means, just wait. Just keep listening. [00:15:09] Speaker A: Wait for the next episode. [00:15:10] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:15:10] Speaker D: You'll find out one day. [00:15:15] Speaker B: That sounds cool. Well, I like Zafir. He's been very interesting. He's grown on me. He grew badly for Hamir. Hamir did not like Zephyr so bad. [00:15:23] Speaker D: He left. [00:15:23] Speaker B: I liked him enough to beat him up when he was. That's true. All right. That sounds great. I like your character. It's cool stuff. [00:15:34] Speaker E: I'm curious to know about Sven, because I know Sven went through, like, four classes before deciding on wizard. [00:15:41] Speaker B: Remember, he was a druid. [00:15:42] Speaker E: I do remember. [00:15:43] Speaker B: He was sold to be a druid. Then he suddenly wasn't a druid. And we're like, we have no wisdom or healing now, and we panicked. True. [00:15:53] Speaker A: Not my fault, though. Not really my fault, though. [00:15:59] Speaker B: So what inspired you to create Uber? [00:16:02] Speaker A: What was it? What wasn't it? Honestly, what really started it off was I wanted to play a different spellcaster other than, like, sorcerer or something like that. So a prepared spellcaster. And I was like, oh, druid. Seems like it'd be pretty cool. So I started creating this old and wisened dwarf and kind of building his story and backstory. And the more I built it and flesh it out and the more I kind of discovered more about Uvair, I realized that Druid did not fit him at. And everybody already knows this, but I started with the idea of Runescard. [00:16:58] Speaker B: I didn't know you started with that. [00:17:00] Speaker F: I didn't know that was your original idea. [00:17:02] Speaker A: That was. Part of the original idea was starting out throughensguard. I didn't know how Jordy was going to use it. So the more I built upon that idea and fleshed him out is where I realized that druid just. It didn't fit him. So that's how I switched to wizard. [00:17:20] Speaker B: At the last minute. [00:17:23] Speaker A: Talking with our GM. It also made, um. [00:17:28] Speaker F: I could not imagine Uvair is a druid right now at all. [00:17:33] Speaker A: Right. [00:17:33] Speaker F: It doesn't fit. So I think wizard was a good. [00:17:36] Speaker E: Call, and I think it was like, barely a month until we started when you were like, I'm going to be a wizard. [00:17:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:17:49] Speaker A: But I've been enjoying them. The accent was a complete accident. I had a completely idea in my head of what I was going to do, and then I opened my mouth to start my prologue and ZC accents that came out and I kind of just kept going. [00:18:07] Speaker B: Okay, so my favorite bit of feedback we've gotten is about your voice. What is it? How we were told that so and so said that you sounded like a french vampire. And I love it. It's just so wonderful. [00:18:23] Speaker E: I think that comment just ruins Uvair's voice for me. I really like his voice. [00:18:29] Speaker D: I'm just going to be like, what. [00:18:30] Speaker E: A french little vampire? [00:18:34] Speaker B: But I think it was really cool to see you do dwarf again, because in our last campaign, we played that Jordy ran that we call the shrouded throne. I don't know if it's really come up at all on the show. It might have, but you, after we almost beat your old character to death, and then he actually did die, you brought in a dwarf alongside me. And I think that was your. Was that your first time playing a dwarf? Because you seemed so into them. [00:18:58] Speaker A: That was my first time playing a dwarf, yeah. [00:19:01] Speaker B: And is that what made you just want to play another dwarf? [00:19:04] Speaker A: I like dwarves for some reason, in Pathfinder, which is funny because I'm actually really tall, but I connect with them. [00:19:11] Speaker B: You're usually an elf guy. [00:19:12] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm usually an elf. [00:19:13] Speaker B: Usually we say he's like an elf person, but it's really cool to see you start, like, a journey of discovering dwarves. And you seem so interested in them. [00:19:22] Speaker A: I like them. I like their mechanics and their history that you can build with them. Just fun. [00:19:28] Speaker B: Yeah. I like it. It's cool. [00:19:30] Speaker F: Yay. [00:19:31] Speaker D: I like your character. It's cool. [00:19:33] Speaker A: Thank you. [00:19:33] Speaker B: He's a forgetful old man, but we love. [00:19:36] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. Speaking of that, I was kind of curious about the aspect of forgetting things. Was that ever on the plate for Uvair or was that completely a. [00:19:46] Speaker A: Story about that now? [00:19:49] Speaker D: Funny ha ha or funny or funny. [00:19:53] Speaker A: Probably actually funny ha ha, because. [00:19:56] Speaker F: So funny. [00:20:00] Speaker E: So. [00:20:03] Speaker A: I've already brought up that he's 300 years old, right? And Jordy just sent me this message one day on discord. He's like, hey, so just for some ideas, how do you feel about it? Like, having your character just for the reason why he's still technically level? What do one level? [00:20:25] Speaker C: One. [00:20:26] Speaker A: Level one why he's just level one? Maybe he has some memory issues or something like that. And I just went, oh, yeah, sure. That can kind of make sense. Completely forgot about that conversation. [00:20:39] Speaker B: Utterly. [00:20:40] Speaker A: Just one ear out, the other buried in messages on discord, like, gone. [00:20:46] Speaker F: Irony. [00:20:47] Speaker B: And then Jordan's, like, brand. [00:20:49] Speaker E: You don't remember what, so, ironically, you didn't remember, not remember. [00:20:56] Speaker A: Ironically, I didn't remember, not remember. [00:20:57] Speaker D: I have that written down in my quotes from one of the episodes. [00:21:01] Speaker A: So, yeah, whenever you hear Uvair being very shocked that he doesn't remember something, it's not just Uber. [00:21:10] Speaker E: That's very fun because I thought you and, like, had an end goal for what you're forgetting. And I have an idea. I have theories. I'm theory crafting. But I didn't know. You had no idea. [00:21:23] Speaker A: I have no idea. I have no idea what I've forgotten, where I'm going, what caused it, and what I can or cannot remember. [00:21:30] Speaker E: Beautiful. [00:21:30] Speaker D: Sounds like exactly how I play all the games. [00:21:32] Speaker E: So you all will get to join this journey with Uber. With me. [00:21:37] Speaker F: All we know is the groom gear forest. [00:21:39] Speaker A: All we know is the grooming forest. And by this point, you guys have heard of my. [00:21:45] Speaker E: I haven't. [00:21:46] Speaker B: I haven't. [00:21:47] Speaker A: Well, now you know where this was recorded. You guys haven't heard my prologue. [00:21:50] Speaker E: I'm waiting for it. [00:21:51] Speaker B: Still secret from each other, which we haven't done that in a while. Another secret session. [00:21:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:21:56] Speaker B: Except for my prologue for my new character that we just recorded a few days ago. But, yeah, I think that's a good example of a character that the player has a lot of good ideas for but is also kind of just lets go and lets the GM come up with a lot of plot hooks and play with the story and kind of do what they want to do with. [00:22:18] Speaker A: He's. He's thrown me around. [00:22:21] Speaker B: Honestly, it's really fun to just talk with Jordy about, like, this is my character. Let's just talk about what things that might happen in the story or what kind of directions to take the character, things that happen to them. [00:22:34] Speaker C: The deeper we get into the show, the more excited I am for you guys to start unraveling all of the ridiculous and secret ways that your character's stories are actually majorly involved in the storyline of this world. [00:22:46] Speaker F: I'm scared. [00:22:47] Speaker D: I'm scared, too. [00:22:49] Speaker E: So, on that, I've talked with Jordy, or I've tried to talk with Jordy about my character just so I can have some sense of direction. And every time I get met with. Your time is coming at level 13. [00:23:03] Speaker F: So specific. [00:23:04] Speaker B: So be watching. Howard survives. [00:23:09] Speaker D: Just remember, if you die. [00:23:12] Speaker B: Okay. Speaking of juicy things, I don't like. [00:23:17] Speaker E: Where you're going with that. [00:23:18] Speaker B: Your character having good story to wait. Come. What inspired you to create this character that you play? [00:23:26] Speaker D: Can I finish that sentence? [00:23:27] Speaker B: Yeah, sure. I thought you were done with that sentence. No, it's a spoiler. [00:23:31] Speaker D: It was about to be a spoiler, but I'm fixing. Okay, just remember, if you die in the game, you die in real life. [00:23:41] Speaker E: Yeah. So Alworth was actually very fun to make. Nothing really inspired it. But I remember during the psychic play. [00:23:52] Speaker B: Oh, yes. I ran the play test for the new, and we fought, and we created the Hogfather. You weren't at that one. No. [00:24:04] Speaker E: Jordy ran the psychic play test. [00:24:07] Speaker D: That sounds so familiar. [00:24:08] Speaker F: What is a. [00:24:12] Speaker B: A. What's his name? The Discworld stories, hogfound. [00:24:16] Speaker E: Oh, it's like they're Santa Claus. [00:24:18] Speaker B: Santa Claus. [00:24:19] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:24:19] Speaker F: Okay. I'm just imagining, like, a boar. There's a good special you should watch dad outfit. [00:24:26] Speaker B: That's what happens in our game. Sorry. Go on. Yes, I remember the one you're talking about, because we had two thomaturges and two psychics. [00:24:34] Speaker E: Yeah. And each psychic was doing. I was the intellectual based psychic, and somebody else was the charisma based psychic. And Jordy was gming that. What level were we? You were, like, 13. [00:24:46] Speaker B: Seven. [00:24:47] Speaker E: Okay. Yeah, we were level seven. And I made him the exact opposite. [00:24:56] Speaker F: The shisk was known. [00:24:57] Speaker B: The shisk was. Abby was in that one as a. [00:25:00] Speaker E: Thomaturge because Sam was telling me about his thomaturge and how, like, creepy he was going to make it love thomaturge. So I made him specifically to be terrified of Sam's thomaturge. [00:25:13] Speaker B: That's true. Cedric was a little creepy. [00:25:15] Speaker E: He was very creepy. He had a baby doll that he would just like. It was creepy. [00:25:21] Speaker C: Wasn't Cedric, like, the prototype for Hamir, too? [00:25:23] Speaker B: We'll get to that. We'll get to that. [00:25:27] Speaker E: And then I played him in another. I forgot what it was like if it was a pretest or anything, but somebody needed an extra player, and I was like, I'll play and I'll bring in this character. And he sort of just became really neurotic and wanted to know random things about the room. Weren't you jimmying that as well? [00:25:47] Speaker C: Yeah, that was the haunted house one. [00:25:48] Speaker E: Yeah, that was fun. And then I really liked the idea, and I really liked wanting to play around with sort of that kind of person. I think that got lost in translation somewhere, which is fine. It happens when you get to play a character. But then for his story, I wanted to play around with the idea of control and not having it and timey, whimy nonsense. And that's basically it. That's all. [00:26:14] Speaker B: And thus Alward was born. [00:26:15] Speaker E: Yeah, and thus Alward was born. [00:26:16] Speaker B: Many of your characters before him. We will soon devolve into not pronouncing his name and just making guttural sounds. Like, for example, one of his characters whose name was Alabaster Agarfirth. [00:26:31] Speaker E: Yeah, Alabaster Agarfirth. [00:26:33] Speaker B: And we started just calling him Alabatia Agarford. [00:26:36] Speaker E: He was one of my favorites. [00:26:37] Speaker B: He likes a names. [00:26:39] Speaker E: I do. I had Atticus, Alward, Alabaster. [00:26:43] Speaker F: Congratulations. [00:26:44] Speaker B: All in a row. [00:26:45] Speaker D: Awesome. [00:26:46] Speaker B: You've only abandoned one of those characters. [00:26:48] Speaker F: Amazing. [00:26:49] Speaker E: I've abandoned none of them. [00:26:50] Speaker D: See, I don't think abandoning characters is a good idea, but here we are. [00:26:55] Speaker E: Sam. [00:26:56] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:26:56] Speaker D: Hamir. [00:26:57] Speaker B: What about me? [00:27:00] Speaker D: Yeah, that was my transition. [00:27:02] Speaker F: What inspired you to create Hamir? [00:27:04] Speaker B: Oh, boy. Well, what didn't? First of all, when I heard there was Osamaturge class being even worked on. I was like, I'm playing that through this podcast. And I was like, this is a great class. I love the class. It's like the one e occultist inspiration, shared the same inspiration for it. So I was down for it. And then when we finally were going to do a play test for it, I made one. I made Cedric omaturge. Tiefling, who was really creepy, also had a chalice. He also drank the chalice. He had his horns like a wreath, like a Caesar's wreath. And when he could, like, his skin was partly translucent and stuff. Anyway, I played that character, and presumably I understood the thomaturch better than how they wrote him, because once they actually released it, it was the way I intended him to be played, which didn't work with the playtest rules. But then they made the real rules, and it was exactly how I played him. [00:28:05] Speaker C: I remember that confusion, too, because I was like, why are you playing the character like this? The mechanics clearly are a totally different character. And then the full version came out and I was like, oh, no, you're right. [00:28:15] Speaker B: I knew what they needed. I knew it's my class, gosh darn it. And then we were working up to playing the pre play, and I made a bunch of different thomaturges. I tried so many different concepts. I had a mummy at one point. And then we got to the play test and I played, and that guy was pretty fun. I'm blanking on his name. I really like Kameh. [00:28:48] Speaker E: I thought Kameha was a. [00:28:50] Speaker B: No wayra. [00:28:52] Speaker E: Oh, right, Kameha died. [00:28:53] Speaker A: I thought that was something off Dragon Ball z. [00:28:55] Speaker D: No, kamehamehame. [00:28:58] Speaker B: He had the mirror implement, and he was a mirror arc, mirror, whatever ancestry. Significantly less creepy. I loved him as a character. And then he got murdered by Pacano. Screw you, Pacano. [00:29:12] Speaker F: Freaking Pacano. [00:29:13] Speaker B: I tried to make you a better person, and you killed me for it. [00:29:17] Speaker D: Willie Mays tried to save him, but. [00:29:19] Speaker B: He got stabbed too. That's true. So I made about 20 different characters with Jordy, which were all thomaturges. And I'm sure he loved my 20 different concepts that all worked off of each other. [00:29:32] Speaker E: Yeah. And let me tell you, as a fly on the wall, for like half of their conversations about his characters, it got real confusing. Real because you were so vague every. [00:29:42] Speaker B: Time when you were around. [00:29:44] Speaker E: Yeah. So I was like, which characters? What? [00:29:47] Speaker C: As a member of the conversation, it got real confusing. [00:29:51] Speaker B: That's typically how I make characters, is I make like 20 different character concepts and just bounce them off of people. I don't need them to fully understand what I'm doing. I just need opinions and thoughts about things. So then it wasn't until we were talking and I was like, well, I want to do this weird entity, which at the time, we talked about being like some Faye prince that was cursed or something that definitely went out the window. But I was like. We were like, who could that guy be played by? And I was like, oh, it could be Willem Dafoe. And you were. No, no, this other guy. I forget who you said you gave another british actor. [00:30:25] Speaker C: I gave a lot. I think it was like John Hurt was on that list. [00:30:29] Speaker B: And then I was like, because I like to think about actors playing characters sometimes to help Willem Dafoe. And then I was like, british? Well, yeah, I said some other british actor. That implies Willem Dafoe's not british. But then that made me think, oh, Willem Dafoe could make a good basis for this character. And that was literally the thing that tied it up for me, that I got the character finished, was just thinking of Willem Dafoe in this role and helped just sculpt Hamir as a character. [00:30:54] Speaker E: Nice. [00:30:55] Speaker B: And I just kind of took a couple themes. I took desperation, selfishness, and kind of just built the character based off of those words and got some more words from Jordy and changed some definitions and stuff. And then I was know Hamir is a character and I designed him this way to be possibly a permanent character, but have really good outs to not be a permanent character for multiple reasons. [00:31:18] Speaker E: Sam does that a lot. [00:31:19] Speaker D: He left, definitely took the selfishness part of that. [00:31:23] Speaker B: I do have a reputation of switching characters, but over half of them die. [00:31:30] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:31:31] Speaker B: And when they do leave, it's because it makes sense. [00:31:34] Speaker F: But the other half don't die. [00:31:36] Speaker B: Yeah, but they leave for a good reason to. [00:31:38] Speaker F: Every time I've played with you, you've had a character leave for one reason or another, and none of them have actually died except for Kameh. [00:31:46] Speaker A: We won't argue the good reason bit. It's just the fact that every dwarf. [00:31:51] Speaker F: And English, English left and then came. [00:31:53] Speaker B: Back and then died. [00:31:55] Speaker E: That was fun. [00:31:56] Speaker C: Torkovorzik left, but he was special. [00:31:58] Speaker E: Yeah, Torkovorzik. He is still out there in the world. [00:32:03] Speaker B: From Starfinder poured it into Pathfinder for one session. Special guest who killed two of the main enemies of the campaign and then just left the next session. [00:32:13] Speaker F: That was a beautiful boss moment, and. [00:32:16] Speaker A: We love three of the main bosses. [00:32:20] Speaker E: Torkovozak still holds the fastest slaying of vampires in that whole campaign. [00:32:29] Speaker B: And then I kind of just developed into Hamir, and I wanted him to be a father. That was a big part. So he's looking for his daughter, and then him of actually, me and Jordy played around with a lot of different ideas for what to do with Hamir. And when we got really close to it, we decided this actually seems like the best idea. And we've talked about more for possible future stuff with Hamir, but we decided this was actually fit really well narratively. And so Hamir has left you all. [00:33:02] Speaker F: That's fine. [00:33:03] Speaker B: Traitor. [00:33:04] Speaker E: I mean, it's not fine, but it's fine. [00:33:05] Speaker B: Also, pretty early on, I had talked with Jenkins about having our characters be more directly connected. It didn't get as direct as I originally intended it to be because he didn't really play ball, and then he would just kind of do what you want and connect. It somehow ended up being okay because I wanted to remain vague about everything. [00:33:27] Speaker E: Yeah, that's the issue. [00:33:30] Speaker B: We didn't have to be vague about how they're connected. [00:33:33] Speaker E: No, but especially with how you had our characters connected. I would need to know some things, but we just settled on base, basically. I knew your father in the war, and I'm like, cool. [00:33:47] Speaker B: Yeah, that's kind of what we settled on. But decided to make your father a ghost in my head. [00:33:50] Speaker E: Yeah. And how can I help with that if you won't tell me that he's a ghost in your head? [00:33:54] Speaker B: You could have been better. You're a disappointment. [00:33:59] Speaker D: Speaking of disappointment, let's talk about. [00:34:06] Speaker B: Headphones are coming off. Abby is ready to take petite out. Hey, I love Nero. She's great. [00:34:20] Speaker D: I was waiting for a transition. [00:34:23] Speaker F: And you chose that. [00:34:24] Speaker B: I have a better transition. Speaking of characters who always have tons of trauma, Abby, you made a character, presumably with lots of trauma, because your characters always have lots of. [00:34:33] Speaker F: I don't know what you're talking about. Okay. So, yes, historically, I do create characters with a ton of trauma and very. [00:34:44] Speaker E: Large backstories, which we love. [00:34:47] Speaker B: Jordy especially. [00:34:48] Speaker F: I don't know how much Jordy actually loves it. [00:34:51] Speaker C: I love reading all of the pages of flashbacks and novel style she sends me and then go, how? I have a really good idea of how this character can work in things. How on earth am I going to make all of this relevant, aside from just me knowing this backstory? [00:35:05] Speaker F: You don't have to make all of it relevant if you don't want to, but, yeah, one of my favorite characters that I've played for, gosh, over two. [00:35:17] Speaker B: Years in two campaigns. [00:35:20] Speaker F: In two different campaigns, and I know nothing about has a very traumatic, very long backstory. And the backstories are completely different in both of those campaigns. [00:35:31] Speaker B: Okay, what do you want? I have been a player in both campaigns with this character Aliro. I know maybe 10% about Aliro as a character in both campaigns. I know nothing about her. [00:35:45] Speaker E: What do you want to pile on? I was also in both campaigns. Granted, the first one I joined in the way later half, but I was in both campaigns. I know like, 2% about both of them combined. [00:36:01] Speaker B: You have another question. [00:36:03] Speaker D: So to pile onto that, I know nothing about those characters. [00:36:08] Speaker F: You've played with Aliro in Shrouded throne. [00:36:11] Speaker D: I was not in shrouded throne. But to talk about that. [00:36:16] Speaker F: Sorry. [00:36:17] Speaker D: You may not tell others your backstory, but that really shows through in your character, and that is the best part. [00:36:24] Speaker B: The shrouded throne was Jordius's GM and all of us. But petite, this podcast is just that group. [00:36:31] Speaker F: I'm sorry. You're just in my mind. You are also there in that campaign. I'm sorry. [00:36:37] Speaker D: Were there any extremely terrible jokes or. [00:36:42] Speaker F: Yes. [00:36:43] Speaker A: Multiple. [00:36:43] Speaker E: Okay. [00:36:44] Speaker D: I could see the confusion. [00:36:45] Speaker E: It's a tabletop rpg game. [00:36:47] Speaker B: I want more of a liro's backstory. Gosh darn it. [00:36:50] Speaker F: You'll get it when you get it. [00:36:51] Speaker B: To be fair, that campaign's not over yet. We're still very early. This is supposed to meet again. We're halfway through it. We're supposed to go, this is the. [00:36:58] Speaker F: Written and the lost. This is not the shrouded throne. So therefore, this is not the place for you to learn. [00:37:05] Speaker E: So what about Nero? [00:37:06] Speaker B: What about the other character we know little about? [00:37:08] Speaker F: Okay, so with that being said, with me creating characters that have an ungodly amount of trauma in their backstory, I chose not to do that. [00:37:19] Speaker B: It's true for this campaign, I've noticed. [00:37:22] Speaker F: And I also chose not to write a novel of a backstory for Jordy. [00:37:25] Speaker B: Ooh, I didn't know that. [00:37:27] Speaker F: Yeah. He has very little compared to what I usually give him. [00:37:31] Speaker C: Maybe, like, a third of what I have earlier. [00:37:33] Speaker B: Do you like that? Yay or nay? How do you feel about it? [00:37:36] Speaker D: I feel wrong. [00:37:37] Speaker F: Do you want more people? [00:37:38] Speaker C: Give me the more. I've got an understanding of who their character is, what they care about, where they're going, things like that. It really helps me to have an understanding of, oh, if I put this in this scene, this is how this character will react to that. [00:37:49] Speaker F: Okay, well, I may give you more by just saying. [00:37:52] Speaker A: Here comes the novel. [00:37:53] Speaker F: No, I'm too busy for that. [00:37:55] Speaker D: Watch your inbox tonight, Jordy. [00:37:57] Speaker F: Oh, dear Lord. So when I was thinking about Neros. She's really a compilation of, like, three characters that I had floating around in my head, and I knew I wanted her to be an orphan. At first, she had the ward background, so she was raised in someone else's home. But then I was like, eh, I'm not really vibing with this. I can't really create a story very well for this. So then I was like, what if she's just in an orphanage? So that's what I did with her. But I still wasn't sure what class to make her. And I played around with a couple of them, and what I kept going back to was sorcerer. And she has no idea where these powers come from? All she knows is that she started to be able to use magic at a young age, and people kind of were afraid of her because of that. [00:38:50] Speaker D: And the tentacle arms. [00:38:51] Speaker F: And the tentacle arms. But she's the opposite of me in every single way. [00:39:00] Speaker D: Except for the love of animals. [00:39:01] Speaker F: Except for. Does she love animals? [00:39:03] Speaker D: I don't know. You said in the first episode that you liked animals. [00:39:07] Speaker F: I don't have, like, a love of alcohol. [00:39:10] Speaker B: Okay. Jordy gave us a one to eight scale of how much our characters love animals. What did you put on that? [00:39:16] Speaker F: I don't remember. I think I was in the middle. [00:39:19] Speaker B: Jordy sent us a questionnaire. [00:39:20] Speaker F: I'm pretty sure I was in the middle. [00:39:22] Speaker B: Fair enough. You're neutral about it? [00:39:24] Speaker F: I think Neros was neutral. Fair me. Abby, ten out of 1010. [00:39:27] Speaker E: Out of ten. [00:39:28] Speaker B: Easy. [00:39:31] Speaker F: Where was I going with this? [00:39:33] Speaker B: That you were not opposite of yourself. [00:39:35] Speaker F: Yes, and I've said this several times. I don't know if it's ever made it into a recording. The morals and actions of Neros do not align with the creator of the character. [00:39:44] Speaker B: I would hope so. [00:39:45] Speaker F: We are not the same person. [00:39:47] Speaker A: We can vouch for this. [00:39:48] Speaker F: But I wanted someone who was a little more fun loving, a little less traumatized, a little more open compared to what I've been playing for the past three years. And I was two years. And I was told I could not play a liro in this campaign. [00:40:00] Speaker E: Wait, who told you that? [00:40:01] Speaker F: All of you. So I came up with Nero. [00:40:04] Speaker D: Except for me. I didn't say anything. [00:40:05] Speaker B: I was going to say fun loving in another campaign I run. You had a little bard. That was kind of fun. But then she got pretty traumatized. [00:40:15] Speaker F: She's an alcoholic. Now, she's seen some things. [00:40:18] Speaker B: She's not traumatic. [00:40:20] Speaker F: Poor, poor poppy. Yeah, that poor girl. [00:40:25] Speaker B: I'm sorry. I don't treat my players very well. [00:40:27] Speaker F: I know you don't. [00:40:29] Speaker B: I like horror stuff, so it bleeds in. It bleeds in. [00:40:33] Speaker F: I know. And that's okay. Did you find it? [00:40:39] Speaker C: Yes, you did say halfway. [00:40:41] Speaker F: Oh, okay. So my memory doesn't suck. [00:40:43] Speaker E: So a question I have for you. You said you wanted them to be an orphan. Did you talk with Jordy about what? You wanted your family, because that's a big part of your story right now, is family lineage. [00:40:53] Speaker F: Yeah. So the main thing is that she's looking for her family. As I look over at Jordan, he's just doing a menacing hands hand gesture. [00:41:02] Speaker D: A menacing hands. [00:41:05] Speaker F: My main thing for her is that she's looking for her family, because all she has is that letter that she's been asking people, hey, do you recognize this seal? So that's pretty much all she has. And it took her a very long time after aging out of the orphanage to be like, hey, I guess I should actually look for these people that I'm apparently related, so. And the rest is on Jordy. He's come up with pretty much everything else that has happened in her story. [00:41:34] Speaker B: That does make me think all of our characters, for the majority of the characters, seem to have a lot going on with family stuff. [00:41:42] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:41:43] Speaker B: Did you at all mention that to people, or did that just kind of happen? Jordy. [00:41:48] Speaker C: So I did not coordinate this emerging theme of family with anybody. It wasn't actually until everybody's characters were kind of starting to be settled and kind of come together that I was like, wow, this is, like, a core theme of the story is family. Everybody has this as a part of them. Even Uber, to an extent, has family as, like, a part of his story. [00:42:09] Speaker A: Because I guess I don't remember that bit. [00:42:11] Speaker E: Not surprising. [00:42:11] Speaker B: So we know, like, I have family. Hamir has a family with the daughter stuff, because I wanted to play. I mostly play characters with families of some sort. And this character was looking. I decided for Irlani is looking for his daughter. And then Abby just said she didn't really. She just wanted to be an orphan. [00:42:28] Speaker F: I don't want to be an orphan. [00:42:29] Speaker B: Well, your character wanted to be. [00:42:33] Speaker F: I wanted to make my character an orphan. [00:42:35] Speaker B: The fear. I don't really know much about your family stuff or why it's involved, so I don't want to ask too much about it because it feels like it might spoil stuff. But, Jenkins, what made you want to have a sickly mother. [00:42:49] Speaker D: Okay, you need to stop accusing us of wanting. [00:42:52] Speaker B: But where did the idea of you supporting your family and having the sickness come from? I know we're jumping to a different character. [00:43:01] Speaker E: I don't know how much of that I can speak on because the reason why I thought it was cool may not come up until way later. [00:43:12] Speaker B: Mother'sick. [00:43:13] Speaker E: But rad. No. So there's, like, a story reason why she's sick. [00:43:17] Speaker B: Okay. [00:43:18] Speaker E: But like I said, I wanted to play with the idea of control and not having any, and I knew I wanted alward to have a family. And then you brought up the. I was going to have the father just around. And then you brought up the idea of the thing. Yeah, and then him being dead, and I was like, okay, that works. And then we got that. Actually, I think I didn't want him around because I wanted Albert to have to step in as caretaker. [00:43:50] Speaker B: Yeah. I forget when all that happened. Which one was first? [00:43:55] Speaker E: I forget. Um. So her being sick is really just a way for. [00:44:03] Speaker B: You don't have control over. [00:44:04] Speaker E: I don't have control of her being sick. There's nothing I can do to really prevent it or stop it or do anything. So that's really where that came from. It was originally going to be his sister who was sick, but I was like, I don't know if I want that. And I talked to Jordy about it for, like, three weeks, and we settled on the mom. [00:44:22] Speaker F: Okay, nice. [00:44:25] Speaker B: A lot of interesting family stuff. I look forward to finding out more about Zafir's whole family situation. Yeah, assuming he is telling the truth. I just remember hearing something about his family and looking forward. [00:44:36] Speaker D: I don't even remember what I. [00:44:37] Speaker B: And then he spoiled something at dinner with me on accident when he found out my wife. [00:44:42] Speaker D: You see, you would forget. [00:44:44] Speaker B: I don't remember what it was, but I remember that you did it. [00:44:47] Speaker D: So we were all a family of clowns turned dark. [00:44:51] Speaker B: That explains the voice. What? Okay, I have some questions, listener questions from my wife. [00:45:02] Speaker D: She is a listener. [00:45:03] Speaker B: I asked her if she had questions, and she sent me some. So we're going to go around the table and answer some of these questions. I'm scared, Jordy, starting with you. What's your favorite color? [00:45:15] Speaker C: About the pine green? [00:45:17] Speaker A: Getting real deep. [00:45:18] Speaker B: Petite. [00:45:19] Speaker D: Oh, you're going the wrong direction. [00:45:21] Speaker F: My favorite color? [00:45:22] Speaker C: Blue. [00:45:23] Speaker E: Jenkins, what was the question? [00:45:25] Speaker B: Your favorite color? [00:45:26] Speaker E: Oh, I love red. Like a deep, deep red. [00:45:29] Speaker B: I love purple. Abby. [00:45:34] Speaker F: It's kind of the same color as Jordy's pine green, but it has more blue in it. [00:45:39] Speaker B: Or tealy? No, but not teal. [00:45:41] Speaker F: No. [00:45:42] Speaker D: So like the color of an evergreen in the winter? [00:45:44] Speaker F: No. [00:45:45] Speaker C: Like a douglas fur. [00:45:46] Speaker F: No. [00:45:47] Speaker B: Like Doug Jones. [00:45:48] Speaker D: The color of Doug Jones. [00:45:50] Speaker F: Look up. Phthalo green. P-H-T-H-A-L-O. [00:45:56] Speaker E: That's call to action to the listeners. [00:45:58] Speaker F: Green. [00:45:58] Speaker E: Look up. [00:45:59] Speaker D: If you didn't spell that right, can you spell it again? [00:46:03] Speaker F: P-H-T-H-A-L. What a word. Phthalo green. [00:46:08] Speaker C: That's a nice green. [00:46:09] Speaker D: That is a nice green. [00:46:10] Speaker F: That's my favorite color. [00:46:11] Speaker E: I might have a new favorite. [00:46:12] Speaker B: That's a good color. [00:46:13] Speaker D: Apparently. It's got excellent light fastness. [00:46:16] Speaker E: I'm going to have to show this to my wife. She loves that green. [00:46:18] Speaker B: Okay. It's like zonite. Oh, yeah, zoanite. [00:46:22] Speaker D: Zelda thing. [00:46:23] Speaker B: Tears of the kingdom. [00:46:25] Speaker E: That's. [00:46:25] Speaker F: Jacob just said that. I've never played any legend of Zelda whatsoever. I have no idea what that is. [00:46:31] Speaker B: Well, continuing. Sven, what's your favorite color? If you have one. [00:46:39] Speaker A: A really rich navy blue. [00:46:42] Speaker E: Really? [00:46:43] Speaker B: Jacob, what's your favorite color? I might have to reconsider if they look. [00:46:49] Speaker E: Jacob, get on my mic. Jacob, get up. [00:46:52] Speaker B: Jacob's life has been. [00:46:53] Speaker E: Everyone, this is our editor, Jacob. [00:46:55] Speaker F: Welcome to the table. [00:46:57] Speaker B: Yeah, like Sam said my. Whoa, that sounds weird. [00:47:01] Speaker D: Welcome. [00:47:02] Speaker B: Like Sam said, that phthalo green may have changed my life, but I'm going to disqualify that for now and give it some thought. Apart from that, my two favorite colors, depending on my mood, are either a bright, vibrant red or like a light calm, like cyan, like a sky blue. Interesting. All right, Nolan, our spectator. [00:47:26] Speaker F: Our spectator. [00:47:26] Speaker E: Feeling sams. Mike. [00:47:32] Speaker B: I don't know. It's really hard to say to color. [00:47:34] Speaker D: I like the cool colors. [00:47:35] Speaker B: Blues and greens. [00:47:35] Speaker E: I always like those. [00:47:36] Speaker D: I tend towards those. [00:47:38] Speaker B: Thank you. That's rude. I've been feeling sick lately. No, I'm fine. But no, I tend to go green. [00:47:44] Speaker E: But I mean, I like greens, like blues. [00:47:45] Speaker D: I like the cool colors because they're awesome. [00:47:47] Speaker F: Yeah, nice. [00:47:48] Speaker E: Nolan is our animal wrangler and spectator. [00:47:50] Speaker B: He handles a lot of pets. [00:47:52] Speaker D: Should we continue to include them since it's so cumbersome? [00:47:55] Speaker B: Who's to say? No, I won't. I just wanted that one for fun. All right, her next question. Your favorite characters you've ever played. I think some of them have kind of come up. Abby. Abby talked a lot about. [00:48:09] Speaker F: Yeah, Abby's is definitely a lyro, but the shrouded throne version, that's true. She's great. [00:48:15] Speaker B: We'll follow the normal. So we'll follow the circle. I just did. But I'll have a follow up for Abby. [00:48:20] Speaker F: Oh, gosh. [00:48:20] Speaker B: Jordy, what's your favorite character you've ever played in these campaigns? And it can't be your gnome who died, who crit failed. Phantom pain was it? [00:48:29] Speaker E: Why not? That was amazing. [00:48:34] Speaker B: What was that weapon called? What was that spell called? [00:48:37] Speaker C: Phantom killer. [00:48:38] Speaker B: You double crit fail until you instant die. [00:48:42] Speaker E: He was, like, flying up in the air. It was a cool moment. [00:48:44] Speaker B: And then rolled down some stairs and got dragged off by an evil. All right. [00:48:53] Speaker C: But no. My favorite character that I've ever played was the character with three names that was usually going by the name of Gregory Decker. [00:49:02] Speaker B: Oh, you're vigilante swashbuckler. [00:49:04] Speaker C: Vigilante who was in disguise while he was trying to track down the criminal ring that drove him out of his. [00:49:10] Speaker B: Town, and then he died, and then he swamped. That was basically a TPK petite. You've had a slew of characters. Which one's been your favorite? [00:49:22] Speaker D: So, funny enough, he's actually a character that I played that wasn't a character that turned into a character that I was dming at the time because it was D d. But it was Agarath. I don't think he had a last. [00:49:37] Speaker B: I remember Agarath, my favorite person. Didn't you play as one campaign and then you brought him in as an mp? [00:49:45] Speaker D: So he started in as one person in somebody's head out of multiple people? [00:49:51] Speaker B: Yes. Oh, my gosh. [00:49:53] Speaker D: And then I had to kill off 80% of those at some point in the story. There was a point where we could just switch. The person who had the ability to switch me died. So that didn't work out. But Agarath stuck around. He was always in somebody else's body. [00:50:11] Speaker B: I think he was, like, a weird soul. [00:50:14] Speaker D: But then later on, I decided to build, like, a story around him and make a short campaign about it, like a puzzle box type of thing. [00:50:21] Speaker B: I was a player. [00:50:23] Speaker D: Sam was a player. Part of it. But it didn't really go very far. No, I still have ideas for it. But he was actually fully fledged. Actually. Well, no, he wasn't even in the flesh, was he? It was stuck in a gem. [00:50:37] Speaker B: Yep. [00:50:38] Speaker C: Wow. [00:50:38] Speaker D: Well, he was my favorite person. He was a rogue guy. [00:50:42] Speaker B: Yep. Jenkins. Yeah. You played a rogue guy. What was your favorite? You've played as a guy who's also played many rogues. [00:50:53] Speaker E: I've played so many characters. [00:50:55] Speaker B: Who stands out to you? Not necessarily a favorite unless you have a favorite. But who really stands out. [00:51:00] Speaker E: So I have, like, two or three that I can't decide between, so I'll make mine as short as I can. But there's this one that I absolutely loved playing because I loved the dynamic between me and another player we had. It was my friend's wife and me and her. We have this back and forth constantly, and we were playing as brother and sister, and that dynamic just really shone in there, and it was really fun to play, but then to play mechanically in Pathfinder, it has to be Shio. Playing a monk is so much fun. [00:51:40] Speaker F: He's a good character. [00:51:41] Speaker E: It's so much fun. [00:51:42] Speaker B: Another shrouded throne, love. [00:51:45] Speaker E: But my favorite fast. So fast, speedy boy. My favorite personality wise to play was a character who I made, like, incredibly, none of you guys have played in this campaign, unfortunately. [00:51:55] Speaker B: Is it your chronal pirate that I've heard about? [00:51:57] Speaker E: I know it was in DNd before they messed the psychic class up, and they had the pretest out. Not the mystic. Sorry, the mystic class. And I made him, like, a very power hungry guy, but he wasn't power hungry in the sense that he just wanted power to obtain it. He was power hungry in the sense that he wanted to be the strongest, and he wanted to help everybody else be stronger, too. And he hated it when people didn't try. And I loved playing him so much, but that campaign died in, like, a month. [00:52:25] Speaker D: So you're saying it wasn't the leshy that you played in that one shot. [00:52:29] Speaker E: That we did, that Leshi was all about having as many leshes out on the field as possible? [00:52:34] Speaker D: I just remember I got it up. [00:52:36] Speaker E: To, like, potato seven or eight. There's so many leshes. [00:52:41] Speaker D: So, Sam, what's your favorite character? [00:52:44] Speaker B: I've been thinking the last minute, and I'm like, oh, man, I love so many of my characters. [00:52:48] Speaker E: I know. It's. [00:52:49] Speaker D: How can you ask the question and then not be able to answer? [00:52:51] Speaker B: I didn't ask the question. My wife asked. Well, my first character that really ever stood out to me was helter storm drums. [00:52:58] Speaker F: Oh, I love Helter. I was hoping you were going to say that. [00:53:00] Speaker B: He was another d d character. He was an orc again. He was a father of a mute. Deaf. Deaf daughter, and he was separated from his wife and his daughter. He was a rogue investigator with the gunslinger. Multiclass. Yes. Jenkins. [00:53:21] Speaker E: Sorry. Real fast. Is it mute in Deaf? [00:53:23] Speaker B: No, just deaf. [00:53:24] Speaker E: Okay. That's what I want. [00:53:24] Speaker B: I couldn't remember. [00:53:25] Speaker E: You're good. [00:53:26] Speaker B: And he kind of led the party for a bit. And then when we moved on to the next chapter, it was literally like, we need you to be in charge of the city. So he was like, all right. That was my first time ever retiring our character because it made no sense for him to keep going on. We know I left him behind. [00:53:45] Speaker F: It fit the story very well. [00:53:47] Speaker B: And then also, I want to mention my call of Cthulhu character. I played Jimmy Harper. [00:53:53] Speaker E: I love him. [00:53:54] Speaker B: I love Jimmy Harper. He was my favorite photographer, and he was a wonderful little boy who took pictures. Not he was a little boy. He was a man. Yes. Jenkins, are you okay? [00:54:05] Speaker F: No. [00:54:06] Speaker B: I forgot about George. Yeah. You never heard Jordy mention dubs. [00:54:15] Speaker E: How dare you forget dubs. [00:54:17] Speaker C: Well, dubs has only made two appearances. [00:54:20] Speaker B: That's true. [00:54:21] Speaker F: But he's so good. [00:54:23] Speaker E: Sorry to interrupt your thing. [00:54:24] Speaker B: You're fine. So I played that call Cthulhu character for a bit, and then he died, sadly. [00:54:29] Speaker F: Yeah, that was hard. [00:54:30] Speaker B: He liked to take pictures of emotions because he didn't fully understand them. [00:54:34] Speaker F: I loved him. [00:54:34] Speaker B: They only found out about that because then after he died and they found his stuff. But he was also one of my first characters I ever really connected with. And then one other one I'll quickly mention is from the shrouded throne. [00:54:48] Speaker E: Which one? [00:54:49] Speaker B: Oh, boy. No way. It's a toss up between my two shrouded throne characters. In Pathfinder two e, there's Inglis Cindermore. He was a Inglis man, a dwarf ranger with a meteor hammer who came in with Sven's character as a little duo. He ended up becoming a lawyer of sorts for the party. He led the group for a bit, left to go find more about his family. Came back to the campaign only to get killed. But then I replaced him with Kaisuke Setsunai, who was a Tian sha cleric of Sukiyo and Shizuru to Tiansha, which is kind of like the asian fantasy world. [00:55:29] Speaker E: It's where Shio was from, where your. [00:55:31] Speaker B: Shio character was from. And he was just a lovely, amazing older man cleric who kind of already had most of his story finished for him. So he kind of just was a support man for the whole group. And such a good character. [00:55:45] Speaker F: Literally prayed a vampire to death. [00:55:46] Speaker E: So good. [00:55:47] Speaker B: Back at Abby, who said, what do. [00:55:50] Speaker E: You want from specifically the shroud of Thorne version? [00:55:52] Speaker B: Specifically the shroud of throne. I was going to ask about your call of Cthulhu character that you really liked because you started playing in call of. [00:56:00] Speaker F: Did I did. Which we can talk about that later. [00:56:02] Speaker B: Yeah, we'll talk about her. [00:56:04] Speaker F: No, my favorite call of Cthulhu character was Ingrid Porter. [00:56:08] Speaker B: Ingrid Porter. [00:56:09] Speaker F: Love her. [00:56:10] Speaker D: Like you said, angrid Ingrid. [00:56:12] Speaker B: What was she? She was a painter who made a deal with something. [00:56:14] Speaker F: She was a painter that made a deal with Nairothwaltep. [00:56:19] Speaker B: Yes. [00:56:20] Speaker F: And she literally, to spread his chaos, but also to reap benefits from being a very famous painter, she had to create just something every single day, and she was only famous because of that deal. Then she broke that deal, and all of her fame went away instantly. [00:56:38] Speaker B: I loved her. I was in that campaign as Jimmy, and then I died in Mort the mortician. My time is mortgage. I didn't finish that campaign. Sorry, petite. [00:56:50] Speaker D: Oh, I forgot the teco gecko. That was another one. [00:56:54] Speaker B: I didn't think about our. I didn't masterminds characters. I loved those too. Those are great. I think we're out of time. All right, Sven, who's your favorite? As someone who also started playing games around the same time we did, who is your favorite character that you've ever gotten to play? Just like all of us, you can only pick one. [00:57:21] Speaker D: But if they died and you brought somebody else in, you can talk about them too. [00:57:27] Speaker A: I have two characters. Really? Okay, go for it. One for five e and one for two e for two e. You've all heard about this campaign multiple times. [00:57:38] Speaker F: Hang on. [00:57:40] Speaker C: You might want to specify five e. [00:57:41] Speaker A: Of dungeons and dragons and dragons and two e of Pathfinder. My apologies for Pathfinder. Like I said, you've heard the reference already, but shrouded Throne. Lycos. [00:57:59] Speaker F: He'S such a good character. [00:58:01] Speaker D: We've used that name. [00:58:04] Speaker B: That was your ballroom name. [00:58:05] Speaker A: That was my ballroom name. That was totally not on purpose. No. Lycos was fun because he came about because my character died, which none of us was upset about, including myself. We can have that story another time. But Lycos came about because I needed a backup character. And his entire backstory, everything, which got quite involved, started off one idea, like, two sentences of, he's a ranger, he's a dwarf, and he has an extremely ornately chiseled. Not chiseled, but engraved bow, long bow. And that was the beginning of Lycos, and he came in with campaign. Sam and I both came in at the same time with new characters, and he developed from there to an absolute. So much fun. That was honestly one of the first characters where ever I forgot that I am me, and I was actually playing another person in a session. Like, just full immersion, method acting, what have you. But he was really the first character that I ever felt that for five e. Five e. My favorite character is actually a character I'm currently playing right now. Yeah, it's not a former character. Another campaign I'm playing with some other. [00:59:58] Speaker B: Friends from college. [01:00:04] Speaker A: But his name is Orion Hildegod. [01:00:07] Speaker E: Good name. [01:00:08] Speaker A: And I don't want to do. Don't want to talk about too much of his details because a vast portion of them are actually a secret to the players in that campaign as well. [01:00:23] Speaker E: Yeah, they don't listen to us. [01:00:25] Speaker A: I don't want to take. I know there's a good chance that a lot of them may be already revealed by the time this errors, but I'm not going to take that chance because that's part of the fun of that character, is that I get to have those secrets. We'll say it that way. Cool. [01:00:42] Speaker B: Oh, what class is he? [01:00:44] Speaker A: Orion? Yeah, he is a warlock. [01:00:47] Speaker B: I like warlocks. [01:00:48] Speaker A: He's a warlock. [01:00:49] Speaker F: Warlocks are fun. [01:00:51] Speaker D: Hexblade, warlock, more specific. [01:00:55] Speaker A: But he is definitely another one of those characters where I forget that I am me and I am immersed in that character. [01:01:04] Speaker B: Awesome. [01:01:06] Speaker E: You done? [01:01:07] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:01:07] Speaker E: I didn't want to cut you off. I have a question for Jordy, and it's actually about the campaign we're in currently and not about everything else because this kind of got off track. Is there any part in the campaign and any part that you can tell us about that we missed, that you really wish we didn't miss in chapter one? [01:01:31] Speaker C: So the interesting thing about the way that I run the campaign, at least, is there are multiple different. Like, I feel like it's the multiverse, and it's, like, choices that you guys make just determines which version of the plotline we're going down. And at every point, there's always, like, me going, oh, it'd be really interesting if they went down this road because then they would learn this, and that would push forward this story. So, like, when Alward and, you know, almost getting captured by Siggy and you managed to talk your way out of that, the rest of the group got in and rescued you. We literally had plans for what if they just decide to go with him? They just let him take them downstairs, and they just like, well, we're captured now. What do we do then? And I'm like, oh, there's some really cool stuff that's going to happen here. I kind of want that to happen now. [01:02:19] Speaker E: I'm sad that it didn't. We should have just stayed captured. [01:02:21] Speaker D: I remember that because you and Jacob actually had a conversation outside on, hey, how do we get him out of this? [01:02:28] Speaker B: So I was going to ask, when you say we, who else do you collaborate with to get the story going and have ideas? [01:02:36] Speaker C: Yeah. So I have a rule. If you live with me, you can't have secrets about my story. You are in on all of the secrets if you live in the same house as me. So I've got Jacob, my brother, who's the editor, and Nolan, who lives in our house as well. And they are like, my story consulting team. And I've got other people I will check in with mostly. [01:02:59] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:03:00] Speaker C: Sam's wife, one of my sisters, helps out a lot. She's doing a lot of the art for the show, but I'll run by ideas with them and a lot of impromptu, like, I was not expecting that decision. I'll just grab Jacob and or Nolan and just be like, okay, how do we do this? [01:03:17] Speaker D: So two follow up questions. Well, actually, one of them is not a Question. Your sister and his wife do not live in this house. Just throwing that out there. The follow up question is, my wife. [01:03:28] Speaker B: Not his sister's wife. [01:03:29] Speaker C: Yes. [01:03:31] Speaker D: The follow up question is, what if somebody moves out? Do they not get to hear anymore? [01:03:36] Speaker C: It's too late for them. [01:03:38] Speaker B: They know too much. Nolan, we're watching you. [01:03:41] Speaker E: He has a discord chat set. Oh, I don't actually know. If he. If somebody moves out, will you just set up a discord chat with him? [01:03:49] Speaker C: Yeah, we're going to have to do that. [01:03:51] Speaker D: Jordy can't think of all the ideas. [01:03:54] Speaker B: All right. Well, that was a fun little q a thing. [01:04:00] Speaker E: It was supposed to be about the story. [01:04:03] Speaker B: It could have been. It was kind of. This was more of like a check in on characters and who we are. We didn't really talk about the story. Right? [01:04:11] Speaker E: Yeah, I guess. [01:04:11] Speaker B: But it's still kind of a fledgling story. I don't feel like there's a lot to talk about. Fetchling. Story. [01:04:16] Speaker F: Fetchlings. There are two of us in it. [01:04:18] Speaker C: I feel like a lot of the questions we'll have at this point, my answer is just going to be like, you'll have to wait and see. [01:04:23] Speaker E: Yeah, that's true. [01:04:24] Speaker B: Pretty much how it is. So I think petite needs to get going, so we should wrap this up. Svenda, do you have one last thing, or are you just playing with your paddleboard? [01:04:33] Speaker A: I'm just playing. [01:04:34] Speaker B: Okay. [01:04:34] Speaker E: For anyone wondering, we have paddle boards. [01:04:36] Speaker B: Little white boys use them. So we're trying to work on not talking over each other as much. It's really hard to do. I'm sure. If you noticed in our show we've gotten better about it, but we have little paddle boards so we can jump in without everybody being surprised. [01:04:51] Speaker E: I really wanted to interrupt you for a joke. [01:04:53] Speaker B: It's really hard. It's hard. [01:04:55] Speaker E: I wanted to interrupt you specifically because you were explaining how we're trying to. [01:04:59] Speaker B: Get better at, but this was a fun little thing we wanted to do. We couldn't record full episodes today, so we wanted to do this. We want to do more. We have an idea for doing more of these in the future. So really, we really love your guys'feedback. And we want to hear more. If you have little questions that could fall for the story, maybe if we meet for the second time, or just about us as people, you're welcome to send them to our email [email protected] you. [01:05:26] Speaker E: Can also dm us at any of the socials. [01:05:28] Speaker B: That's also true. Information might change in the future, so just keep an eye out and let us know and we'll include some more questions in the future. I hope you guys enjoyed this and I'll turn this over to Jordy to see if he has anything else to go on out. [01:05:45] Speaker A: And that's it from Jordy. [01:05:52] Speaker C: Yeah, no, just send us your questions. We would love to do more. Q as the more questions we have, the more a's we'll have for them. So yeah, send them on in. We can do more. We were thinking about doing one per book of the story, which there's not a whole lot of books, but if we get a lot of questions, we will do them more frequently. [01:06:11] Speaker A: And remember, everyone have an atomic time. [01:06:16] Speaker B: That's a good ending. [01:06:17] Speaker E: Yay. [01:06:19] Speaker C: This has been an atomic broadcasting production. Pathfinder, Galerian and the lost omens world setting are copyright of pizzo. More [email protected] music in the show is from monument Studios collection as well as assorted artists with some original tracks composed by Jordy Hake. More details in the description. If you enjoyed the show, please remember to share with a friend and we'll look forward to seeing you again next time. [01:06:47] Speaker E: My star Druid, I forgot his name. [01:06:50] Speaker B: Oh, in our campaign that we were in. Yeah. Who guarded the crystal? [01:06:54] Speaker E: Yeah, he got high on speed, that one. [01:06:58] Speaker B: In Isaac's campaign. [01:06:59] Speaker F: Jorvis. [01:06:59] Speaker E: Jorvis. [01:07:00] Speaker B: Thank you. [01:07:00] Speaker F: Jorvis Lanker. [01:07:01] Speaker E: I love Jorvis.

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