Episode 76

December 09, 2024


EP. 76 The Dark Knit Rises

Hosted by

Jordy Hake Michael Petete Samuel Sarver Abby Fincher Michael Jenkins Sven Nerness
EP. 76 The Dark Knit Rises
The Written and The Lost
EP. 76 The Dark Knit Rises

Dec 09 2024 | 01:06:31


Show Notes

The party has some strange errands and misadventures before continuing on their way...


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:05] Speaker A: You are listening to an atomic broadcasting production. So sit back, relax and enjoy the feature presentation. [00:00:13] Speaker B: And remember, do your part. [00:00:15] Speaker A: Such as, like comment rate and don't forget to tell a friend to tune in for an atomic time. [00:00:31] Speaker B: Now, where did we leave off? [00:00:35] Speaker C: Ah, yes. [00:00:38] Speaker B: With Val's curse nearly overtaking her, she and the party banded together and banished it with a homemade ritual into the amulet of Urgathoa. [00:00:55] Speaker D: That's what I wear. [00:00:56] Speaker B: We are recording. [00:00:58] Speaker E: That's really bulky. Like, it clearly has petticoats underneath it. [00:01:06] Speaker A: That's what a petticoat does. [00:01:07] Speaker E: I learned this from. [00:01:08] Speaker F: It was the no context. [00:01:10] Speaker B: Such a beautiful beginning to an episode. Just. That's really bulky. [00:01:15] Speaker E: No, he was showing me the ashen gown and it like gowned out, like. And that only happens with petticoats. [00:01:21] Speaker F: It was gowned out. [00:01:22] Speaker E: It was gowned out. [00:01:23] Speaker A: Gowned out, man. [00:01:24] Speaker D: Which presume hers is a little less bulky so it can be worn underneath armor. [00:01:29] Speaker E: I mean, just remove the petticoats. As a side note though, every time my wife says petticoats, I imagine a tiny little coat. [00:01:35] Speaker F: I don't. [00:01:36] Speaker A: I just say a petite coat. [00:01:37] Speaker E: Yeah, petite coat. [00:01:38] Speaker F: I don't. [00:01:39] Speaker E: I imagine petite's coat. [00:01:41] Speaker C: No, I don't have a coat. I'm always too hot. Really throwing about to say the word petty. It can either mean Tom Petty. No, not. Not him. No, Tom Petticoat. [00:01:52] Speaker D: He's a good girl. Crazy about Elvis. [00:01:57] Speaker E: Tom Petty is a good girl. I want to hear what petite has to say about the Petty. [00:02:01] Speaker C: I was thinking the idea between, like, what is the definition? Pet? I know there's two of them. One is like. I'm just gonna Google it so I can. Petty. [00:02:09] Speaker F: Of little importance. Trivial. [00:02:10] Speaker C: That's. Yeah. [00:02:11] Speaker F: And then of secondary or lesser importance. [00:02:14] Speaker C: Well, yeah. So minor. Minor. Smaller. [00:02:18] Speaker B: Right. [00:02:18] Speaker E: But it's not a coat. [00:02:19] Speaker C: It's a minor coat. [00:02:20] Speaker E: But it's not a coat. [00:02:21] Speaker C: But it's a Petty. [00:02:22] Speaker E: Yeah, it is a Petty coat. [00:02:22] Speaker D: It's not spelled the same. [00:02:23] Speaker C: Now, it does make sure because you've got the major and the minor. So the minor would be under the petticoat. [00:02:29] Speaker F: The same address. [00:02:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:02:30] Speaker D: Petty has an I, not a Y. Well, or petticoat. [00:02:33] Speaker C: Who made you the master of spelling? Because have you seen the English language? [00:02:38] Speaker D: I'm looking at how the word is spelled and it's spelled differently than the word. That's not what I meant. [00:02:42] Speaker C: I meant. I meant that words can be different. [00:02:45] Speaker E: Side note, the other Google search on your computer there is Lauren Petty. [00:02:48] Speaker C: He's a politician. [00:02:50] Speaker E: I don't care about him. Then moving on. [00:02:52] Speaker F: This is not an endorsement. [00:02:53] Speaker C: Petty is mean. Be. Be being mean, Bean. [00:02:58] Speaker B: Wow. [00:02:59] Speaker F: That cleared so many things up. Thank you. [00:03:03] Speaker D: Wow. [00:03:04] Speaker F: Wow. [00:03:05] Speaker C: Every time I see this, I think it says pretty. [00:03:09] Speaker E: That's fair. [00:03:09] Speaker F: Oh, my gosh, you're so pretty. [00:03:11] Speaker C: You're wearing a pretty coat. [00:03:12] Speaker D: So anyway, Val does not have as many petticoats on as that picture would imply. [00:03:17] Speaker E: You know, that's fair. [00:03:22] Speaker F: She doesn't seem like a petticoat kind of girl. [00:03:24] Speaker D: The gown is slim enough to fit. [00:03:26] Speaker A: What was the giveaway? The glaive wielding or the armor plate wearing? [00:03:30] Speaker D: I'm just saying. But it does kind of. What's the word? Flare out. [00:03:34] Speaker C: Does she have a petty knife? [00:03:35] Speaker E: Timeout. We're saying this, but if we went to the ball with Val, she may have. She may be. She may have worn a petticoat. [00:03:43] Speaker D: Oh, I would put on some petticoats at the mall. [00:03:46] Speaker E: Val is a petticoat kind of girl. [00:03:48] Speaker F: Opposite of Nero's. [00:03:50] Speaker D: I would be in my full gown being super nervous and uncomfortable. And then Nero's would just be the opposite. [00:03:58] Speaker F: Yep. [00:03:59] Speaker D: And very comfortable. And drinking a lot. [00:04:00] Speaker F: Yes. As she did. [00:04:02] Speaker D: It's a great duo. [00:04:05] Speaker B: The real question, though, is, would Val have found her own gwibs? [00:04:11] Speaker D: No. Oh, she hasn't that now. She wouldn't make out with anyone at a party. [00:04:16] Speaker E: I think if anything, a gwibs would have found Val. [00:04:20] Speaker F: Oh, yeah, it would. Yeah. It would have been the opposite. [00:04:24] Speaker C: Does Squibbs wear petticoat? [00:04:27] Speaker D: I would have just been awkwardly walking out, standing next to near us in quips, and then eventually left and then awkwardly walking around on her own. [00:04:39] Speaker E: Insert second quips. [00:04:41] Speaker A: GWIBs 2.0. [00:04:42] Speaker B: We've had one. Yes. What about second gwips? [00:04:46] Speaker C: You know, gwibs sounds a lot like. [00:04:48] Speaker D: Can we do another ball so Val can be involved? [00:04:51] Speaker B: I mean, that's not up to me. [00:04:53] Speaker E: Yes, it is. [00:04:54] Speaker D: We can have. [00:04:56] Speaker C: He's really on a ball. I'm sorry. That was so stupid. [00:05:04] Speaker D: Well, now that Petite's killed the bit. [00:05:12] Speaker C: As long as there's no doors at the ball. [00:05:20] Speaker F: You know, for Zafir to pretend to be a freaking doorknob. [00:05:25] Speaker D: We love you, petite. We love you. [00:05:27] Speaker C: That is his nickname now. [00:05:28] Speaker F: The doorknob. [00:05:29] Speaker C: To fear the doorknob. [00:05:31] Speaker D: And Einar will be like, what on earth have you talked about? [00:05:36] Speaker C: What's up, doorknob? [00:05:37] Speaker F: Zafir, quit being such a doorknob today. [00:05:39] Speaker B: Speaking of we love you and Einar being left out. [00:05:46] Speaker E: He wasn't left he had a. [00:05:47] Speaker F: He had a job. Just stand there, fully left out. [00:05:51] Speaker C: That's his job. [00:05:53] Speaker D: Uh, he deserved it. [00:05:56] Speaker B: We'll pick things back up. With the ritual having just been completed, Val is feeling more like herself. And you've all reunited. [00:06:09] Speaker D: So Val is there on her knees. She looks like her face is a lot lighter. And the skull is ma. The skull paint is gone. And she smiles. We see the gap in her teeth. One of her middle teeth is missing now from the fight with the monster guy, Brenger. She kind of starts crying a little bit to fear. [00:06:44] Speaker C: Cautiously, slowly approaches and he gives her a bear hug. [00:06:50] Speaker D: She hugs back very much. Thank you all so much for your help. I'm sorry for all the craziness it's caused. [00:07:04] Speaker E: So I don't really know what we just did, but I'm glad you're feeling better. [00:07:11] Speaker D: Right. The amulet has the corruption inside of it. The part of Urgathoa inside of it now. And we'll have to find something to do with it. [00:07:25] Speaker E: Should we burn it? [00:07:26] Speaker D: No. It's not a destroy sort of thing. [00:07:29] Speaker C: We could. We could bury it. I've done that before with things, as you all know. You were there, and you were there. [00:07:41] Speaker D: I don't know why it might do, but I'm concerned about someone just finding it. [00:07:47] Speaker E: Is there a temple we could give it to? I'm sure there's one in Joel. [00:07:54] Speaker D: Yeah, there might be. That might be a good place, actually. [00:07:58] Speaker C: I'm not gonna lie. I. I thought this would be more involved, a little bit more difficult, you know? [00:08:06] Speaker D: Well, if I didn't have all of you, I don't think I would have been able to date. And then I'd just be stuck getting worse. That corruption just keep taking over, and I. I don't know if I'd be me anymore. [00:08:20] Speaker C: I apologize for what I said, Val. If you remember, when. When you tried to kill me. [00:08:28] Speaker D: Oh, I. I'm sorry I tried to kill you. [00:08:32] Speaker C: I. I think it was more along the lines of you were trying to stop me, and that you did. [00:08:38] Speaker D: The last thing I clearly remember is getting struck down by Brenger. And then I remember. I. Zafir. I remember you crying. I remember doing something to you. And I remember fur, and. [00:08:58] Speaker C: Did you say fur? [00:08:59] Speaker D: Yeah, something. Something furry. [00:09:03] Speaker C: Was this before. After you killed the beast, I mean, Brenger? [00:09:07] Speaker D: What beast? Branger. I don't. Who killed Brenger? [00:09:12] Speaker C: It was kind of a mix. I. I did the first blow, and then you kind of finished him off. [00:09:19] Speaker D: Oh, I don't remember that. [00:09:23] Speaker E: He was a giant, rampaging wolf thing. [00:09:29] Speaker C: He had fur, if that's okay. [00:09:32] Speaker D: A lot happened. Well, I was. Not me. I had. You just turned into a giant wolf thing. Is that. [00:09:40] Speaker C: Yeah, it was pretty much like that. Yeah. [00:09:43] Speaker D: Okay. I remember a bit of that, then, I guess. And then I remember being lost. And then I pulled back some sort of control when I got to town and Cornelius was gone and. [00:10:02] Speaker C: Wait, Cornelius? [00:10:03] Speaker D: Gilga is gone as well? I can't find either of them. [00:10:12] Speaker C: I guess this is the first place we've been since returning. We didn't check the town, did we? [00:10:19] Speaker D: I remember thinking something about Brainer and Bernice, but I didn't want to endanger them, so. [00:10:28] Speaker C: Wait, what was the second name you said? [00:10:30] Speaker D: Bernice. Who's Bernice? [00:10:31] Speaker F: Bernice. [00:10:32] Speaker C: Who's that? [00:10:34] Speaker D: She's that woman we saved on the road. The woman in the cave. [00:10:39] Speaker C: Oh, right, right, right. [00:10:40] Speaker F: Bringing him back to that was a side plot. [00:10:42] Speaker D: I forgot Yul was with them. Anyway, again, I'm very sorry for any trouble that's been caused because of all. [00:10:53] Speaker C: Of this, but I forgive you. [00:10:56] Speaker D: Thanks. [00:10:56] Speaker C: I know it wasn't technically you that did it, but I forgive you, Val. [00:11:02] Speaker D: Thank you. [00:11:04] Speaker F: Is Zafir still hugging Val? [00:11:07] Speaker C: He's backed off a little bit, but he's still pretty close. Like, closer than normal people would be. Definitely in your bubble. [00:11:17] Speaker F: Neris is going to walk up and hug Val pretty tightly. [00:11:23] Speaker D: Thanks for helping. [00:11:27] Speaker F: Just glad you're back. [00:11:30] Speaker D: It's nice. It doesn't feel quite. I don't know, it doesn't feel quite like I thought it would. But this sort of thing doesn't just leave cleanly, I guess. [00:11:46] Speaker C: Do you still feel that negativity? The thing that made everything die? Do you still feel that? I know that was probably the urban. [00:11:56] Speaker D: I don't hear it anymore. There's always whispering in my ears, in my head, and I don't hear it anymore. [00:12:05] Speaker C: So if you touch me, I'm not gonna, you know. [00:12:08] Speaker D: I don't know. Maybe we'll find out. She starts reaching out as if he slowly starts sweating. [00:12:14] Speaker C: Like that scene in Airplane. [00:12:17] Speaker E: How it's just gonna. [00:12:18] Speaker D: Oh, you're so wet, Zafir. You sweat a lot. That's. [00:12:23] Speaker C: Well, I fell in a river, like, a few weeks ago. Wait, no. You pushed me in that river. [00:12:32] Speaker D: You're not still wet from that. It didn't seem to do anything to you, so I think we're getting the clear. [00:12:38] Speaker C: Could also be tears. [00:12:41] Speaker D: Sophia, are you okay? [00:12:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:12:48] Speaker D: Okay. I understand. [00:12:51] Speaker E: He. He could use a little patching up. If when you have the time. [00:12:56] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [00:12:57] Speaker C: Yes. I'm at 10. 10 health points. My. My minor potion of healing did 2. 2 points. [00:13:06] Speaker D: I will lay my hand on your shoulder and heal you. 24 hit points. [00:13:13] Speaker C: That's much better. [00:13:14] Speaker D: And then I'll do it again. [00:13:15] Speaker E: Oh, and again. [00:13:16] Speaker D: I can just do it till you're at full health. [00:13:18] Speaker E: And again. [00:13:20] Speaker C: That feels wonderful. [00:13:22] Speaker D: Cool. I'm very tired, and my feet really hurt. [00:13:29] Speaker A: A pair of boots just land at your feet. [00:13:33] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. They should fit. [00:13:36] Speaker D: Thank you. Phasma, for your boots. [00:13:39] Speaker A: As boots, Einar walks over from the horses with bandages and wrappings. [00:13:49] Speaker C: Oh, no, thank you, Einar. I don't need any. [00:13:52] Speaker A: Completely ignores Zafir. Have a seat. [00:13:59] Speaker D: Oh, sure. Thank you. She just goes over and falls over, basically, like, slumps down really heavily. [00:14:07] Speaker A: And Einar, just one by one, carefully washes the cuts and the bruises and whatnot on each of your feet and then very carefully wraps them up and puts your shoes or your boots on. [00:14:25] Speaker D: Well, thanks. I'm gonna. I'm gonna think I'm just going to. And then she just, like, slumps over and falls asleep and starts snoring. [00:14:38] Speaker A: God. Grabs her so she doesn't just fall. [00:14:41] Speaker E: Fenar had a nickel for every time he carried one of us. [00:14:45] Speaker A: Actually, yes, he does do that. He picks her up and looks at Zafir and says, make a tent and a bed. You're the fastest. Go. [00:15:02] Speaker C: He salutes you. [00:15:06] Speaker E: Well, that's a great. There's a. We can. There's not a tab, not an inn in town, but there's a bed in town we can use. [00:15:13] Speaker A: Let's not move it. [00:15:14] Speaker C: Just a single bed. [00:15:15] Speaker A: We made camp here before. She doesn't need to travel anymore. [00:15:20] Speaker E: Just thought it'd be more comfortable than. [00:15:25] Speaker B: She just passed out for the audience. Sam is super slumped over, back in his chair, as if he had passed out. [00:15:33] Speaker C: Method actor. I've got one tent up, sir. [00:15:40] Speaker A: Einar just carefully places her in the tent, grabs a blanket, and just puts it over, and then walks out. He goes to where the ritual was, and you see the amulet of Urgothoa float off the ground. As you could probably discern that he's using telekinetic hand. And it floats between the three of. Well, all four of us in the center. And he says, I think she's carried this burden long enough. Do one of you want to carry it until we get to Joel, or shall I? [00:16:25] Speaker F: I will. [00:16:27] Speaker C: Well, now, hold on. It didn't come with any instructions. Do we not touch it, or. [00:16:33] Speaker A: Well, I wouldn't put it over your neck. [00:16:34] Speaker C: Do we wrap it in a cloth? [00:16:36] Speaker F: I was planning on wrapping it up. [00:16:38] Speaker C: I don't want it to leak. [00:16:42] Speaker F: It's not a liquid. [00:16:44] Speaker C: Well, I don't know what it is. [00:16:46] Speaker F: Neither do I. [00:16:47] Speaker E: It's an amulet. [00:16:48] Speaker F: Whatever darkness this is, I'll carry it. [00:16:54] Speaker C: You know, I have always wondered, how heavy is the darkness? [00:16:58] Speaker A: Not very. Because I can pick it up with telekinetic hand. [00:17:04] Speaker C: True. [00:17:04] Speaker A: Maybe there's some. The amulet just floats closer to you. Then it will be your burden for a time. As it drops in your hand. [00:17:14] Speaker F: She drops it on the ground. I didn't want to touch it with my bare hands. [00:17:18] Speaker C: Do you feel any different? Are you good? [00:17:21] Speaker F: I think I'm fine. [00:17:23] Speaker C: Your hands are turning. Wait. No. [00:17:24] Speaker F: They're already black. Whatever sort of. Whatever corruption that is, maybe we could do it again. [00:17:33] Speaker E: Shush. Val's trying to sleep. [00:17:37] Speaker C: I'm pretty sure she's knocked out enough that she won't wake up to some yelling. [00:17:43] Speaker E: That is my contribution. [00:17:46] Speaker F: I find a piece of cloth, I pick up the amulet with the cloth and wrap it up. [00:17:54] Speaker C: So, two things. Did you all want me to make you tense, too, or was that going to be on you? We already slept. [00:18:02] Speaker A: I don't need rest. [00:18:04] Speaker C: Then the second thing. Should we find Cornelius and potentially Jova? [00:18:11] Speaker E: I think Jova just left. I don't know if we'd be able to find Cornelius. [00:18:19] Speaker C: I mean, he's got to be around here somewhere. [00:18:21] Speaker A: I don't think he is. If he is anywhere, he might be in town. But he is the corruption. [00:18:29] Speaker C: Well, are you all right with me going into town? It seems like you all don't, really. [00:18:33] Speaker A: Someone should at least let them know that they will not have to worry about the bandits. [00:18:37] Speaker C: Well, I'm perfect for that. [00:18:39] Speaker E: I'll go. [00:18:40] Speaker C: Greater diplomacy. [00:18:41] Speaker E: I'll go. I'll go. I'll go with you. It'll be a me and you day, Zafir. [00:18:48] Speaker A: I'll stay here and make sure nobody disturbs Val. [00:18:52] Speaker E: Thank you, Nieros. [00:18:54] Speaker C: Would you like to stay with Val or come with us? [00:19:01] Speaker F: Evens or odds? [00:19:03] Speaker A: Odds. [00:19:05] Speaker F: I'm staying with Val, I guess. [00:19:07] Speaker C: All right, so you're staying, we're going. And Val is sleeping. [00:19:13] Speaker E: Break. [00:19:14] Speaker C: All right, well, we'll meet you back here sundown. [00:19:19] Speaker E: I mean, I don't think it'd take that long unless you had more to do in town. [00:19:23] Speaker D: It's like, 10 in the morning, right? [00:19:24] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:19:26] Speaker F: How long are you planning on taking? [00:19:27] Speaker C: I don't know. It's in town. What are we gonna do here? [00:19:30] Speaker F: Town is literally five feet over there. [00:19:33] Speaker E: We didn't go that far away. [00:19:38] Speaker C: That one sheriff or whatever guard is not gonna like us being this close to town. [00:19:42] Speaker F: I mean, I could go talk to him. [00:19:44] Speaker C: No, you're staying here. [00:19:45] Speaker F: Wink. [00:19:49] Speaker E: Let's just. Let's just go to fear. We'll be back before sundown. [00:19:53] Speaker F: I'm really good at talking to guards if you need help. [00:19:55] Speaker C: You rolled that you'd stay here. [00:19:57] Speaker F: Stay here if you change your mind. [00:20:01] Speaker A: Did you honestly find him that attractive? [00:20:04] Speaker F: No, but I'm really good at distracting people. [00:20:07] Speaker A: I cannot argue with that. [00:20:10] Speaker C: That's not the goal. Let's go outward before anything else happens. [00:20:13] Speaker E: I'm already halfway there. [00:20:16] Speaker F: Three feet away from you. [00:20:25] Speaker B: All right, so Alward and Zafir, you two are heading into town, taking the arduous journey of roughly 20ft. [00:20:34] Speaker C: I thought we were so much further away. [00:20:36] Speaker D: This keeps getting further. [00:20:38] Speaker C: What was the guard's name? [00:20:40] Speaker F: Adam. [00:20:41] Speaker C: Was it Adam? [00:20:42] Speaker D: I'm pretty certain it was Adam. [00:20:44] Speaker F: I'm, like 90% certain that it was Adam. [00:20:47] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't think I wrote it down. [00:20:49] Speaker D: I didn't write it down, but I'm fairly certain it was something boring like Adam. [00:20:53] Speaker B: All right, Eren, because you guys all have answers, I'm not gonna tell you. I think this will be way more fun if you just walk up to this guy and start talking to him. [00:21:01] Speaker C: Zafir enters the town, huffing and puffing after the whole 20ft. [00:21:08] Speaker E: I know you're injured a bit, but come on. [00:21:11] Speaker C: I'm fully healed. I'm all right. It's been a while since I've had to walk. Wait, we walked all the way here? [00:21:18] Speaker D: No, you're on a horse. [00:21:19] Speaker A: Horses. [00:21:21] Speaker C: Thank you, Juice, for being lazy. [00:21:25] Speaker E: We need to take your pony away so you can get some more calisthenics. [00:21:29] Speaker C: No, please don't take Sprinter away from me. I went through, like, 16 names in my head before. I gotta write that down before I forget where. Do you remember where he was? [00:21:49] Speaker E: We can check the old lady's house. [00:21:53] Speaker C: Okay, good start. Good start. We go to the old lady's house, whatever her name was. [00:21:59] Speaker B: So as you step into old lady Paisley's house, she looks up from where she's sitting behind a table as used as a makeshift counter. She's just knitting and she's like, oh, I thought you all had left town. [00:22:14] Speaker C: We did, but then we came back. We're looking for. [00:22:19] Speaker E: Howard leans down. Adam. [00:22:21] Speaker C: Aaron. [00:22:23] Speaker B: Aaron. You're looking for my nephew Aaron? [00:22:27] Speaker E: No, he means Adam. We're looking for Adam. [00:22:30] Speaker B: Oh, you're looking for my grand nephew Adam. [00:22:33] Speaker C: We're looking for the Sheriff, the guard, the Authority. [00:22:37] Speaker B: Yes, yes, he's done. He's done a fine job keeping us all protected. Though those bandits, they have been giving him trouble. [00:22:47] Speaker C: Well, not anymore. [00:22:49] Speaker E: Oh no, Adam is fine. I must. Adam is fine. The bandits are no longer an issue. Everything is fine. Sophia, you're gonna give this woman a heart attack. [00:23:03] Speaker C: Aaron is also fine. We didn't kill him either. [00:23:05] Speaker E: There's a fear. [00:23:06] Speaker B: Did you kill Adam? [00:23:08] Speaker E: No, Adam is fine. [00:23:10] Speaker C: Where is he? We're not going to kill him. [00:23:13] Speaker B: She sets down her knitting. I'll never talk. [00:23:17] Speaker C: We just. We. [00:23:23] Speaker E: I'm going. Can I. Mage hand. Can I tell? A kinetic hand. A hand over Zafir's mouth. [00:23:32] Speaker C: The question is, is the hand invisible? [00:23:35] Speaker E: It's whatever I want it to be. [00:23:36] Speaker C: What does it look like? [00:23:37] Speaker E: It looks like Alward's hand. But magical. [00:23:41] Speaker C: Your hand is magical. Anyway, as Geordie takes a drink. [00:23:50] Speaker E: I'm so sorry, Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Paisley. [00:23:55] Speaker B: Mrs. Paisley. [00:23:56] Speaker E: I'm so sorry. Mrs. Paisley, my friend here is not well with words. Adam asked us to help with the bandit situation and we would like to report back to him on the situation. As it stands, not. Yes. [00:24:21] Speaker C: Zafir makes a cutthroat motion on his hand or on his neck and he puts a thumb up. [00:24:31] Speaker B: Are you sure he doesn't want to kill Adam? [00:24:34] Speaker E: I am. If he does, I will make sure he doesn't kill Adam. But I'm pretty positive he doesn't want to kill Adam. [00:24:42] Speaker C: Just a thumbs up. [00:24:45] Speaker B: Alward, you hear as if a voice whispering in your ear. Adam is asleep upstairs. Don't tell your murderous friend. [00:24:55] Speaker E: Okay. Distract him for a bit then. And we're gonna remove. Dismiss my mage hand and be like, I'm going to go help Ms. Paisley with something. [00:25:07] Speaker C: Well, what do I do? [00:25:11] Speaker E: I'm sure Ms. Paisley can entertain you with a story. [00:25:14] Speaker C: I thought you said you were going to help her with something. [00:25:17] Speaker E: Yes, the cooking. It's nothing. [00:25:19] Speaker C: But. Is not she going with you? That wasn't the right order. [00:25:23] Speaker D: Pray tell, is not she going with you? [00:25:26] Speaker C: Is she not? [00:25:27] Speaker A: Is she not going? [00:25:29] Speaker B: No. I. I would like to teach you how to knit. [00:25:36] Speaker C: Uh. Uh. Oh. [00:25:40] Speaker E: It's a very important skill. [00:25:43] Speaker C: Well, we are looking for Adam. [00:25:46] Speaker B: That's fine. Adam can join us. He's very good at knitting now. And she pulls up a chair next to her. I've got some knitting needles ready for you if you didn't bring any. And it's fine. [00:25:58] Speaker E: She told me Adam will be here in, like, ten minutes. [00:26:01] Speaker C: Oh, okay. Well, I. Are the needles sharp? [00:26:07] Speaker B: Oh, there. I mean, sufficiently. [00:26:12] Speaker E: Oh. [00:26:12] Speaker C: I think I may find a new weapon. [00:26:15] Speaker F: Oh, no. [00:26:16] Speaker E: I don't know what to say to that. [00:26:18] Speaker B: Zafia, these cannot be used to kill anybody. It won't work very well. [00:26:25] Speaker C: You don't know me very well, Mrs. Bazley. [00:26:27] Speaker B: No, I don't. Now, why don't you sit down here and tell me about yourself? [00:26:32] Speaker C: Okay. Well, when I was a boy. [00:26:36] Speaker E: I'm just gonna go outside. [00:26:37] Speaker C: Stitch rails off. [00:26:40] Speaker B: Alward. Upstairs is just, like. It's basically like a loft. If you've ever been, like, in a nice cabin, there's just, like, a railing to downstairs, and there's several beds up there, and one of them has a sleeping form. [00:26:55] Speaker E: I'm trying to think of the least creepiest way. [00:26:59] Speaker A: Adam, knock. Wink, wink. [00:27:02] Speaker E: Nudge that with the telekinetic hand. It's just gonna shake Adam until he wakes up, like, just gently, like, hey, hey. [00:27:17] Speaker B: And he, like, sits up in bed, throws the blanket off, and he's wearing, like, partial armor underneath the blanket, and he's like, are they back? Are they back? [00:27:27] Speaker E: That can't be comfortable. [00:27:29] Speaker B: Oh, it's you. [00:27:31] Speaker E: Yes. [00:27:31] Speaker B: Comfy treat. [00:27:33] Speaker E: Okay, let's find them. [00:27:35] Speaker B: How did it go? [00:27:36] Speaker E: Oh, they won't bother you anymore, if that's what you mean. Well, they might. I don't. They're not a band of people anymore. A group. [00:27:46] Speaker B: Let me get dressed. I'll come downstairs, and you can tell me the details. [00:27:50] Speaker E: Okay. Just so you know, my friend does not want to murder you, your grandma, or. Which one? The short one. [00:27:58] Speaker B: Oh, well, that is news to me. [00:28:01] Speaker E: He's not good. And your aunt thinks. Or great aunt think. It's fine. [00:28:10] Speaker B: Right? Well, yes. Just excuse me one moment, and I will meet you down there. [00:28:16] Speaker E: Oh, okay. I'm gonna crawl back down the ladder and see how Zafir's doing on his knitting and where he's at in his story. [00:28:26] Speaker C: So the town was nomadic, and unfortunately, just the way things, you know, it's a good way to make money. [00:28:38] Speaker B: Well, I don't know if I can really endorse that, but it does sound like it is a skill of yours. And you know what they say. If you're good at something, don't do it for free. Now go ahead and make me a crafting check. Let's see how your knitting's coming along. [00:28:59] Speaker C: Well, if you'd give me the second needle, it would be far much easier, I would assume. [00:29:03] Speaker B: I only trust you with one Right now. [00:29:07] Speaker E: I don't know what's more terrifying. Zafir with one knitting needle or this old woman who believes she can fight Zafir with disadvantage. Oh, my goodness. [00:29:16] Speaker A: What did you roll? Did you not 28. [00:29:18] Speaker F: Just add 20. Oh, my goodness. It is the best scarf anyone has. [00:29:24] Speaker A: Ever seen with one knitting needle. [00:29:26] Speaker E: Zafir, what's that with your crafting? [00:29:29] Speaker D: It's 20. [00:29:30] Speaker C: I mean 34. [00:29:31] Speaker D: Oh, your crafting is 14. [00:29:33] Speaker E: He's trained surprisingly. [00:29:34] Speaker B: So, Zafir, you've got one knitting needle, and I imagine you're using your rapier for the other. What is it that you're knitting? [00:29:45] Speaker C: Um, a saddle cover for. For sprinter. [00:29:50] Speaker B: Aw. And alward, as you're taking a look, you can actually tell that's what it's supposed to be. And that feels somewhat impressive for being presumably his first time knitting. [00:30:03] Speaker E: Sophia, are you good at knitting? [00:30:07] Speaker C: Guess so. I mean, this was supposed to be a hat. [00:30:12] Speaker E: Um, Matt, would it be okay if we got that, like, just bought these knitting needles off of you? [00:30:18] Speaker C: I think I only need one. [00:30:20] Speaker B: No need. She hands you the second needle. My apprentice, you have earned your second needle. [00:30:37] Speaker D: Don't kill anyone with it. [00:30:38] Speaker B: And she reaches out with the needle, taps your left shoulder and your right shoulder. [00:30:44] Speaker F: Stop. [00:30:47] Speaker B: And then ceremoniously stabs the needle into the ball of yarn. [00:30:52] Speaker C: I thought you were gonna say my shoulder. [00:30:55] Speaker E: It was her job to kill you. [00:30:57] Speaker C: Do I get to keep the yarn? [00:30:59] Speaker B: Yes, you do. [00:31:01] Speaker C: I can't wait to tell your nephew. Yes. Your nephew. Great nephew. Yes. Oh, Adam, Adam, where do I go from here? [00:31:14] Speaker B: We go back to the camp to see what Einar and Neros have been up to. [00:31:23] Speaker A: For a little bit. After Zafir and Ard leaves, Einar just kind of putters about, so to speak, just making the camp look a little more normal. He does pick up the other amulet that was left on the ground, and he puts that with Val's belongings. He also proceeds in that time to remove any traces of the ritual on the ground, just so nobody's rather confused and. Or worried. After that, he comes back to camp. And what's Neros been doing? [00:32:14] Speaker F: Probably just sitting outside of the tent that Val is in. [00:32:20] Speaker A: Just kind of sitting guard. [00:32:22] Speaker F: Yeah, basically. [00:32:26] Speaker A: He just comes back and is quietly sits down, not directly next to you, but kind of adjacent. Pulls out his stein and just quietly starts sipping it a little bit, thinking, you know, Nero's. Your words earlier about not being able to trust me and all that. I don't. I'm not good at this. I don't know what to say. [00:33:11] Speaker F: Honestly, I. Yeah, I can. I can see that. What are you trying to say? Would it help if I was drinking, too? [00:33:24] Speaker A: He just kind of gestures and frustration as he's desperately trying to find the words. And he looks. For the first time, perhaps he looks very vulnerable and very worried. Like, he's tried to always keep, like, a stoic demeanor, but that's completely gone at this point. And how he's talking to you is also different. It's more familiar, perhaps. It seems more familiar. I've been given a mission, I suppose, and I can't. I can't tell you everything about it, or for fear it might jeopardize it. I am here to make sure that the Ayrtons don't succeed, and all of you are crucial for that to happen. I suppose, in a way, I know you all because of that. And I thought I could just do my mission and make you succeed and. And move on, and there'd be no problems. But honestly, I wasn't expecting any of this. I was telling the truth when I didn't know anything about Val's condition or any of your problems, if you have any. [00:35:21] Speaker F: Who are you on a mission from? Who sent you on this? Was it Uber? [00:35:30] Speaker A: Uwe's aware of it, but I'm just. [00:35:34] Speaker F: I'm sorry. I didn't Not. Not to purposefully interrupt you, and I'm so confused, Einar. [00:35:44] Speaker A: I know. I know, and I. I don't want you to be. I don't. I don't want. [00:35:52] Speaker F: Then just tell me. [00:35:53] Speaker A: I can't. I wish. I wish I could. I wish I could, but I can't. [00:36:02] Speaker E: I. [00:36:03] Speaker F: Because it would jeopardize things in more. [00:36:06] Speaker A: Ways than you could possibly imagine. It's not a matter of trust. It's not a matter of. Of wish. It's a must. And I know. I know that doesn't help. I know me keeping something from you doesn't imply that trust can be gained. But I'm trying to at least tell you that I'm not purposely, of my own volition, keeping details from you. If I could, I would tell you everything. I wish I could. But I can't. And so I must do with this. I suppose I'm saying all this in the sense of I want you all to succeed. I care about you all. And maybe I'm saying too much, even now, but I can't continue without saying something. And you are the safest person, I suppose. And he just again, takes a drink. [00:37:27] Speaker F: I'm the safest person you Remind me. [00:37:34] Speaker A: I suppose, of an old confidant. I know that sounds weird, but to me you're the safest. [00:37:46] Speaker B: As Neros has. Looking confused and like she might be about to say something, you just hear hello. Hello, good friends. [00:37:58] Speaker E: I forgot about. [00:37:59] Speaker D: You did this, didn't you? Because of him. [00:38:03] Speaker B: And pushing their way through the trees comes the Half Orc and the Half Shark Captain. Leading behind them, several horses laden down with baggage and crates. And they've got a couple wagons carrying things and they're like. It took us a few hours to put everything in order, but we did collect our own supplies as well as there were enough horses and carriages left behind by those wolf skin warriors that we are able to bring back the vast majority of the spoils taken from this small town. [00:38:36] Speaker E: We can have our own carriage, guys. [00:38:40] Speaker B: I'm sorry, were we interrupting something? [00:38:44] Speaker A: No, no, that's, that's fantastic news. The town won't have to go hungry anymore. [00:38:50] Speaker B: Yes, quite. And as a thank you to the five of you for being the guardian angels of our venture, so to speak, we wanted to give you this. Taken from our own coffers. From the supplies that we were bringing back to the Abyssal Pearl. And he drops a large sack in front of Einar and it hits the ground with a very metallic thud and clink. Very clearly full of coin. [00:39:19] Speaker A: You are very generous. [00:39:21] Speaker B: Oh, think nothing of it. Tis the generosity of the Iron Archipelago. Or rather the misfortune of the Iron Archipelago. [00:39:31] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, that's fair. [00:39:34] Speaker E: Do I know what that is? [00:39:36] Speaker B: The Iron Archipelago is the islands just to the southwest of the of Southmoor, in the area you're in. It's part of the land of the Linorm Kings. [00:39:47] Speaker A: Right, but I, I. Why would that hit them? Being generous or him saying that be. [00:39:53] Speaker E: Is this man a pirate? I should have done. [00:39:56] Speaker D: He was a pirate king. I told you he was a pirate king. [00:40:00] Speaker E: When? [00:40:01] Speaker D: When? I think it was in between sessions. [00:40:03] Speaker E: I don't remember this. [00:40:04] Speaker D: I called him a pirate king. [00:40:08] Speaker A: Well, as I said, I'm glad the town won't have to go hungry. And I do appreciate your generosity. Perhaps if fatal hours will meet again. [00:40:23] Speaker B: I certainly hope so. You all are very agreeable folks. Although your friend does appear to be somewhat of an arcleptic. [00:40:34] Speaker A: She's getting better. [00:40:38] Speaker B: Aren't we all? And he pats you on the back. Aren't we all? Well, ever onward and upward. Bracca and I will return this town's property to them. And we don't need any help handing it out. We've got Everything under control? [00:40:55] Speaker A: Uh huh. I have no reason to suspect that. Go on. [00:41:06] Speaker B: Right, well, the last bit of your thank you installment is this here. And he hands you a belt. [00:41:14] Speaker A: Hey, grab it. [00:41:16] Speaker B: It's made of well tooled leather with silver clasps encrusted with sapphire. [00:41:23] Speaker A: That is some belt. [00:41:25] Speaker B: Yes, I'm not entirely sure what its purpose is. I mean, aside from holding up your trousers. What? [00:41:36] Speaker A: Thank you. See if I can find out what it does, if anything, later. [00:41:42] Speaker B: All right, well, Bracca and I will be off. If you need us, we shall be on the high seas. [00:41:50] Speaker A: May the winds always take you to your destination safely, my friend. [00:41:55] Speaker B: Thank you, sir. Bows towards Nero's madam. [00:41:59] Speaker F: She like awkwardly nods back. [00:42:02] Speaker B: And he and Bracca continue on, just like skirting around your camp and head into town with wagon after wagon going behind them. [00:42:13] Speaker F: Suspicious. [00:42:16] Speaker A: I didn't realize there was that much loot left in the camp. [00:42:19] Speaker F: What did he give you? [00:42:21] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:42:22] Speaker F: And I grab it. [00:42:26] Speaker E: I'm ashamed we didn't get a wagon out of this. [00:42:29] Speaker B: Revenge on Uber. [00:42:34] Speaker F: What do I need to roll, Jordy? [00:42:36] Speaker A: What do I need to roll Jordy? [00:42:38] Speaker B: Arcana. [00:42:39] Speaker E: Nothing. [00:42:39] Speaker A: Oh, that's not good. No. [00:42:42] Speaker E: What'd you get? [00:42:42] Speaker F: I rolled a natural one. [00:42:45] Speaker E: You spend some cards. [00:42:46] Speaker F: Can I spend a card? [00:42:48] Speaker C: Wait, just for this? [00:42:49] Speaker D: Don't. Don't do it. [00:42:51] Speaker E: Why? [00:42:51] Speaker D: Because I rolled a natural 20. [00:42:54] Speaker C: You're asleep. [00:42:55] Speaker D: Jordy said I can wake up whenever I want. [00:42:58] Speaker B: Sam messaged me and asked when Val would wake up. And I said I'll apply the same rules I gave Zafir. Wake up. When you think it would be a narrative, Leah? [00:43:05] Speaker E: I like the idea that she's just been standing in the water. [00:43:08] Speaker D: They were just yelling. [00:43:10] Speaker A: We were yelling. [00:43:11] Speaker B: No, the captain, the pirates effort to be a quiet. [00:43:16] Speaker F: Look, a friend is sleeping. You need to shout. Shut up. [00:43:20] Speaker A: Okay, that's good because I rolled an 8 for 17. [00:43:24] Speaker B: So the two of you are kind of like fighting over the belt, just trying to look at it over each other's shoulders. And then Val just pokes her head in between both of your heads. Val, you recognize this as being a retrieval belt? [00:43:42] Speaker D: Ah, you got there a retrieval belt. A wall retrieval. [00:43:48] Speaker F: Oh, hi Val. [00:43:50] Speaker D: Good morning. [00:43:50] Speaker A: Hello. [00:43:52] Speaker D: It's built. [00:43:55] Speaker F: What's it do? [00:43:56] Speaker D: It has. It has an extra dimensional space that can hold up to 1 bulk or less. 3. It's a higher level. It can hold up to 3. 3 items. Oh, you see, it can actually, it's some of its pockets there can hold an extra dimensional space that you can put up to, like, three items inside of it. As long as it's not too heavy with small things. [00:44:21] Speaker F: So, like, what. What's too heavy? [00:44:25] Speaker D: My glaive would not fit in it. [00:44:27] Speaker A: Oh. [00:44:28] Speaker D: Because it's too heavy, I put, like. [00:44:30] Speaker F: You know, potion bottles, of course. Alcohol bottles. [00:44:34] Speaker D: Yeah, I want it. [00:44:36] Speaker A: I. I think it's a. You have to attune to it. [00:44:39] Speaker E: But. [00:44:39] Speaker F: But I want it. [00:44:40] Speaker A: Yeah, it's pretty. [00:44:42] Speaker B: So an interjection from the game master on how this works. As a single action, you can store an item in the belt, and it can hold up to three. And then at any point, as a free action, you can just recall an item back into your hand. [00:44:57] Speaker D: Oh, I read that as a single action, not a free action. [00:45:00] Speaker B: This is a greater retrieval belt, so you can store up to three items, and then as a action, you can call something out of the belt. The caveat is, once you've called something out of the belt, you cannot store or call from the belt for a full minute. [00:45:14] Speaker E: Gold. [00:45:15] Speaker B: It is worth 600 gold. [00:45:20] Speaker F: I have an argument. [00:45:22] Speaker A: I know it looks like he wants to argue with you, and then he just gives a sigh and a smile and just says, you can have it. [00:45:30] Speaker F: Thank you. I don't have any magical items except Mustaine. [00:45:34] Speaker A: I think sometimes these already have stuff in them, so you might make sure you actually have space. [00:45:39] Speaker F: Okay. [00:45:41] Speaker B: I have a thing while we're dealing with this treasure. Einar, if you open up that bag of gold. [00:45:48] Speaker A: Mm. [00:45:49] Speaker B: Jenkins, you ready to write down how much is in there? [00:45:53] Speaker E: No, because we're gonna be splitting it up. Let's go. [00:45:55] Speaker B: All right. 1200 gold pieces. [00:45:59] Speaker F: Oh, my God. [00:46:00] Speaker B: Wow. [00:46:00] Speaker D: Barely anything. [00:46:02] Speaker A: 1200 divided by five. [00:46:05] Speaker E: We each get 240 gold. [00:46:07] Speaker A: There you go. Yay. [00:46:09] Speaker C: Gold. [00:46:10] Speaker B: As the three of you are divvying up that gold, getting it ready, putting it out into shares, we're going to switch our perspective back to Alward and Zafir, as Adam is just like, that's. That's quite a relief that you've taken care of that plague that's been haunting our town. And I. I know they're not all taken care of, but with their leader out of the way, they'll be much easier to deal with. And I owe you a great debt. [00:46:41] Speaker E: Don't mention it, friend. [00:46:45] Speaker B: He puts his hand on your shoulder. [00:46:46] Speaker E: Don't touch me. [00:46:47] Speaker B: He puts his hand up like he wants to put it on your shoulder, but just doesn't. He's just, like, awkwardly holding his hand up. I really appreciate that. Because I have no money. [00:46:59] Speaker C: I Thought you were going to help someone. You were to help old lady Paisley. [00:47:04] Speaker E: Oh, no. [00:47:06] Speaker C: Did you lie to me? [00:47:06] Speaker E: I had to, Zaphir. She wouldn't let me know where this Adam was because she thought you wanted to murder him. I apologize. [00:47:14] Speaker B: I am a conniving old woman. [00:47:16] Speaker C: Well, I guess if that hadn't have happened, I would never have discovered my true talent. [00:47:21] Speaker B: Zafir, I would like you to mark on your character sheet that you now have knitting lore. But rather than doing it as trained, you get half your level added. [00:47:35] Speaker E: Okay, I'll show you how to do that. [00:47:37] Speaker B: Yeah, I look forward to creative solutions to problems. [00:47:42] Speaker E: If I know anything about accounting lore, knitting lore will be great. [00:47:46] Speaker A: If I know anything about Zafir, it will come into play 100%. He knits a doorknob. [00:47:58] Speaker C: Oh, that would have come in so handy. So, I think that we should be on our way. Thank you, old lady. [00:48:07] Speaker B: And Erin, that's old lady Paisley to you. [00:48:11] Speaker C: I mean, Adam. Yes. Do you have a first name? Okay, out of respect, I probably shouldn't call you that. I'm sorry. [00:48:18] Speaker E: Her first name is Mrs. We're too poor. [00:48:21] Speaker B: I can't afford one. [00:48:24] Speaker D: Such an old lady thing to say. [00:48:26] Speaker B: The darn wolf skin warrior stole it. [00:48:29] Speaker D: Oh, my gosh. [00:48:31] Speaker C: We do have something else to go do. We've got to go find our little one eyed friend. [00:48:38] Speaker B: Oh, that strange short fellow you came into town with? [00:48:43] Speaker C: I believe so. Unless you're referring to another one. [00:48:46] Speaker B: I thought he was going to meet up with you. [00:48:48] Speaker C: Where was he going? [00:48:50] Speaker B: He headed off south of town. He stopped in to buy some provisions and we gave him what we could. You know, we don't have a lot to go around. And he headed off to the south. [00:49:00] Speaker C: Wait, who am I talking to right now? You don't sound like an old lady. [00:49:03] Speaker B: This is Adam. [00:49:07] Speaker C: Right? [00:49:09] Speaker B: I didn't see where he went. I was letting Adam answer. [00:49:13] Speaker C: Did we come in from the south? [00:49:14] Speaker B: When you returned from the Wolfskin warrior camp, you'd come from the west. [00:49:19] Speaker C: Well, this isn't a very big town, so I would assume that we probably trust your eyesight. [00:49:28] Speaker B: Yes, I do have very good eyes. [00:49:32] Speaker C: It's a good thing for a guard. A good lookout and stuff. Bye. [00:49:41] Speaker B: Goodbye. [00:49:42] Speaker C: Thanks. [00:49:44] Speaker B: Thank you again. For. I mean, you've saved our town. [00:49:48] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. We also let out two prisoners. [00:49:50] Speaker E: Oh, that's true. They saved. [00:49:51] Speaker C: It was a shark and an orc. But they were halves, not together. [00:49:57] Speaker B: Wait, I'm really having trouble picturing this. And then the doors to the room burst open and Captain Roerick walks in and says, we bring your gifts. They're from you to you. It's. It's an interesting situation. [00:50:13] Speaker E: That man. [00:50:13] Speaker C: That's the one. [00:50:15] Speaker B: Oh, hello. I wasn't expecting to see you two here. [00:50:19] Speaker C: Likewise. [00:50:20] Speaker B: I brought gifts for you, but I left them with your friends. You'll have to pick them up there. [00:50:25] Speaker C: Oh, well. Sharks. I would love to invest. That was a Shark Tank joke. [00:50:34] Speaker E: What? Shark Tank? [00:50:36] Speaker C: Everything's falling flat on its face today. What did you give us? [00:50:43] Speaker B: Mostly money. [00:50:44] Speaker C: Oh, that sounds lovely. Thanks. [00:50:48] Speaker B: Of course. I mean, you saved my life and Bracca's life. Bracca, like, leans in around the doorframe. [00:50:55] Speaker C: Oh, there's the other one. [00:50:56] Speaker B: Adam's like. I. I can picture this now. [00:51:00] Speaker C: Adam. Shark. Shark. Adam. [00:51:02] Speaker B: Adam, My name is Captain Roerick. This is my first mate, Bracca. Bracca leans around the corner again. [00:51:09] Speaker C: Captain, do you have a first name? [00:51:12] Speaker B: Roeric is my first name. [00:51:15] Speaker C: I think we should leave. [00:51:17] Speaker E: Yeah, that's probably a good idea. [00:51:19] Speaker C: I can't think of any other small talk that's that. Bye. [00:51:24] Speaker E: Howard's going to grab Zafira by the shoulder and be like, that wasn't small talk, bud. [00:51:29] Speaker C: Well, speaking of small talk, sounds like Cornelius hightailed it out of here. [00:51:34] Speaker E: Seems to be. So. Shame. I wanted to ask him a lot of questions. [00:51:41] Speaker C: He was supposed to be here. We might need to ask Val. [00:51:48] Speaker E: I don't think Val knows anything. [00:51:50] Speaker C: Well, I mean, why he would have left. Oh, I. Oh, well, maybe he's gone to get the milk. I don't know. I seem to recall him saying that he would be here when we return. [00:52:03] Speaker E: I don't remember that. [00:52:05] Speaker C: I'm also a little bit worried about Ylva. [00:52:09] Speaker E: We told her she could leave. She doesn't. She didn't have to stay. I'm sure she's fine. She's very capable. Sophia. [00:52:16] Speaker C: Oh, I'm not. I'm not worried about her. I'm just worried about the fact that she's not here. [00:52:21] Speaker E: Why? [00:52:22] Speaker C: Well, because we kind of tried to stop her, and she's part of a big family that is trying to stop the world. Well, restart the world. [00:52:32] Speaker E: We wouldn't have let her. She's fine, Zephyr. She. She doesn't really agree with her family. [00:52:38] Speaker C: Anyway, I don't know what to do. [00:52:45] Speaker E: Like, right now? [00:52:46] Speaker C: Yes, right now. We came here to find Cornelius, but he's gone. Yeah. And I feel kind of empty inside. Do you know if there's anything fun to do around here? [00:52:57] Speaker E: I. This is the first time I've ever visited this town. In really can throw a rock and reach the other end of the town. So. [00:53:06] Speaker C: No, that sounds fun. [00:53:07] Speaker E: You want to throw rocks into town? [00:53:10] Speaker C: No, out of town. [00:53:12] Speaker E: Um, okay. [00:53:16] Speaker B: So as the two of you head out of town and back towards camp Zafir, you're picking up rocks and just kind of throwing them ahead of you? [00:53:24] Speaker C: Yes. [00:53:24] Speaker E: I'm gonna use magic to do mine. Telekinetic projectile. [00:53:29] Speaker C: How far can I throw a rock? [00:53:31] Speaker B: Make a ranged attack roll. Like. Same as using your bow. [00:53:36] Speaker C: Really? Same as my bow? My bow. So good. 19. I rolled a three. [00:53:46] Speaker E: Yeah, I see that. [00:53:48] Speaker B: So the best throw that you get as you're heading out of town goes about 40ft before it hits the ground. [00:53:55] Speaker D: Don't sign him up for any baseball teams. [00:53:59] Speaker E: Is this all you ever wanted, Zofia? [00:54:02] Speaker C: There's many things more, but all I have available to me. What time is it? [00:54:09] Speaker B: It is 1124. [00:54:12] Speaker C: Really? I thought it would take all day. [00:54:14] Speaker A: No. [00:54:15] Speaker E: So that's something I've been wanting to ask you, Sophia. When do you just cast. Like, do you cast a spell when you sniff, or how do you sniff the time? [00:54:27] Speaker C: What do you mean? Don't you sniff time? [00:54:29] Speaker E: No, I cast a spell. [00:54:31] Speaker C: I mean, you breathe time. You basically speak time. What, like you think and things happen and that's different time. [00:54:39] Speaker E: That's different. [00:54:40] Speaker C: Well, why? [00:54:42] Speaker E: I don't have the time to explain that. [00:54:45] Speaker C: Well, it's 11 something I already forgot. Now you have the time. [00:54:51] Speaker B: Einar, Neros and Val, as you're just finishing up, you're, you know, divvying out the gold and everything, you just hear it thump as a rock lands in the middle of your camp. [00:55:05] Speaker D: Ha. [00:55:06] Speaker C: Weren't you already awake? [00:55:08] Speaker E: She went back to sleep. [00:55:09] Speaker C: Weren't you already awake? [00:55:11] Speaker D: I'm just tired. [00:55:12] Speaker A: Einar just looks at the direction where that rock came from. [00:55:16] Speaker C: You see a little wave and a little needle. [00:55:20] Speaker A: Just trying to throw rocks at us? [00:55:24] Speaker C: No, I just. [00:55:25] Speaker E: He was bored and wanted to throw rocks out of town. [00:55:28] Speaker C: Hold on a moment. If I threw it at 40ft and I was in town, and that would have mean we were 20ft in town. But if we were at the outskirts of town and I threw it 40ft. [00:55:35] Speaker D: We keep getting further away from town every time it's addressed. [00:55:43] Speaker E: Zafia's good at knitting. Everyone, fun news. [00:55:47] Speaker C: Both my needles. [00:55:48] Speaker D: That's great. I love to knit. [00:55:51] Speaker F: How did you find that out? I didn't think you were going into town for arts and crafts. [00:55:57] Speaker C: Our lied. I stayed and I knitted. And this is for sprinter. [00:56:04] Speaker D: Oh, I see. [00:56:04] Speaker F: Who is Sprinter? [00:56:06] Speaker C: My horse. Pony. [00:56:08] Speaker F: You named it? [00:56:09] Speaker E: Mrs. Paisley wouldn't tell me where Adam was unless we distracted Zafir, so I had to lie to Zafir. [00:56:17] Speaker A: Oh, that makes sense. [00:56:18] Speaker F: Okay. [00:56:21] Speaker A: Just accept that so readily. [00:56:23] Speaker C: I take my knitting needles and I put it within my cloak, and it just kind of phases into the darkness. That will be important later. [00:56:30] Speaker D: What about the yarn? [00:56:31] Speaker A: Ouch. From the crowd. [00:56:33] Speaker C: I lost the yarn somewhere. [00:56:36] Speaker F: Accidentally stabbed. [00:56:38] Speaker D: Just a slide of yard cut from town to Zafir's back pocket. [00:56:42] Speaker B: All 43ft of it. [00:56:47] Speaker C: So we have good news and we have bad news. Okay, a shark gave us money, but I think you already know that. [00:56:53] Speaker A: There you go. Thunk, thunk. Two bags. [00:57:00] Speaker E: That's. [00:57:00] Speaker D: There's 240 gold in there. [00:57:04] Speaker C: Let's move on from that. [00:57:07] Speaker D: Paramount. [00:57:08] Speaker E: I was just looking at this bag and just stunned silence. [00:57:12] Speaker C: So Cornelius went south. And I don't mean in the bad way. I mean he literally traveled south. [00:57:18] Speaker E: Why? [00:57:19] Speaker C: I don't know. But he was seen going that direction and I want him to come back. [00:57:27] Speaker F: He just left? [00:57:29] Speaker C: I guess so. [00:57:31] Speaker F: That's rude. [00:57:32] Speaker D: He did try to leave, like, a week ago. [00:57:35] Speaker F: Do you know why he left? [00:57:38] Speaker C: He tried. I didn't know that. [00:57:40] Speaker D: No. I don't know. He tried to leave a bit again. I convinced him not to. [00:57:46] Speaker C: I guess that didn't just. [00:57:47] Speaker D: Yeah. What time is it? [00:57:52] Speaker C: Did you know? 43. [00:57:55] Speaker E: 2000 years old. [00:57:57] Speaker D: I don't know. How old is he? He's just really old, you know? [00:58:01] Speaker C: Oh, good morning, Val, by the way. [00:58:04] Speaker D: Good morning. [00:58:05] Speaker C: How long did you sleep? I don't think you slept very long. [00:58:08] Speaker D: About an hour. [00:58:09] Speaker A: Power nap, unfortunately. Shock. Captain Roark came by as you pointed. [00:58:18] Speaker C: Discussed. Yes, he came in. I guess they're on good terms in the town. I mean. [00:58:22] Speaker D: The Pirate king. [00:58:24] Speaker A: I returned all the goods to the town. [00:58:27] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess so. He said something about gifts and I was trying to leave and I don't. [00:58:33] Speaker E: He got obsessed with names for a bit. It's fine. Showed up to give them their supplies back. [00:58:39] Speaker C: Did you know some people are so poor they can't have first names? [00:58:42] Speaker D: It's a tragedy. Sorry, what? [00:58:43] Speaker E: I think she was being funny. Zafir. [00:58:46] Speaker F: I've never heard that. [00:58:49] Speaker C: I have been lied to many times today, and I'm not a fan. [00:58:54] Speaker D: I've only got one name. [00:58:56] Speaker C: Well, that is your first name. [00:58:57] Speaker E: Well, you have two names. [00:58:59] Speaker D: No, I've only got Vile. [00:59:01] Speaker A: Okay, well, unless you want another nap. Val. [00:59:07] Speaker E: Am I the only one with a family name? [00:59:10] Speaker C: My last name's Ren. [00:59:12] Speaker E: Oh, okay. Wait. I didn't know you had a last name. [00:59:15] Speaker C: Yes, it's from my family. I was born with it, molded by. [00:59:21] Speaker D: It. [00:59:26] Speaker C: Among other things. [00:59:27] Speaker F: This is really what we're going to talk about. [00:59:29] Speaker E: I'm sorry. I was just thinking about it. [00:59:31] Speaker A: We should think about getting going. [00:59:33] Speaker D: Oh, right. We were going to go to Joel next, right? [00:59:38] Speaker F: I have no idea. [00:59:39] Speaker E: Geordie, map. [00:59:41] Speaker D: Did we need to stop anywhere on the way? [00:59:43] Speaker F: Who else do we need to take down bad guys? [00:59:47] Speaker C: Well, question, and this may be a more of a serious question, that amulet of Urgathoa, were we going to give it to some sort of temple? Temple or whatnot? [00:59:57] Speaker E: Yes. [00:59:57] Speaker C: Where would the closest place for that be? [00:59:59] Speaker E: We're figuring that out now as I'm pulling out the map. [01:00:02] Speaker D: I'm sure there's a couple all the way to Joel. [01:00:05] Speaker F: I need Sam to stop fake yawning because he's making me yawn. [01:00:08] Speaker E: He's making me yawn every time. [01:00:11] Speaker A: I'm just ignoring it, so I don't. [01:00:13] Speaker D: Fool of you to assume I'm fake yawning. [01:00:15] Speaker B: All right, so you guys are here on the map on the outskirts of the Gringir Forest. You're about a day's journey away from Soulskin, which is over more open plains, so it's a little bit quicker to get there. It's about a day and a half to get to Tom Grove and two days to get to Joel. [01:00:37] Speaker E: It would take a little bit of extra time, but I would like. No. I don't feel safe with my family in your father's house. House, Val. [01:00:49] Speaker D: That's fair. [01:00:51] Speaker E: So I would like to sadly and regrettably move them back to Joel. [01:00:57] Speaker A: No. [01:00:58] Speaker E: What? Where else can they go? [01:01:02] Speaker A: Anywhere but Joel. [01:01:05] Speaker C: Honestly. I. I agree. I. I don't think that's a safe idea. [01:01:09] Speaker D: What about Otherton? [01:01:11] Speaker E: I'm not going to send them to other dudes. We just defeated some ghouls on the road. [01:01:15] Speaker D: My. My dad's there. He could take care of them for me. [01:01:19] Speaker C: Your dad? [01:01:22] Speaker F: Not Hamir. [01:01:24] Speaker A: I. Val, with respect to your father, I'm afraid Heimir might think that you would go back to him as well. [01:01:33] Speaker D: What? No, not Hamir. My dad. [01:01:36] Speaker B: No. [01:01:36] Speaker A: Yes, I know what you mean. [01:01:39] Speaker C: Oh, yes. Familial ties. You. You're afraid that he might target her known father. [01:01:45] Speaker E: Well, I also. I have a meeting scheduled in Tom Grove, and I might. I'd be asking a lot, but I might be able to have some other lodging. I just. I don't want them in. [01:02:02] Speaker A: I see what you mean, but Joel, Is not the place. [01:02:06] Speaker C: Copper Burger. Perhaps we could stop by, see how they're doing. And then we just did come into a large amount of coin. I figure we could possibly put them up somewhere if need be. [01:02:20] Speaker A: As I said Copper Burger, I meant. [01:02:23] Speaker C: In the same town. Tom Cruise. [01:02:25] Speaker E: I don't want them to be in Copper Pocket. [01:02:28] Speaker D: What's wrong with Copper Burger? [01:02:30] Speaker E: Personal reasons. [01:02:31] Speaker D: Oh. [01:02:33] Speaker E: All right, look, I'll figure it out. But if we can't find another spot, we'll deal with that. But I would like to swing by Tom Grove before going to Joel. [01:02:45] Speaker D: Sounds good to me. [01:02:47] Speaker A: Sure. I think address is due. [01:02:50] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:02:53] Speaker C: Alward Zephyr, if you don't mind, I. I'd like to stay away from your family, you know, for the. For the time being. [01:03:09] Speaker E: That is fine. You can stay at the bar. I guess like last time, you can. [01:03:16] Speaker D: Hang out with me. Is a fear. [01:03:18] Speaker C: Well, I figured you'd want to meet them as well. [01:03:20] Speaker D: I don't really want to go to that house, you know. [01:03:23] Speaker C: That's a good point. [01:03:26] Speaker B: All right. So it sounds like the party decision is you're going to be heading out to Tom Grove next. [01:03:33] Speaker A: Yeah, let's go to Tom Grove. [01:03:36] Speaker D: Good old Tom. [01:03:38] Speaker A: Einar wants to take part in the pits fight Egypt. [01:03:41] Speaker E: Mr. Grove. [01:03:43] Speaker A: Einar's gonna become champion of the Fighting Pits. [01:03:46] Speaker E: I assumed Einar's already champion of the Fighting Pits. [01:03:49] Speaker C: He's got his name up on the wall and everything. A picture of him holding a bill. [01:03:53] Speaker B: So we're gonna go ahead and cut about a day further. As you all have traveled closer to your destination. You're now on the road leading up to Tom Grove. This is actually the same road that you took a few weeks back on your way out of Joel when you were bringing the Volden family to Tom Grv originally. And as you're approaching the place where you fought that ice creature, you see those stones still standing across the pathway. But you see two figures with a cart near the stones. They seem to be like, panning the. Panning the soil. You know, like prospectors looking through the soil. There is a pale man and a short, like, weird metallic plant creature. [01:04:43] Speaker C: What? [01:04:45] Speaker B: What? [01:04:45] Speaker A: Really? [01:04:46] Speaker B: And that's where we'll end this episode. [01:04:48] Speaker A: I don't like that. [01:04:51] Speaker E: I don't like that at all, actually. I love that. [01:04:53] Speaker D: But I don't like that Harold and Nolan's character should look one shot. [01:04:57] Speaker B: What? What? If you don't recognize these characters, you might want to go listen to the side adventure. [01:05:03] Speaker E: Do it. It was a blast. Please do. [01:05:06] Speaker D: I was almost there. And then I wasn't. [01:05:09] Speaker E: Wherever we have the side adventure, I. [01:05:12] Speaker B: Think the hero point for today's episode is going to go to Petite simply as a thank you for going with me with that knitting thing. [01:05:24] Speaker E: I can't believe you rolled it at 20. [01:05:26] Speaker A: I can't believe he did. [01:05:27] Speaker C: That was ridiculous. [01:05:29] Speaker A: That's awesome. [01:05:29] Speaker C: Well, I appreciate this very much and I think I should probably go actually learn at least something about kn. So I'm gonna go through that. [01:05:40] Speaker D: Heck yeah. Report next episode. [01:05:43] Speaker E: Yeah, please do. [01:05:43] Speaker C: Oh boy. [01:05:45] Speaker B: And we'll see you all then. [01:05:47] Speaker E: Wow. [01:05:49] Speaker B: This has been an atomic broadcasting production. Pathfinder, Galarian and the Lost Omen's world setting are copyright of Paizo. More [email protected] Music in the show is from Monument Studios collection as well as assorted artists with some original tracks composed by Geordie Hake. More details in the description. If you enjoyed the show, please remember to share with a friend and we'll look forward to seeing you again next time. [01:06:16] Speaker C: Can we insert this at the end? I really dropped the ball. [01:06:21] Speaker E: We've moved on Petite. [01:06:24] Speaker C: But you left. [01:06:25] Speaker F: Drop the ball, walk away and leave it there and don't pick it back up.

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