Episode 46

May 13, 2024


EP. 46 Fracture

Hosted by

Jordy Hake Michael Petete Samuel Sarver Abby Fincher Michael Jenkins Sven Nerness
EP. 46 Fracture
The Written and The Lost
EP. 46 Fracture

May 13 2024 | 01:13:30


Show Notes

Tensions high and spirits low, this band of misfits must reevaluate their motives and convictions before anyone does something they can't take back...


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:05] Speaker A: You are listening to an atomic broadcasting production. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the feature presentation. And remember, do your part, such as like comment rate. And don't forget to tell a friend to tune in for an atomic time. [00:00:32] Speaker B: Now, where did we leave off? [00:00:36] Speaker A: I. [00:00:39] Speaker B: A young Kobold offered to join the team on their adventure, sparking a disagreement among the party. Val and Uwe in particular, getting into a shouting match. As Val stormed away in frustration, Zafir and Neros followed behind. [00:01:02] Speaker C: So, Sam, you met a fan. [00:01:04] Speaker D: Yes. Last weekend I met Darren. He is pretty cool. We got to talking about the podcast. He's very interested. He said that is actually the first podcast he listened to. [00:01:20] Speaker E: Really? [00:01:20] Speaker D: He's about. So he doesn't have standards, is what. [00:01:23] Speaker F: You'Re saying related to as far as podcasts go. [00:01:30] Speaker D: Oh, but it was fun. We got talking about the process because he was just very curious as to how it all works. And so I got to kind of explain all that. I talked about all the different shows that we're doing right now. So not, not just written in the lost, but I got to kind of go into detail about all that we were doing. And we had the Delta green one. Yeah, like the Delta green and the one that I. That we're also working on, which will be. It's probably already out at this point that this is released. So who knows? [00:02:01] Speaker G: Depending on if the editors can get their crap together. [00:02:03] Speaker E: Yeah, my editors. [00:02:06] Speaker C: But looking at two of them over there. [00:02:09] Speaker D: My wife and I had dinner with him, and it was a nice time. And then this weekend, we went to the comic. We hung out at the comic book store. [00:02:19] Speaker E: Oh. [00:02:19] Speaker A: Hmm. [00:02:21] Speaker D: Got to talk about comics and Star wars and art. A lot of art discussion. So that was really fun. We didn't, but it was really nice. I like hanging out with people and meeting people. [00:02:32] Speaker H: So this was pretty cool. [00:02:35] Speaker D: Like, we've gotten messages from listeners and stuff before, but it's really fun to just hang around in Springfield and meet people that know us, even though we might not necessarily know them. And I thought it was pretty cool. We had dinner again last night. [00:02:52] Speaker A: Neat. [00:02:54] Speaker D: Which was at the place right next. [00:02:55] Speaker H: To the comic book store. [00:02:56] Speaker D: So we just kind of went back. [00:02:58] Speaker H: And forth there and spent a lot. [00:03:00] Speaker D: Of time was up. [00:03:01] Speaker E: You want to plug the comic book store? It's a business. [00:03:04] Speaker D: I mean, I guess it's comic force here in town. I used to go to them in Branson, and now they're in Springfield, and it makes things a lot easier. [00:03:13] Speaker C: So you talking about somebody who really likes the show and is invested in it reminded me of a question that was asked to me by somebody who also listens to our show. Why does Albert like, contract so much? [00:03:28] Speaker E: It's how he was raised. He's in Cheliax. So from my understanding of Cheliaks and Jordy, please correct me if I'm wrong. They worship two primary deities. They worship Abadar. And then the one whose name I. [00:03:42] Speaker H: Can'T remember, the contract as medius. [00:03:45] Speaker B: Yeah, not so much. Abadar mostly. Asmodeus is like the father of contract. [00:03:50] Speaker E: Yeah, he, so, like, that's just how he was raised. And he knows that, like, if you don't have it in writing, you could be screwed. So. Yeah. Why? Contracts are great. [00:04:02] Speaker G: But I do have one last question for the. For what did you say his name is? Darren. [00:04:07] Speaker H: Darren, yeah. [00:04:08] Speaker G: What was his favorite character? [00:04:11] Speaker D: I didn't ask him. Were you afraid of the. I thought about asking him, but we were talking more about the business of it and, like, how it works, so I didn't get. Because he said he was pretty far behind. He's not as far as he wants to be into it. I didn't want to because I was afraid I would say something spoilery or something. So I didn't. I didn't like press especially specific. [00:04:32] Speaker E: He's like, I really like that hay mere fella, I hope. [00:04:36] Speaker D: Yeah. And then the second time we met. [00:04:38] Speaker H: We didn't even bring up the podcast. [00:04:40] Speaker D: Yeah, we were just talking about other stuff. So I'm hoping to see more of him here. But, yeah, I mean, like, if any of you are in the area, as long as you're not too creepy about it, like, we're not against meeting up with people. [00:04:53] Speaker G: I listen to your voice every Saturday. [00:04:57] Speaker D: I should say some of us are more likely to, like, meet up than other people, but, like, as long as. [00:05:03] Speaker H: It'S a thing and not just that's. [00:05:06] Speaker D: Creepy or showing up, you know, there's a, there's a layer to that of. [00:05:10] Speaker E: Like, just don't be a douche. Can I say that? [00:05:13] Speaker D: Yeah, basically, if there's. What's cool is if there's enough people in the area that want to get together for something that we could just do a little meetup. [00:05:20] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:05:21] Speaker D: As opposed to, like, I'm not gonna have dinner with all of you. [00:05:24] Speaker E: Vision Con. [00:05:25] Speaker G: Vision Con was this weekend. [00:05:27] Speaker D: I know next year, 2024, we're gonna start going to some conventions. Hopefully this will be out in 2024. [00:05:33] Speaker A: This will. [00:05:34] Speaker D: So we'll let you know. I plan, at least I plan to. [00:05:39] Speaker H: Go to a couple of conventions this year. [00:05:41] Speaker E: Oh, you personally in the. [00:05:42] Speaker D: In the area. And we'll try and maybe get a t shirt or something made so we can wear and show what we are. [00:05:48] Speaker E: Springfield's been doing several. [00:05:50] Speaker A: I know. [00:05:51] Speaker H: It's been great. [00:05:52] Speaker E: Amazing. Yeah. [00:05:53] Speaker G: I don't have any money. [00:05:56] Speaker C: So if. [00:05:57] Speaker D: The business expense, you can write it out. [00:06:01] Speaker C: So when this comes out in 2024. And hopefully there are a lot of you out here that'd be interested in that. Yeah, we'd totally like to meet up with some of you and see what you think of our. Hopefully your favorite character. Yeah, it is. [00:06:16] Speaker D: Man, we should have the discord up and running so we can. You guys can always just dm us on that. [00:06:23] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:25] Speaker G: Wait, is DM copyright? [00:06:27] Speaker C: No, no, that's just direct messaging. [00:06:30] Speaker G: Because in Pathfinder, we use GM. [00:06:33] Speaker E: Oh. [00:06:34] Speaker G: Everyone, a general message. [00:06:36] Speaker F: General message. [00:06:37] Speaker C: General message. [00:06:37] Speaker E: You could also generally message us on discord. [00:06:41] Speaker B: Yeah, speaking of GM's and general messages, let's jump back in. [00:06:45] Speaker E: I don't wanna. Do we have to leave? [00:06:46] Speaker C: I was about to say I've got. [00:06:48] Speaker B: A little scene for you guys first. [00:06:49] Speaker E: I love scenes. [00:06:51] Speaker B: Lightning flashes with a loud crack of thunder, a cloaked figure drags a wizard who's kicking and yelling, to a barn. The door opens and the wizard is tossed into the darkness. The door slams shut behind. Out of the darkness, Heimar speaks. [00:07:08] Speaker H: It was a simple request. Let's pray you'll change your mind here. [00:07:15] Speaker B: The wizard, grasping around for something in the darkness, mutters. What do you want? [00:07:21] Speaker H: It's very simple, really. I just need you to find someone for me. [00:07:28] Speaker E: That. [00:07:28] Speaker A: That's it. [00:07:30] Speaker B: A match is lit. Holding the match is not a hand, but more of a clawed, talons sort of conglomeration of daggers that's protruding from the cloaked figure. [00:07:45] Speaker H: Let's hope it's as simple as you think. [00:07:48] Speaker B: The match is tossed next to the wizard, who lays on the hay. As the hay begins to catch fire, the wizard's eyes adjust to be able to see in this darkness. He looks over and he makes eye contact with a rotting corpse. [00:08:01] Speaker H: Find my daughter like they failed to do. [00:08:07] Speaker B: Or the strange third arm begins moving against the wizard's neck. [00:08:12] Speaker H: Well, it's been getting hungry lately. Or it might just be getting a little bored. Now find my daughter. We're getting a little impatient. [00:08:29] Speaker B: And with that, I'm going to ask Abby, Sven and Jenkins to leave, and we'll begin our closed sessions. We're going to go ahead and pick this back up right where we left off. Val having run out from troll forge and off into the woods has been kind of mulling to herself. And in her thought she's grasped this small sapling and all of the life seems to have drained out of it, and it's just this like decayed, dried husk of a plant. And as she's letting go of this and walking away, this is the same moment that Zafir has caught up with her. So he sees that happening as he's approaching this clearing where Val is. As Zafir enters the clearing, Rustaford flies out of his the shadows of his cloak and goes up to land next to Sigirn, Val's raven. They kind of look at each other for a second and then fly off into the sky above the trees. Of course, Val and Zafir don't notice this. They're too distracted with their own concerns at this moment. [00:09:38] Speaker G: Val. [00:09:41] Speaker H: What? [00:09:42] Speaker G: I. I was worried about you. Things are very heated right now and I. I don't want you to leave. [00:09:53] Speaker H: I'm not going to leave, Sophia. I just needed some time to think about things. [00:10:02] Speaker G: Think about what? [00:10:03] Speaker H: I. I killed a man. Zafir. [00:10:06] Speaker D: I didn't even think about it. [00:10:08] Speaker G: But we all have killed people. [00:10:09] Speaker H: I've never killed anyone before. [00:10:11] Speaker E: It's. [00:10:12] Speaker H: I don't want to kill people. And I killed them without even thinking. It's the circle of life. [00:10:17] Speaker G: You. You live, you die. And if you get in the way of someone that is trying to fulfill something, you. It might happen. It's just how the world works. [00:10:28] Speaker H: There could have been a better way. Could have incapacitated him. We didn't have to kill him. [00:10:34] Speaker G: There could have been. But it's not what happened. [00:10:37] Speaker H: I know. [00:10:38] Speaker G: And you can't change it. [00:10:40] Speaker H: I know. [00:10:42] Speaker G: Unless alred can turn back time. [00:10:46] Speaker H: Why would you say something so ridiculous? [00:10:50] Speaker G: Killing someone is always hard. But sometimes it's for the greater good. [00:10:59] Speaker H: I've heard of many innocent people being killed for this greater good. I don't think there's a greater good that can be found through the death of people. [00:11:13] Speaker G: Valid. We all can make choices, but we also do have to make choices for others. Otherwise there's no connection. I've made a connection with many of you. I don't want to see that connection be broken just because you want to give someone the freedom to allow it to happen. [00:11:41] Speaker H: This isn't about that, Kobold. I'm not saying that I want her to travel with us because it is dangerous. But if someone wants to leave, you can't force them to stay. And I believe strongly in those choices. Because sometimes I don't know if I ever made a single one myself. And that scares me sometimes. [00:12:09] Speaker G: Were you ready when you left your father? [00:12:16] Speaker H: I don't know. I don't. I don't know. Um. I like to think so, yes. I've made mistakes. I've been hurt. And she kind of motions to her missing arm. Lots of bad things have happened. But I am infinitely in a better place than if I had stayed. Even though it was difficult and hurt and painful and suffered. I'm all the better for all of that. [00:12:46] Speaker G: I didn't get the choice to know if I was ready or not. When I had to leave my family, I would have given anything to be able to make the decision. But when I left, I had no choice. [00:13:08] Speaker H: I'm not saying, but I'm not trying to be a monster like that boogeyman who takes choices away from people. I'm trying to give her that choice. You weren't given a choice because of an evil monster. That's what I don't want us to be. [00:13:23] Speaker G: Severe looks over at the. The sapling that is very out of place. [00:13:31] Speaker H: Feels like you don't understand. [00:13:35] Speaker G: I don't think I ever will. But that's all right. [00:13:39] Speaker H: She sort of stands up from the water that she was sitting next to. [00:13:45] Speaker D: And she's got a lot of tears. [00:13:47] Speaker H: Running down her face. And she looks angry and frustrated and embarrassed. She kind of starts pacing. She's trying to think of something else to say. Yanks off her arm and just chucks it right at a tree and just goes, ah. [00:14:09] Speaker E: Ah. [00:14:11] Speaker H: So frustrating sometimes to not feel like I have any control over anything of my own life that's happening. I don't understand. [00:14:22] Speaker G: Val, I can guarantee you that from here on out, your decisions are your owns. Not mine, not the rest of the group, not your father's, not some deity. They're yours. [00:14:38] Speaker H: I don't know if I can do that again. The last time I made a big decision, it didn't end well. [00:14:48] Speaker G: We all make decisions. It wasn't just you. [00:14:55] Speaker H: Not talking about that. [00:14:59] Speaker G: Then what are you talking about? [00:15:04] Speaker B: Would you all mind taking off your headphones and plugging your ears for a second? No, I'm glad you wouldn't mind. [00:15:10] Speaker G: I can hear myself. [00:15:12] Speaker B: We cut to another angle and we see Neros running through the forest on her way to catch up to the other two. As she goes, the camera slowly pans down and we see a large black bird like figure sitting on a tree, watching her run. It moves as if its about to take flight. When it notices two other bird like figures that we recognize as Rustaford and Sigern flying in the sky, following as if to go along with Neros. The bird like figure we see in the foreground settles back on the branch as if to wait. Back in the clearing, we're seeing zafir and Val, still locked in their intense conversation with each other, when through the underbrush of the forest, out comes neros into the clearing. Neros. You see the two of them talking. Val is missing her prosthetic arm, which is sitting on the forest floor up against a tree. And there's like a little bit of hairline crack running along the arm. [00:16:13] Speaker F: I walk up out of the trees. [00:16:15] Speaker G: Ah, near us. Um, how's everything faring? I thought I heard shouting as I was leaving. [00:16:25] Speaker F: Yeah, we had a bit of an argument. Um. Are you alright, Val? [00:16:30] Speaker H: I. I don't know. And she goes and sits down by the water again, takes off her shoes, puts her feet in the water. [00:16:41] Speaker G: Zafir kind of just sits down in his. The spot that he is standing. I don't think we've come to any decisions. [00:16:49] Speaker F: About what? Oh, you leave. What? [00:16:52] Speaker G: No, no, nobody's leaving. [00:16:55] Speaker F: Then decisions about what, then? [00:16:58] Speaker G: Well, the conversation was about decisions. [00:17:04] Speaker H: Just continuing. Talking about what we talked about before coming to. Nothing. Just disagreements about everything. [00:17:12] Speaker G: I don't want to rehash the entire conversation that we had because it was very heated, but I think we've reached a point where we agree to disagree, probably. [00:17:28] Speaker H: Thanks for coming after me, the two of you. Um. How's everything with the others? [00:17:35] Speaker F: I don't know. Uwe and I shared a few words, and I, um. I decided to come after you to see. I don't know. I just don't appreciate him treating people like that. It's none. It's uncalled for. Yeah, I. I think he went a little too far. [00:18:03] Speaker G: You know, in a family, we all argue. [00:18:08] Speaker A: At least that's how it was. [00:18:12] Speaker F: I wouldn't know. [00:18:14] Speaker H: I hope what I experienced wasn't normal for families. [00:18:20] Speaker G: I don't think any of us had a normal childhood. [00:18:23] Speaker H: No, but what is normal? [00:18:28] Speaker F: It's a great question. [00:18:30] Speaker H: I don't like people being controlled. Yeah, but I understand letting other people make decisions when you've made bad ones. The last time I made a big decision, things didn't go very well. It's how I lost my arm. [00:18:54] Speaker G: Do you need it back? [00:18:55] Speaker H: I. No, no, it's fine. [00:18:58] Speaker G: I'm just not. Not the one that. Goody. I can go get your. [00:19:01] Speaker H: No, it's all right. I'm still sorry. I'm still reeling from having killed a man. [00:19:06] Speaker G: You get used to it. [00:19:08] Speaker H: Rather not. [00:19:11] Speaker D: Anyway, so she starts rolling up her. [00:19:14] Speaker H: Sleeve where her missing arm is and where the flesh was cut, and it's kind of healed over. There are dark, kind of blackish, almost protruding, but not quite veins there. A while back, Cornelius and I took up with another fella on a job, and it went really well. I took a real liking to him, and I think he did to me, too. And I pushed Cornelius to let him stay on and do more jobs with us, and he didn't want to. He doesn't like other people. [00:19:56] Speaker A: I relate. [00:19:56] Speaker H: But, um, he relented after a bit, and when we went off on the job a few months later, we, um, got kidnapped overnight by some people. We have bags over our heads, and I don't. I don't remember a lot of what happened, but they took something from Cornelius, and I felt this long tongue run across my arm, and something started gnawing at my arm until it came off, and it hurt a lot. And when we figured out what was happening is this cult that worshipped Ergothoa, and they were using it for some sort of ritual, and the guy that I trusted was one of them, and I started passing out. I didn't know what happened until I woke up afterwards at this wonderful big mansion. I guess Cornelius had taken us there, and he got his thing back, but I don't know what happened to my arm. And Truv was there. I guess it was his mansion, and he gave me an army, the prosthetic, which is that one there. And I kind of just let Cornelius run things from there. I know I'm arguing a lot for choices and such, but I've also kind of backtracked on making choices for myself. It's kind of easy for me to fall back into because most of my life I haven't had the opportunity to make choices for myself. But before, every now and again, I'd hear another voice calling to me, something different than Shellan or pharasma. And after I killed that man today, the voice is louder. I feel tugged in another direction, and I'm very scared, I think, with my arm. I gave it to Ergothoa, and it feels like she has a connection to me now. And I can hear her talking sometimes more strongly now. I'm very scared. [00:22:39] Speaker G: Well, remember what I said. You make your decisions. Not friends, not family, not deities. You do what you feel you should do, whether it makes somebody else happy or not. If it makes you happy. [00:22:59] Speaker H: I know. That's what I tried to do. I didn't choose to kill that plant. What if that happens to one of you next time? What if I'm being used as something more than what I want to be, and I hurt someone or I kill another person or I hurt one of you? That's not. That choice is being taken from me. It feels like all the time. [00:23:25] Speaker G: Well, then just as, like, I want to change the outcome of my family situation. We can choose to make a difference and fight who may be doing this to us. I choose to remove the problem, not to make friends with it. [00:23:46] Speaker H: But you also kill so much. I don't want to live that way. [00:23:54] Speaker G: I only kill when I need to. [00:23:59] Speaker H: She's gonna tighten up more into a little ball at the water. [00:24:05] Speaker G: Zafir's gonna go pick up the arm and just start looking at it. [00:24:08] Speaker B: It looks as though it has taken some damage from where it was thrown up against the tree. Not unfixable damage, but you would probably want to spend some time doing some repairs before setting out on the road again or find a replacement. [00:24:25] Speaker G: Would anything stand out to me as being like. So she lost her arm. She's had this attached to her for the longest time, and she's able to manipulate it. Could this be the cause of that connection? [00:24:44] Speaker B: Make a religion check. [00:24:47] Speaker G: I have a plus one to religion. It'd be a total of eight. [00:24:52] Speaker B: I mean, it's possible. But you're not sure because, you know, you're not the most religiously educated fellow around. You never know what the gods might be capable of. But you don't see any signs of that happening here. [00:25:04] Speaker G: Just gonna sit there, criss cross applesauce, holding the arm, kind of looking at it. [00:25:09] Speaker F: I'm gonna go up and sit next to her and just kind of put my arm around her shoulders. I don't have any words of wisdom, but it's gonna sound lame. It's been told to me before, even though I ignore it half the time. Don't let your past define what you can do with your life. And I kind of show her my hands. I didn't choose these. They just showed up when I was a kid. And it keeps getting worse. I don't know what it is. When I cast a spell, I hear voices in my head. Don't know what they're saying. I don't know what it is. I don't know if I should be scared of it. Run toward it, kick it in the face. I don't know what to do. With it. But half the time, I just ignore those voices and do what I want to do. And I'm not saying it's easy. I'm not saying it's going to be easy. Life is hard. And we can only do with so much with what we're handed. I'm sorry for what Jaime did to you. Because screw him. And I'm sorry for what Uwe, he's frustrated, and I think he's taking it out on you, which is not fair. You're frustrated. Everyone's frustrated. [00:26:45] Speaker G: Zefir chuckles at that statement. [00:26:51] Speaker F: But we have stuff to do. We have to stop a cult. So right now, that's what we're doing. And that's what I have to tell myself. I don't like killing people either. I don't. Every time I do, I have to go sit in a corner and meditate to find myself again, because I hate the way it makes me feel. Because every time I kill a person, those whispers are louder. So I can understand where you're coming from with that aspect, I guess. But I'm here for you. If you ever need someone to talk to. I assume Zafir is. We don't know. Whatever goes on inside his head. [00:27:43] Speaker A: Nobody does. [00:27:44] Speaker F: Yep. So you have. You have people. That's not Cornelius, that's not your father. If you ever need an ear or a shoulder to cry on, I have two of them. [00:27:59] Speaker G: I guess I'll be here if you need a hand. And he holds out the arm. [00:28:07] Speaker H: SHe chuckles a little bit, grabs the arm. I've heard that a lot. You know, the hand thing. [00:28:15] Speaker G: I'm armed with so many others. [00:28:19] Speaker H: All right. I'd rather you not continue that. Thank you both so much for being here. [00:28:27] Speaker G: Well, I'm going to go out on a limb and say we've stop it. Solved this. [00:28:33] Speaker H: Zafir? [00:28:33] Speaker E: Yes? [00:28:34] Speaker H: Come here for a second. [00:28:37] Speaker E: Okay. [00:28:39] Speaker H: As you come up close to her, she pushes you into the water and then she starts laughing a lot. [00:28:49] Speaker G: I suppose I did need a bath. [00:28:51] Speaker F: After that, I get in my satchel and throw you a bar of soap. [00:28:56] Speaker G: I just start scrubbing on top of. [00:28:59] Speaker D: My cloak and my laundry day to hospice. [00:29:03] Speaker B: His cloak becomes, like, three shades lighter. [00:29:06] Speaker F: Whoa. [00:29:07] Speaker A: It's dusty. [00:29:09] Speaker H: So this val's kind of regaining her composure and such and laughing a bit. She whistles down for Sigrun to come back. You hear the noises a raven makes? They seem a little different this time. You can feel the wind a bit as she lands on the ground. And it's about 6ft tall now. [00:29:38] Speaker D: Sigrun is now a medium sized, mature animal companion and is now larger than Zafir. [00:29:46] Speaker F: When did that happen? Why did that happen? [00:29:49] Speaker G: Rustaford, what did you do? [00:29:51] Speaker B: Rustaford lands on your shoulder and kind of hops around, like, behind your head. And he's like, it was very sudden change. I'm just as unsettled as you are. [00:30:01] Speaker G: I need to keep you under reps. Wow. [00:30:04] Speaker H: This is amazing. [00:30:06] Speaker D: He's so big. [00:30:07] Speaker E: Sigurd. [00:30:08] Speaker H: Val goes up and hugs Sigurd. Cause now she's big enough. [00:30:12] Speaker D: Hug. [00:30:13] Speaker B: And Sigrun, like, wraps her bird head around behind your head. [00:30:17] Speaker G: Can you ride that thing? [00:30:19] Speaker H: Probably not. Pharasma continues to surprise me and remind me of her works, assuming Sigrun really is from pharasmon. Like, I think this seems to lend itself a little more that something's weird about the bird. [00:30:39] Speaker G: Rusterford, can you do that? [00:30:42] Speaker B: No. At least not unaided. [00:30:45] Speaker A: All right, so get back in here. [00:30:47] Speaker H: Did you really yell at U Ver? [00:30:50] Speaker F: Yeah, just a smidge. [00:30:52] Speaker H: That's satisfying. Just a bit. Thanks for that. [00:30:57] Speaker F: I stand by a lot and not say anything, but he. He made me mad with how he was treating you. And I opened my mouth, probably shouldn't have, but I did anyway. [00:31:07] Speaker H: I appreciate it. I guess we should get heading back. [00:31:14] Speaker G: I don't know. The washing instructions on my cloak, is it tumble dry? [00:31:20] Speaker F: It's cold water, so you're fine there. You can air dry it. You can just as we. You can run and hold it behind you and flap it in the bin. [00:31:29] Speaker B: Sigrun begins, like, flapping her wings towards zafir, and it's kicking up like a notable breeze in his direction. [00:31:36] Speaker G: I'm going to hold out my cloak with mage hand. It's just going to follow behind. [00:31:45] Speaker B: With that, we're going to cut back into troll forge and we're going to see Neros as she runs past Alward heading out of troll forge, out into the woods. Alward, you see her running off. You heard her loud conversation with uweir back in the forge proper as she runs past you down the hallway. [00:32:05] Speaker E: So Albert is going to watch Nero sort of run away until, like, she's either too small or like, he can't see her. And then he's going to sort of sigh after taking in a deep breath, just. And then he's gonna go walk to u ver to see how he is open up. [00:32:31] Speaker C: So as you go down the hall and enter the forge, you may take a quick moment of where you. You heard the hammering. You heard everything. So you might have looked at the. The anvil, and you'll see a very mangled piece, piece of steel cooling down on the anvil itself and a hammer next to it. But Uwehr is not there. You'll find Uwehr sitting on the. On the ledge where the. The waterfall flows over into the pool. And next to him is his staff, which you'll recognize as the library staff, but in his hand, you'll see a very, very well worn book, an older, much older version of what he writes in every day to dictate his notes, essentially. And he's just quietly sitting there, thumbing through the pages. He doesn't quite look like he's recognized you. [00:33:41] Speaker E: You came in Alwards going to walk up behind you. He's not going to say anything yet, and he's going to try to see sort of the contents, like, just make a mental note of the contents of. [00:33:55] Speaker C: That book as you're reading it. One, it's in Dwarven, and as you're just kind of reading over his shoulder, you'll recognize the. A similar writing style to what you've seen Uwe write, you know, in the present and in the travels. But it feels younger, a young dwarf writing out his experiences. [00:34:19] Speaker A: It's. [00:34:19] Speaker C: It's more exciting, less detailed analysis that you've come to recognize from his own personal notes. It's more of a journal and less of a scholarly report. And you, if you look at the dates, you will notice that these are dated to about 250 years ago. [00:34:43] Speaker E: Howard takes a mental note of that and sort of sits down next to him, not putting his feet in the water, facing away, and is like, you know, it's okay to be scared, right? Like, we're all terrified, I'm assuming. Maybe not Zafir, but. [00:35:09] Speaker A: I am not scared of death, my friend. [00:35:14] Speaker E: No. Um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I overheard your conversation. Everyone overheard your conversation. And I know you're not scared to die, very old, but I know you don't want us to die. You feel like we're wasting some time. [00:35:41] Speaker A: I don't know if I'm a good judge of what is wasting time. I don't know where I am in time. I read this book, you see, the first book I started writing in to document my travels and discoveries over 250 years ago. And I have several of these books, you see, 300 years of memories both in these books and in my own head, and I don't know how much of those are real or how much is missing. [00:36:39] Speaker E: Well, um, I can't really speak for loss of memories or for the realness of them. But if I've learned anything just within the past week is that everything is variable. So I don't think it matters what memories are real and what ones are missing as long as you make them. You know, people will remember how you speak to them, will remember how you interact, even if you don't. Um, so I don't. I don't really think that helps in this situation, but, um. [00:37:25] Speaker A: It is enough. [00:37:27] Speaker C: As he sets the book down and then it zoops into the library staff. [00:37:34] Speaker A: Yep. Just like that. You are right. In many senses, you are right. But who is Uweir? A scholar. An old judgmental dwarf, as some would call me. A seeker of knowledge, as I've always thought I am. Am I at adventure? Am I good? Am I secretly bad? What are the lives that I have led that I no longer know? [00:38:14] Speaker E: Um, again, I'm not trying to interrupt you, Uwe. Um. I think Uwe. Whoever Uwe wants to be. You're literally talking to someone who died two days ago, and nobody remembers that. And I don't think. Am I dead? I mean, I do quite often now, but I'm not. I'm still here, and I'm trying my best to be who I want. [00:38:48] Speaker A: I have lived a memory my whole life trying to figure out and seek knowledge about culture and runes and hidden fairy tales. My life feels like a fairy tale. I don't know what I am, Howard. I. I don't know who I am anymore. I know what I feel. But it is becoming more apparent that these gaps, these pieces that were given away or taken from me or whatever, are affecting me more than I would have thought. And Val is right. In some sense, I am forcing my will on. On someone. [00:39:55] Speaker E: I didn't want to bring it up, but, yeah, you. I don't agree that she shouldn't come with us, but it's not up to you or Val. It's up to Ruby. [00:40:03] Speaker A: Well, I guess I can. I'm not going to stop her from coming physically. I don't want to see someone get involved once they don't know the true measure of what they're getting involved in. [00:40:20] Speaker E: I got involved. I didn't want to. I was sort of forced to. [00:40:24] Speaker A: Right? [00:40:25] Speaker E: And I'm not saying that makes it right, but what I am saying is I probably would have made the same decision. I don't like where I am, and I don't like having my life threatened almost every other day. But if I wasn't here, then I would just be waiting for my family to get harmed. And what if that Kobold feels the same way? [00:40:57] Speaker A: Does the Kobold know? See, you were forced into it. And you may say that you would have made the same decision. And I cannot argue against that. I know how much you love your family and you would do anything to protect them. This Kobold wants to join for no other reason than the sense of adventure to me. I would rather not have a life so fragile. Join what can most likely be certain death. [00:41:33] Speaker E: You're being very presumptuous. Kobolds are very hearty creatures. And she is a scout. She has to fend off wolves, bears. [00:41:42] Speaker A: She is young. [00:41:43] Speaker E: I'm young. And you need to stop looking at being young as a hindrance. You can't look at it and say it's a hindrance, or they don't know anything or. Or they're throwing it away. Life is a constant. A constant barrage of challenges. And you either meet them or it kills you. [00:42:07] Speaker A: Ah, I see. I see. There it is. I do often say that things are young. And I forget that most of the party is. Is much younger than I am. [00:42:28] Speaker E: Not more than six months ago you would have called me too young. But now I'm here. [00:42:37] Speaker A: But you are not. [00:42:38] Speaker E: Now that's what I'm getting at. Uwe, you have to give people a chance. [00:42:44] Speaker A: Albert, we are in danger in every step of this journey. Not because of the. The arid sense, not necessarily because of them. But there is also Zafir and this thing that is hunting him. [00:43:01] Speaker C: Alright, Jordy, what does having or not having a soul? Due to the afterlife. [00:43:08] Speaker B: So for this one, go ahead and roll. Religion or nature? [00:43:15] Speaker C: Because this is rather important to me. [00:43:17] Speaker B: Sven has turned in a hero point to re roll that check. [00:43:21] Speaker C: 26. [00:43:24] Speaker B: So, you know, with regards to the boogeyman, what would happen if a soul is consumed is that it is gone. It doesn't move on to the afterlife. It just ceases to exist. And nothing short of a 10th level spell can restore it. [00:43:44] Speaker A: What? I thought. [00:43:47] Speaker E: Who would have guessed? Not having a soul means you don't exist. [00:43:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:43:52] Speaker C: Worth their hero point. [00:43:54] Speaker E: It is. [00:43:55] Speaker B: Because you know this. This isn't Uwe. Guessing you've read about this before? [00:44:00] Speaker A: Yes, this is. [00:44:02] Speaker C: His memory's finally catching up to him. Go figure. Actually, hold on. Uvar grabs his staff and suddenly this. There's a surge of energy and another book pops out in his hand. And he slowly opens it and thumps through the pages and turns it towards you. [00:44:28] Speaker A: Albert, would you have joined this party if you had known this could happen to both you and your family. [00:44:39] Speaker E: He magicked a book out of a staff. [00:44:42] Speaker C: I have my set of books that I've kept writing in, of fairy tales and stuff. [00:44:46] Speaker B: Oh, okay. That makes sense. [00:44:48] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:44:48] Speaker B: So it's a specific story that you've heard, which you were just recalling knowledge, remembering that you've written down. That makes sense. Okay. [00:44:54] Speaker A: Yes. [00:44:55] Speaker C: So there you go. [00:44:57] Speaker E: That's not the point of what we're getting at, Ver. [00:45:01] Speaker A: I don't want her blood on my head. [00:45:03] Speaker E: And I'm not saying we don't give them the options, but her blood would not be on your head just as much. My blood would not be on yours or Zafir's or Nero's or Val's. If I die here and I leave my family alone with nothing, which is something I am terrified of, that's on me. But I choose to stay because I know if I just pick them up and run away, it's not going to solve anything. It never solved anything. You're inserting what you think to be best on something that has an active will. It isn't an animal. It isn't a pet. It's a person. It's a being. [00:45:52] Speaker A: You're right about one very specific thing. You're right about a lot of things. But this isn't about the cobalt. It started as a cobalt. But speaking with Val, arguing with Val, I realized that I don't even know if I want. Know what I want out of this. I don't belong here, Howard. I don't. I am an enigma. I am something that should not exist. [00:46:34] Speaker E: You are a very. [00:46:36] Speaker A: No, very old dwarf, Albert. Don't you. You see? You called me old dwarf. And yes, I am old, but I am not. Don't you see that I am not an old dwarf? Ah, my beard is white. My hair is white, and. But I am not old. An old dwarf cannot do the things that I am doing. I don't feel old. I don't feel my age. If I was truly one of my people, I utmost would be on my bed, dictating to a young dwarf my adventures, unable to even get up and eat without help. 300 years of memories. And I think that I have lived my life as I have written out in these books. But I have found that that is not the case. So what have I lived my life out as? I don't know. I don't know how to think about my experiences anymore. My perception of who I am and what I am doing and why I am doing it is skewed I dont know how helpful my experiences are. Perhaps I have been speaking more as a fool, basing it on a life experience that may not exist. [00:48:34] Speaker E: That's really up for you to choose. [00:48:37] Speaker A: I want to know. [00:48:38] Speaker E: Albert. [00:48:41] Speaker A: I don't want to choose. [00:48:43] Speaker E: I want to know the thing about time. You can't. It doesn't go back. Except in the very rare cases. [00:48:54] Speaker A: I don't. [00:48:55] Speaker E: You get what I'm saying? [00:48:56] Speaker A: I don't wish to go back in time. I wish to find out what has been lost or what I have lost. [00:49:06] Speaker E: And I do understand that. But right now, I feel like it's best if you just look to the future. Because very soon in the future, you. Oh, Val. An apology. And I hope she has the grace to give you one, too. Um, but also, you probably owe neros an apology. And im assuming theyre going to continue to be mad at you. [00:49:33] Speaker A: Ah, you are probably right. But that doesnt change what I feel now. Howard. I don't know if I can look to the future without the fear of losing it again as I have before. [00:49:58] Speaker E: I'll make you a deal, I promise you. And I'll write it out if you want me to. That if you lose your memory of the past time that we've been traveling together, I will piece it back together for you so you don't have to spend as much time pondering it. I'm sure there's a spell that I can learn or find or a scroll that lets me impart a massive amount of information on you in a very short amount of time. So I will pick one of those up next time I'm in town or next time I can. And keep it handy. For if you lose your memory again. [00:50:49] Speaker A: I appreciate that, Albert. I do. And I hope I would never have to use it. Or we would never have to use it. And I hope you understand I can't continue on any longer as I am without answers. These memories that I have lost are still a part of me. And the holes that they have left are affecting me, whether I wish them to or not. That is more evident to me now. I thought I could continue on. I thought that I could still be apart and be as I feel that I am. But I am losing myself little by little as time goes on. And this outburst is evidence of that. So I must find myself again, and I must do it soon. There is someone I wish to talk to. [00:52:29] Speaker B: I think at this point we're going to hear the others beginning to make their way into trill forge. [00:52:35] Speaker E: Just try to keep it calm. I know how dangerous or harmful it is to go with your emotions. [00:52:52] Speaker B: And now that we've got everybody back in Zafir, Neros, and Val, you three have made it back from the woods, and you're beginning to walk into the forge proper. Back at troll forge, where we still have Alward and Uver, who have been in a conversation this whole time. [00:53:10] Speaker G: Are the doors on the thing? [00:53:12] Speaker B: Yes, the doors have been set back in place, and they are currently open. [00:53:15] Speaker G: I was wondering if he had done that while we were gone. Look, the doors are back. He must have gotten to work quickly. I wonder if your arms done. [00:53:24] Speaker H: I think it's gonna take a little bit longer than just a day. I think we're gonna need to stay. [00:53:29] Speaker D: A little bit while we plan out. [00:53:31] Speaker H: What we're doing in the future and. [00:53:33] Speaker D: Just rest here for a bit. [00:53:35] Speaker G: I'm gonna peek my head in. What's going on in the room? [00:53:39] Speaker B: As you peek your head into the forge proper, you see Alward and Uwe, who seem to be in a very intense but quiet conversation. [00:53:49] Speaker E: I would say the conversation probably ended. [00:53:52] Speaker B: It's kind of trailing off. Alward looks done, but Uwe looks like he still has more to say, so. [00:53:57] Speaker G: It'S not a psychic tool. [00:53:58] Speaker D: Are pilgrim or Cornelius there? [00:54:01] Speaker B: They're in the front room, like the entryway, you might say. [00:54:05] Speaker H: I'm gonna go over to Cornelius and Pilgrim. [00:54:08] Speaker G: Okay. [00:54:11] Speaker F: What. [00:54:12] Speaker B: What's Neros doing? [00:54:14] Speaker F: Uh, I'm gonna follow Val because I don't want to be near Uvair. [00:54:19] Speaker E: Albert is going to stand up, look at Uwe and say, maybe give them some time, but, you know, and then I'm gonna walk to see what happens, see if everyone's okay. [00:54:33] Speaker B: So, as you walk into the, like, the entryway, the atrium area, you notice that Val is holding her prosthetic arm. [00:54:42] Speaker D: It's in my bag. [00:54:43] Speaker B: Oh, it's in your bag. So she doesn't have her bonus arm on bonus arm. [00:54:49] Speaker H: When you actually see where the arm. [00:54:51] Speaker D: Was cut, it's got these black veins. [00:54:54] Speaker H: In it, and when she sees you guys coming out, she lowers it down. [00:54:59] Speaker E: It's just me. [00:55:01] Speaker G: I'm gonna head towards where Uwe is and his room. [00:55:05] Speaker B: The forge is now Uva's room. [00:55:08] Speaker F: How fitting for a dwarf. [00:55:10] Speaker A: Yes. [00:55:11] Speaker E: Are you okay, Val? Neros. [00:55:14] Speaker H: I'm fine. [00:55:16] Speaker E: Enough. You good? [00:55:19] Speaker F: Yeah. Yeah. All good. As long as he stays over there. [00:55:24] Speaker E: You can't stay mad at him forever. [00:55:26] Speaker F: Watch me. [00:55:28] Speaker E: I mean, that's your prerogative, but I. [00:55:31] Speaker H: We just need time. [00:55:33] Speaker E: I know. [00:55:33] Speaker H: Award. [00:55:34] Speaker E: I know. [00:55:35] Speaker H: No, one can give us time other than time itself. [00:55:39] Speaker E: Curious. I've lost time. [00:55:40] Speaker F: Are you okay? [00:55:41] Speaker E: I'm fine. If it helps, and I doubt it does. I talk to him a bit and he understands a little more about where you were coming from. But, um, I just want to make sure everyone is okay and is at least able to attempt to look past it. And it. I didn't want you guys to come over here and brood. [00:56:07] Speaker H: And I have a lot to think about. Call it brooding if you want. [00:56:12] Speaker B: Meanwhile, in the forge, in Uvair's room. [00:56:19] Speaker E: At least you get a good room. [00:56:21] Speaker G: So Zafir is going to just walk in and immediately stand with his back facing the lava pit and just t pose, because he needs to dry his clothes. [00:56:40] Speaker F: Oh, that's right. [00:56:45] Speaker D: He's wet. He's very wet. [00:56:47] Speaker E: He's very wet. [00:56:48] Speaker F: No, it's just him. [00:56:50] Speaker D: My feet are wet. [00:56:51] Speaker B: There's little puddles where his feet have stepped coming into the room. [00:56:56] Speaker G: So what's you wear doing? I don't know what I'm staring at here. [00:57:04] Speaker C: Yeah, very confused. U ver. U ver. Would just. You would. You would kind of see Uvar being lost in thought, and as you walk in and just t pose, you'd see him kind of come back into the present a little bit, and seeing you just outlined slightly in the, in the, in the light dripping, he would just go, Chuko. [00:57:37] Speaker A: Swimming zefir? [00:57:39] Speaker G: More or less. It was not my decision. [00:57:48] Speaker E: What happened? [00:57:51] Speaker G: Quite intimidating, isn't it? [00:57:55] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [00:58:00] Speaker A: Why did you take an unintentional swim and this cold climb? [00:58:05] Speaker G: Well, if it was unintentional, I couldn't give you a reason. I didn't. [00:58:14] Speaker A: Who made you take a swim? [00:58:17] Speaker G: Zafir just lowers his arms. How dry do you think you'd be after standing next to some lava? [00:58:23] Speaker B: Pretty dry. You stood next to the lava? And you also had a bunch a bit of wind on the way over, too. [00:58:29] Speaker G: Well, I. I may have been pushed. It's all right. Probably deserved it. I deserve a lot of things. So how did it go in here? [00:58:43] Speaker A: I'm not sure I understand your question. [00:58:46] Speaker G: Well, I mean, we had a wonderful conversation for the most part. I was just wondering if you, I don't know, duked it out in here or spoke or, I don't know, did one of alwards mind thingies. No, I figured maybe something was going on if you guys had an ice cream social at a tea party. [00:59:11] Speaker A: No, we had a good conversation. A very insightful conversation, I would say that's. That's. [00:59:22] Speaker G: That's very, very good. I'm not very good at this. Talking one on one. [00:59:34] Speaker A: I know you aren't necessarily one of the people I really need to say this to, but I am sorry, Zafir. See, emotions that I was displaying, the words that I were saying were not all true. I still dont think this little cobalt should come. But I would not force the cobalt to do one thing or the other. That is foolish. She can follow if she wishes. I cant stop that. But I also think that if we are going to allow her that choice, we should inform her of all the dangers that she would face with us. The fact that her very existence can be erased completely with no afterlife. She should be informed. Because that is what your bogeyman will do, is erase us from his existence. [01:00:42] Speaker G: I'm worried for all of us, because none of us seem to have direction. I know that we have an end goal, and I know that we're making decisions as they come. But none of us seem to be the leading or driving force of any of this. We're all a big group of people and things that just don't seem to get along right. [01:01:09] Speaker A: I agree to extend my friend. I have a direction, and I think I know where it needs. I need to go. But first, I think I need to speak to two of our group. One in particular. [01:01:29] Speaker G: You being the only one who's shown any direction. I will follow you. [01:01:36] Speaker A: He doesn't answer. At least verbally. [01:01:40] Speaker C: He just. [01:01:41] Speaker A: You. [01:01:42] Speaker C: It's hard to say. A physical stance of acceptance, but he accepts your words as true and. But he doesn't have the words to portray what that feels, feeling like meant to him. And he just gets up, picks up his staff. And you see him get to the doorway before he gets to the hall that leads to everybody else. He stops at the door and perhaps for a brief moment, a brief flash. For the first time, he looks old. But then he straightens his shoulders and you hear a sigh as he walks into the room. [01:02:32] Speaker H: If Val sees you kind of coming over, she does a little whistle motion. Sigurd flies in. She is now about 6ft tall, bigger. [01:02:43] Speaker D: Than most of you guys. [01:02:44] Speaker H: And she kind of gets in between me and you. [01:02:48] Speaker C: What does everybody else do? How about that? [01:02:50] Speaker A: I am your shadow when I thank you. [01:02:53] Speaker F: See uweir walk into the room. Sigrun goes in front of Val. And I kind of step beside Sigrun. [01:02:59] Speaker E: Alord just looks a little disappointed that this is going on. And he doesn't really do anything. He's just like, meh. [01:03:16] Speaker C: As all that happens, you neros, and Al word, you'll see u ver walk in. And while it's not surprised, he looks disappointed, but perhaps not in the same sense that you are disappointed. His is more of an affirmation of what we discussed. [01:03:39] Speaker D: I mean, dude, it's been, like, less than an hour since we blew up at each other. I'm not gonna talk to you right now. [01:03:46] Speaker F: It's still very fresh. [01:03:47] Speaker D: Super fresh for everybody. [01:03:51] Speaker B: Overall, it's been about a half an hour. [01:03:54] Speaker A: I want that to be longer. [01:03:55] Speaker E: Too bad. [01:03:56] Speaker G: In the grand scheme of things, you could have cooled off at least a little, and she may still be holding a grudge. [01:04:02] Speaker B: With what you've told me is going through Uwe's mind, I feel like Uwe is actually not thinking about the amount of time that's elapsed since that conversation. He's thinking more about the amount of time prior to that conversation. So then it would make sense for him to not really be thinking about this just happened a half an hour ago, because he's thinking more in terms of everything else. [01:04:25] Speaker A: I realize that emotions are high now, and I am sorry for that. I know I said words that were unnecessary and not right, and I realize that you are upset, and understandably so. I am sorry. I truly am. And I feel that the words that I spoke weren't really about sickle bolt ruby. I think that's obvious for everyone. [01:05:15] Speaker E: Let him cook. [01:05:17] Speaker A: As I've continued traveling with all of you, I've done so under the idea that I knew how I was, that I had all of this experience, 300 years, that I was guiding you along and being helpful in that manner. A simple guide, but I don't know. I have no idea who I am truly, and I can no longer ignore that. I am leaving. [01:06:01] Speaker B: I would like to interject for the audience's benefit. Everyone in the room just sharply turned to look at Sven. [01:06:09] Speaker A: I am heading to a place where I think I can find answers, and I'm going to go soon. But I am not going to say I am going to go alone. I am going to the forest. We have business there. I have business there. If you wish to follow, I will welcome you. If you wish to part ways, then I wish you all the best. And if I find my memories and the answers I seek, I will do my best to seek you out. Out, each of you, and I will still fight this fight, even on my own. But I don't think that a dwarf who has lost his past can best fight for the future. [01:07:15] Speaker E: Howard just feels like you completely missed the point of our conversation now and he's just looking at you like what? [01:07:24] Speaker C: That's where I said. I don't think any of you truly understood Uwe. To an extent, I agree. Including Howard. [01:07:33] Speaker E: I never thought I did. [01:07:35] Speaker H: There were no moments called it. [01:07:39] Speaker G: So, as you trail off, Zafir is just kind of standing behind you about 10ft with his jaw just straight down. [01:07:49] Speaker H: From the other side of Sigirn. Val says, none of us here I don't believe know who we are. But I've learned more about who I am since I've met my friends here. And I don't think you should go alone. As much as we might disagree about some things, you are a good man and you shouldn't cut yourself off to try and find answers. [01:08:25] Speaker A: Wise words fell. And I take some seriously. I don't wish to go alone. If I thought that I could continue on as I am, I would. It's as if I am forging ahead in this world with a void pulling me back. It is also not my past that I am searching for. Not only my past, but the past of others. And he glances at neros. But if I find out more about what I have lost, I think it will shed light on the fight that we are in now. [01:09:13] Speaker E: You are an incredibly selfish and thick headed old dwarf. We have to make a stop by a town first. But I suppose the forest is the next best place is any. You can't run away. I made a promise, remember? How am I supposed to keep track of everything you do if you're not with us? [01:09:39] Speaker G: Zafir's mouth is drying out. [01:09:43] Speaker F: When are you planning on going? Tonight? Tomorrow? [01:09:47] Speaker A: Tomorrow? [01:09:48] Speaker F: I'm not giving you an answer tonight. I'm just not. I understand where you're coming from, I get it. But I'm too much in my head right now. [01:10:01] Speaker A: Then I will ask tomorrow and I understand. [01:10:07] Speaker F: Oh, he understands something for once. [01:10:13] Speaker A: Ah, yes. I guess for once Val's gonna kinda. [01:10:18] Speaker D: Puts her arm around neros and starts walking towards the forge room. [01:10:23] Speaker F: What's happening? [01:10:25] Speaker A: You're gonna get pushed into lava. [01:10:26] Speaker D: And when they're walking past Uwe, she stops, grabs her prosthetic arm, puts it in your hand and it's like cracked. [01:10:36] Speaker H: Right down the middle. [01:10:38] Speaker B: And the camera just kind of zooms in on the arm as that crack just like snaps a little wider. And that's where we'll end this episode. This has been an atomic broadcasting production. Pathfinder, Galarian and the lost omens world setting are copyright of Paizo more [email protected]. Music in the show is from Monument Studios collection as well as assorted artists with some original tracks composed by Jordi Hayes. [01:11:13] Speaker A: Week. [01:11:13] Speaker B: More details in the description if you enjoyed the show, please remember to share with a friend and we'll look forward to seeing you again next time.

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